150,000 Americans Dead

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Quote: I find it ironic that some are completely ok with stacks of bodies of “the weak”, so that Amber stays employed at her bartending job. Amber can still drive Postmates, throw boxes at Amazon. It’s not the end of the world, as it was posted unemployment rate is still around 7%

So my father is 84 and would be considered "weak" as he has led a hard working life and has many health problems. His take is that he has led a good life and refuses to hide away from his children and grandchildren to try to preserve his life. He goes to the store, eats out, and invited the entire family to Thanksgiving. He is about as non-"weak" as anyone I know and I would be willing to bet that many of the "victims" of the virus are living their lives just as they want.
Quote: I find it ironic that some are completely ok with stacks of bodies of “the weak”, so that Amber stays employed at her bartending job. Amber can still drive Postmates, throw boxes at Amazon. It’s not the end of the world, as it was posted unemployment rate is still around 7%
What about the bar owner? His/her/their financial ruin is considered acceptable collateral damage?
Quote: What about the bar owner? His/her/their financial ruin is considered acceptable collateral damage?
I would be fine for some government help for businesses ordered to close or limit service...tax breaks/deferrals, loans, etc. I'm generally a free market kind of person but nows not a time for austerity imo
Quote: Anyone who is "weak", "at risk", identifies as "at risk", or is simply chicken can stay home. Essentially zero risk, maybe clorox wipe your food delivery.
Every time you repeat this lie, I am compelled to correct you.

I want to remind you that you just sound like entitled and spoiled airline pilot. The isolation that you encourage isn't feasible for many. Unless you want to reach into those deep pockets to pay for income support while they isolate, which I'm sure you don't.

There is no isolation in America. People need to work to pay the rent. Those who need care need healthcare workers.

And to call them "chicken" only shows how much you don't get it. This is not some daredevil challenge to beat, because 300,000 dead people never wanted to play in the first place.

I beg you to start learning soon, or at least stop repeating the lie. Because I'm tired of correcting you.
Back on August 6th, This article was posted. Some of you went through the routine of scoffing and spitting out "That's preposterous!!"
Quote: I gotchu boo.

Read more here:

Quote: That nonsense was written by idiots. It barely breaks 200,000 max but I’m sticking with my 180,000 prediction.

And yet here we are.

December 11th. 300,000 dead. Next stop: 500,000 dead in April. Let the scoffing begin about that number.

Do everyone a favor, isolate as much as you can. Wear a mask. Stay home.
Quote: Every time you repeat this lie, I am compelled to correct you.

I want to remind you that you just sound like entitled and spoiled airline pilot. The isolation that you encourage isn't feasible for many. Unless you want to reach into those deep pockets to pay for income support while they isolate, which I'm sure you don't.

There is no isolation in America. People need to work to pay the rent. Those who need care need healthcare workers.

And to call them "chicken" only shows how much you don't get it. This is not some daredevil challenge to beat, because 300,000 dead people never wanted to play in the first place.

I beg you to start learning soon, or at least stop repeating the lie. Because I'm tired of correcting you.
so many small business owners should be FORCED to shut down and lose their income/health insurance/financial solvency because...those who think they are at high risk CHOOSE to not take proper precautions. (Including temporarily changing jobs, if they feel it necessary)

you have a choice to participate in society or not. No one is making you work at your current job. You can always get a telecommuting job or find something that suits your Lifestyle BUT..you can self isolate if you think it is what is best for your health. Except for a few limited circumstances No one is FORCING you to leave your home.
Quote: so many small business owners should be FORCED to shut down and lose their income/health insurance/financial solvency because...those who think they are at high risk CHOOSE to not take proper precautions. (Including temporarily changing jobs, if they feel it necessary)

you have a choice to participate in society or not. No one is making you work at your current job. You can always get a telecommuting job or find something that suits your Lifestyle BUT..you can self isolate if you think it is what is best for your health. Except for a few limited circumstances No one is FORCING you to leave your home.
What planet do you live on? The bills are still due. The bosses still need you to come in.

I'm often blown away by how out-of-touch pilots can be with how real jobs work. Most people don't have the luxury to stay home. And workplace exposure is the highest source of transmission right now.
Quote: What planet do you live on? The bills are still due. The bosses still need you to come in.

I'm often blown away by how out-of-touch pilots can be with how real jobs work. Most people don't have the luxury to stay home. And workplace exposure is the highest source of transmission right now.
You need to stay home from your job, otherwise you're killing Grandma. Why do you want old people to die?
Quote: What planet do you live on? The bills are still due. The bosses still need you to come in.

I'm often blown away by how out-of-touch pilots can be with how real jobs work. Most people don't have the luxury to stay home. And workplace exposure is the highest source of transmission right now.
well considering I’ve been working a few non flying jobs in the past few years to supplement my income I’d say I’m pretty grounded in my assessment. (Not like running a side business, like working for a construction company as a worker) also most of my friends are not pilots, I understand how jobs in many fields work

If you feel your job is too risky you can quit and work somewhere else. I’ve done it in the past (not due to COVID but I thought the risks at my job were not worth the $$$) you are arguing because Joe is high risk but his bills still need to get paid; Pete, who is not high risk, needs to forgo his pay and health insurance because of the business he runs. Even though Joe can choose to self isolate, find a work from home job, and maybe dip into savings if necessary, Pete should be ruined because we can’t inconvenience Joe.
Quote: You need to stay home from your job, otherwise you're killing Grandma. Why do you want old people to die?
How do you stop it? We couldn’t stop it BEFORE COVID.

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