-700 at the MX hangar in ATW

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Quote: Hey man, appreciate you keeping tabs on my posts. You are a regular in visiting my profile, as your name is always on there. Pretty cool that you take the time to check in and follow me like a lost puppy.
Someone thinks highly of themselves I see.
Quote: Someone thinks highly of themselves I see.
No, actually that would be you that thinks quite highly of me it would appear. Your actions prove it.
Quote: No, actually that would be you that thinks quite highly of me it would appear. Your actions prove it.
Whatever delusion gets you through the day sport.
Quote: Whatever delusion gets you through the day sport.
Sucks to get busted doesn't it? Then to add insult to injury by calling the person who called you out delusional.
Quote: I dont think giving up years of senority and downgrading myself to go be a new FO at Sky Weisel would put me in a financial position to buy you a beer, but thanks for the offer!
I have to say it but they is the most active and interesting thread on APC, so things are pretty bad in the speculation and fun world.

I think that if you do go to SkyW that your financial position will be greatly improved in about 6 months and if you give me any credit in your decision to go there that you will gladly buy me that beer. Gojet survival? Odds are against it for the next 8 months and even less (obviously) long term. SkyW isn't going anywhere and they are expecting much more flying. Skywest is transitioning people from the CRJ to the ERJ, they are already short of captains on the ERJ. They are upgrading onto the ERJ. They just took 25 planes from Expressjet and are behind.

If they do get even more planes then the lose, then upgrades will be fast and you will make twice as much as SkyW than you make at Gojet. You need to get in that first class. I want that damm beer!
Will you people get off our thread. This is where we come to do dope nunchuck tricks, and hope for brighter days not involving the deuce that will never arrive. Then y’all bring us down with your crap.
Quote: Sucks to get busted doesn't it? Then to add insult to injury by calling the person who called you out delusional.
There’s that delusional koolaid again. Have you considered something beside collecting empty bottles?
Quote: There’s that delusional koolaid again. Have you considered something beside collecting empty bottles?
Once again, sucks to be busted doesn't it?
Quote: Once again, sucks to be busted doesn't it?
I see you went with St.George’s Grape, good for you branching out.
Quote: I see you went with St.George’s Grape, good for you branching out.
The champagne of victory. Much better tasting than the sour milk you guys have to suck down.
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