You’re a non-rev??? GO SIT DOWN!!!

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Quote: Yeah, I’m specifically asking about non-reving. I know the etiquette for JS. But he underline “on your own airline” after saying non-rev. I’ve never heard of a rule where you are required to ask the captain for a seat in the back when non-reving, regardless of what airline you are on.

🤷🏻‍♂️. I think he was talking about OAL jumpseaters as the opposite of non-revving on your own airline. In between shaking his fist at the moon, though, I could have missed his point.
Quote: My company doesn’t require offline jumpseaters to check in if they have a seat in the back. Our gate agents specifically tell them not to stop by the cockpit, so I can see where the confusion comes from.

Seems odd to me to kick someone out of a passenger seat because they have an expired medical. If they pull out their phone and pay for a Zed fare, now they’re safe? I’m glad my manuals don’t require me to care about that.
I believe you’re at JetBlue. If I’m jumpseating on JBLU and the gate agent tells me to just take my seat, I still go and ask for the ride. Because unless I’m unaware, does the gate agent own the jumpseat or does the captain?

From the ALPA jumpseat guide for JetBlue..

“Riding the jumpseat is at the Captain's discretion. Upon boarding, all pilots are expected to introduce themselves to the Captain and request permission to ride, even if assigned a cabin seat.”

Again, jumpseating is a privilege, not a right. I still don’t understand the group of knuckleheads that don’t get it. Should I paste the link again of the cartoon telling everyone what to do and what’s expected?
At Alaska, the captain owns both jumpseats inside the cockpit. If you have been given a cabin seat you are no longer listed as a jumpseater. There is no way for the flight crew to know that you are back there and the captain has zero say on who rides in the main cabin. The CSA owns all of those empty seats and does with them what they will. I never mind if someone wants to stop up but could care less if you walk on and turn right.. And if you are an Alaska pilot just walk on go find your seat. No need for awkward niceties at all
It’s always been so weird to me that you have to check in when you have a seat in the back. Especially when the captain wants to see all your documents too. I do it anyways because I don’t want to get yelled at.

Last summer on DL coming from BDL to ATL the captain wasn’t up front and the line was busy so I asked the FA and popped my head up front and said hello nicely to the FO and gave her my captains copy pass and told her I had a seat in the back, she was cool with it and I went and sat down.

20 minutes later I see her walking down the isle with her eyes completely rolled back and she said the captain wanted to see me documents. We had to fight traffic for 10 minutes up a 737 isle just to show this dude my medical. What a power trip, and also a waste of time.
Man I don’t know where you guys are finding these stiff-a$$ed DL crews but I must be lucky because I have NEVER been asked for license/medical when getting a seat in the back and even in the cockpit it’s only maybe half the time. Usually they just look at my badge and say ‘welcome aboard’.
Quote: Man I don’t know where you guys are finding these stiff-a$$ed DL crews but I must be lucky because I have NEVER been asked for license/medical when getting a seat in the back and even in the cockpit it’s only maybe half the time. Usually they just look at my badge and say ‘welcome aboard’.
what’s funny to me is how upset and indignant people get when delta crews…*checks notes*…follow their FOM.
Quote: Man I don’t know where you guys are finding these stiff-a$$ed DL crews but I must be lucky because I have NEVER been asked for license/medical when getting a seat in the back and even in the cockpit it’s only maybe half the time. Usually they just look at my badge and say ‘welcome aboard’.
One of the first times I ever jumpseated, this rather old American Captain looks at me completely straight-faced and said, “Just show me a hotel pen so I know you’re a pilot.” Of course I had one in my bag too.
Quote: One of the first times I ever jumpseated, this rather old American Captain looks at me completely straight-faced and said, “Just show me a hotel pen so I know you’re a pilot.” Of course I had one in my bag too.
Hilarious. I’m gonna steal this.
Quote: One of the first times I ever jumpseated, this rather old American Captain looks at me completely straight-faced and said, “Just show me a hotel pen so I know you’re a pilot.” Of course I had one in my bag too.
This made me chuckle but it would no longer work. Since COVID I have to buy pens now.
Quote: This made me chuckle but it would no longer work. Since COVID I have to buy pens now.
Found the imposter. Lock ‘em up!
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