The right Culture!

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Quote: Thanks for the link. Locked and loaded into iPad.

Looks like it needs updating.

Let's look at the numbers listed.

Ual scabs = 935. Quite a bit more than 3. Roughly 312 times more.

Cal has/had more than double the number of scabs.

Would be interesting to see on an updated list where the Pan Am and Eal scabs ended up.

Thanks again for the link.
In Aug 2007, 135 SCABS were still on the UAL seniority list. That is when the last SCAB mandatory retirement took place. There are certainly less now.

Quote: In Aug 2007, 135 SCABS were still on the UAL seniority list. That is when the last SCAB mandatory retirement took place. There are certainly less now.

Any chance you can send me a PDF with all their company ID pictures and dates of hire? That would be REALLY useful.
Quote: Any chance you can send me a PDF with all their company ID pictures and dates of hire? That would be REALLY useful.
I don't think such a document exists on the UAL side. However, it's pretty same to assume that about 95% of the remaining scabs were hired in the spring of '85.
Quote: Not hard at all....why do you ask?
In case you missed the tone, it was "rhetorical".

Must be inclusive of something in the "Culture".
Quote: Any chance you can send me a PDF with all their company ID pictures and dates of hire? That would be REALLY useful.
Top to bottom = Youngest to Oldest (CAL).

Here you go....
Well, well, well......
How can some of these individuals have retirement dates in 2011, 2012 and earlier and still be capts.? I thought you had to retire in 2007 or before with the original age 60, then reapply, interview and go to the bottom of the list after age 65 was instituted? Sluggo
Quote: How can some of these individuals have retirement dates in 2011, 2012 and earlier and still be capts.? I thought you had to retire in 2007 or before with the original age 60, then reapply, interview and go to the bottom of the list after age 65 was instituted? Sluggo
That's what happened at every other airline.... At CAL they simply went into the "training department" till the rule changed, presto... line pilots once again.
scabs taking care of scabs, the CAL training department is infested with them.

Yes CAL is screwed up.
Quote: Top to bottom = Youngest to Oldest (CAL).

Here you go....
That right there is one huge stinking pile "O" scab..

I wonder how many guys & girls on that list are on here e'splainin to us that if we don't like what's going on we should quit.
Quote: If you think Ual only has 3 scabs, then you have a worse case of denial than I thought you did.

I think you missed the point of my comment.

As usual, you focus only on one part of the post and ignore the point. Ual has scabs. Cal has scabs. Don't act like Ual is some how immune from this infestation.
Lighten up Francis! Just poking fun at this Jeff'd up situation. Yeah we have a boat load at Cal, and for some reason, having 900+ at momma U, it is just our side that gets the scab I really thought there were THREE..
Quote: That right there is one huge stinking pile "O" scab..

I wonder how many guys & girls on that list are on here e'splainin to us that if we don't like what's going on we should quit.

You got that right.....or as our good-friend James would say....."GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY".

The only thing that makes it MORE disgusting is to have to listen to their rhetoric live & in person.....Especially on the long-haul flights. THANK GOD for crew-breaks, and the FMC Prog Page to count down the hours till the "empty sermon" concludes. I'm sure over the years, you've heard your fair share of rhetoric from the UA-sCABS......No need to explain.

When DEN gets 'boring', take a IAH sabbatical when the mood moves you!
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