USAF voluntary officer recall (including retirees)

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Recall Ops Update
Looks like they're shutting the door. After combing through this thread, it looks like only 40 or so will be winning the lottery.

Sent from Recall OPS, 25 MARCH:

As of 24 March 2010, CSAF direction is to limit the voluntary rated recall program at 500. In light of projected military personnel end strength, along with the implementation of force management programs, these recall programs must be limited to 500 rated officers recalled since the beginning of the programs.

As you are aware, the Voluntary Rated Officer Limited Period Recall Program (LPRP) and Retired Rated Officer Recall Program (RRORP) which closed to new applicants 31 December 2009, and the Permanent Rated Recall Program which was expanded in March 2009, all have closed.

Status of YOUR package is being determined and you will be notified as soon as possible as to your status with these programs.

Assignments is not taking calls and are extremely busy with summer cycle programs.

If you have questions, please call 1.800.525.0102.
A very sad day.....
Over the last year or so, the AF cherry picked who they wanted and changed the rules and application as they saw fit. I was one of the early applicants who had the rules changed after I applied and passed the physical. You can call it whatever you want. When they are hurting again because of their ignorant manning and crummy personnel policies, they will look for help again.

Has anyone received an SOI and not been given orders?
"Over the last year or so, the AF cherry picked who they wanted and changed the rules and application as they saw fit."

I understand your frustration but do not agree that the AF "cherry picked" who they wanted. I have met dozens of retired-returnees in my travels and we are not necessarily the cream of the crop but we were the first to apply who took the offer that the Air Force presented to them. We are retired pilots, navs, and ABMs who took those dreaded staff jobs and who are happy to be back on active duty doing the job we have been asked to do.

I am disappointed that the AF is not bringing more folks back. Even with the 500 extra bodies, there are still requirements going unfilled. There are staffs who needed experienced rated officers to complete the taskers being assigned to them. There are deployments that will continue to be filled by the same folks again and again. I was only back 4 months before I was sent on a 120 day deployment. I am hoping that I don't get another but I am also a realist and believe that there is a good possibility I will get tasked again.

Everyone knows that these things happen in cycles and I believe that the cycle will force their hand again and they will re-open the gate. Just be ready when the gate opens. Best of luck to all!

I would doubt this program will open again and if it does it will be far more restrictive in age and time since retirement. It would have been nice if they had said how many slots were remaining and number of applicants left in play. Assignments has not answered a phone or e-mail in 2 weeks.
Quote: Has anyone received an SOI and not been given orders?
I do not have my orders yet but I am still waiting for my aeronautical orders to be revalidated. I sent in my AO request 15 Feb.

Everyone knows that these things happen in cycles and I believe that the cycle will force their hand again and they will re-open the gate. Just be ready when the gate opens. Best of luck to all!


With you on the cycles thing, but as the AF just announced a SERB and RIF will be held this summer, and VSP will open again, kind of doubt it'll be soon.

Congrats to those that got in, good luck to the rest.
As of 24 March 2010, CSAF direction is to limit the voluntary rated recall program at 500. In light of projected military personnel end strength, along with the implementation of force management programs, these recall programs must be limited to 500 rated officers recalled since the beginning of the programs.

As you are aware, the Voluntary Rated Officer Limited Period Recall Program (LPRP) and Retired Rated Officer Recall Program (RRORP) which closed to new applicants 31 December 2009, and the Permanent Rated Recall Program which was expanded in March 2009, all have closed.

Status of YOUR package is being determined and you will be notified as soon as possible as to your status with these programs.

Assignments is not taking calls and are extremely busy with summer cycle programs.

If you have questions, please call 1.800.525.0102.


Voluntary Officer Recall to Active Duty Section
[email protected]
End-Strength Reductions to Blame?
Got an e-mail today that outlined SERBs and VSPs. Didn't have time to read it in detail; will post tomorrow. They seemed to particularly want to get rid of LtCols. I think it was for FY 2010 and 2011.

I'm guessing this may have had more to do with the demise of the recall than the limiting initial 500 slots.
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