Sick Tracking System Changes

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Quote: Smarten up. Black helicopters and boggie monsters don't fix anything.
Why don't you smarten up? It is the BOOGIE monster, not the boggie monster.
this sick policy would be a horrible nightmare at UPS. Keep the fight against it going please!
It's already our standard practice
Why would I not answer?

And no, didn't miss the emoticon but also didn't want you to misunderstand my irritation.

Jumpseat-if FC wants to remove me with pay, all for it. Last line of defense is pilot judgment , and although judgment is impaired by fatigue absent some concrete actions at show time there is absolutely no reason for FC to intervene. (it's never been CRS in my experience, CRS would have no issues scheduling us for 24 hours straight if the computer would let them...I have had CRS use judgment, but it's a rare rare thing. Also never had a DO not support me when I pushed back on CRS BS plan. But I've only been a Capt for about 5 years, so that's recent history)

OK, I provided an example of flight management substituting their judgment for the judgment of the pilot involved, and you clearly would rather use that as a tangent to chase rather than stick to the topic.

Look, squirrel.

Back to the JS, our own CBA says that if the FAA ever considers JS duty time that the contractual section becomes null and void.

Yeah, that squirrel. Yeah, so what?

Back to sick. When I wake up with a cold that's gone from minor to severe, I know that it takes me about a week to recover. If it's 24-48 hours prior to show, then I call in sick. When I scratched my cornea, that's a week+ to recover, so I immediately called in sick. There is nothing preventing me from calling in well prior to the drop time if I recover quicker then expected...but that's not been my experience.

OK, last time I'm gonna try this. Nobody cares if you call SICK early. Lucky you, you always get sick or injured well in advance of report time. Give that man a participation trophy.

Some of lesser humans get sick or injured or experience other situations which leave us unfit to fly at times much closer to report time. We should be able to call SICK whenever it occurs, even if it's minutes prior to report time. And that's what I have been talking about.

When I became ill driving into the AOC at 1 in the morning, I actually did call CRS and tell them I was sick.

United for awhile required a Drs note with every sick call. American requires their pilots to talk to an actual person to use their SL.

DOL allows companies to ask you for medical documentation in certain circumstances.
Our own contract has a long, long history of allowing the company to request information as to why we called in sick under certain circumstances.

Good for United. Good for American. Good for DOL. I don't know if you've noticed, but we are none of the above.

If you're the guy being asked for a note on July 12th and you haven't called in sick for 3 years...then ask the company to explain their good faith reason for doing so, ...

That's not how it works, Capt Kronan. You don't get to ask those kinds of questions. Just send in Sick note, and don't miss the deadline.

... as for me, after pushing back I'm going to tell them I had GI issues (if I did) and offer to provide pictures for future occurrences should theu so desire.

If they say not good enough, then sorry, still filing an ASAP report because quite frankly taking away pay is definitely an illustration of pilot pushing and should be documented as such.

Cool. I forgot you have your own deal with The Company. That stuff they put in contracts and letters of agreement and settlement agreements shouldn't bother you if you've got your own system worked out with management.

Hey, but at least we agree on one very important point.

Taking away pay for calling in sick IS pilot pushing!

There are exactly 0 trips open in my seat. Explain to me how RTT makes my life better. Would reduce the annoyance of waiting/wondering if a trip went through. But I already have a pretty decent idea of my odds since the software change showing pending trades on specific trips.

Make OTP a never go away provision and then we'll talk about RTT

Look, another squirrel. And, just as I figured, if it doesn't affect you, who cares?

Why do I call in sick early? Not looking it up but still think there's contractual language that indicates we're supposed to call in sick when we're sick.

And, when I was an FE, had a Captain that called in sick 5 minutes prior to show because he was PO'd at the company. Specifically stayed up to call in sick just prior to show. 80 minute delay for the FO and I while CRS found us another Captain

still shaking my head on that one

Nobody cares if you call in sick early.

I'm not calling in sick on my days off unless I expect it to extend into a trip. Would you call in sick if you got sick on the first day of your vacation? Oh, wait, never mind. Please don't answer. Ignore the squirrel.

Some of lesser humans get sick or injured or experience other situations which leave us unfit to fly at times much closer to report time.

What I meant to say was, "Some of US lesser humans ..." Proof that I'm one of the lesser ones.

I also meant to talk about this:
Our own contract has a long, long history of allowing the company to request information as to why we called in sick under certain circumstances.

No, it's not a long history of requesting "information." Having a physician vouch that you were sick was as far as it goes. And that's as far as it should ever go. If The Company does believe you, they can remove you from trips with pay and have you pay their Aeromedical Advisor a visit.

What our CBA has a history of is The Company requiring "a pilot to provide the System Chief Pilot’s designee with a written statement from the pilot’s physician explaining his inability to perform his assigned duties because of illness or injury IF the Company has a good faith, and objective reason to question a pilot’s use or attempted use of sick leave;" There's nothing in there about a secret point system. There's nothing in there about submitting your case to The Company's Aeromedical advisor. There's nothing in there about pleading your case to the SCP's designee if you don't have a note. And there's nothing in there describing what the physician has to say, or what verbiage will not be acceptable.

PFC notices do not constitute binding CBA language.

Quote: There is nothing preventing me from calling in well prior to the drop time if I recover quicker then expected...but that's not been my experience.
Except that you have accumulated points against your sick usage even though you didn't miss any work. The next time you get a cold, a sick note may be required.
Maybe that's why guys wait until the day before a trip to call in sick if they actually felt bad a couple days prior.
You really are a piece of work, there, Tony. You try to get people to believe the people you are debating can't stay on task and get distracted by tangents (squirrel), so therefore their arguments are null and void. Ad hominem.
Quote: Jumpseat-if FC wants to remove me with pay, all for it. Last line of defense is pilot judgment , and although judgment is impaired by fatigue absent some concrete actions at show time there is absolutely no reason for FC to intervene. (it's never been CRS in my experience, CRS would have no issues scheduling us for 24 hours straight if the computer would let them...I have had CRS use judgment, but it's a rare rare thing. Also never had a DO not support me when I pushed back on CRS BS plan. But I've only been a Capt for about 5 years, so that's recent history)
OK, I provided an example of flight management substituting their judgment for the judgment of the pilot involved, and you clearly would rather use that as a tangent to chase rather than stick to the topic.

Look, squirrel.
I, too, wonder why Kronan went on some tangent about jumpseat duty time in his reply to you. That's crazy, right?!

Quote: You obviously missed the allusion to past conversations about pilots removed from trips by flight operations managers because those managers deemed them unfit to fly their trips because they used a jumpseat to commute to work.

How are they different from locals who are mowing their lawns or driving in to work early? The judgment call is the pilot's, not the manager's.


And why would anyone have issues with me sleeping on the jumpseat on the way to work?

Crew Scheduling sure didn't have any issues with me using the MEM-ANC AM jumpseat to meet an AM launch 2 hours after arriving in ANC -- when it was a draft trip they were trying to fill. Seems like it depends on the "needs of the Company" more than the judgment of the FAA certificated Airman.
Oh... he was responding to your four paragraphs talking about jumpseat usage and duty time and pilot judgement.

Quote: There are exactly 0 trips open in my seat. Explain to me how RTT makes my life better. Would reduce the annoyance of waiting/wondering if a trip went through. But I already have a pretty decent idea of my odds since the software change showing pending trades on specific trips.

Make OTP a never go away provision and then we'll talk about RTT

Look, another squirrel. And, just as I figured, if it doesn't affect you, who cares?


Please don't answer. Ignore the squirrel.
There goes Kronan chasing another squirrel when responding to your post. I wish he would learn to stay on task, amirite? Where did this squirrel come from, now?

Quote: By the way, are you also of the opinion that we don't really want real time trip trading?
I get it; that's your M.O. You post these manifestos and release a scurry of squirrels into the topic and admonish people to stop being distracted by your squirrels and stay on task.

Ad hominem...

Ad hominem...

Quote: Taking away pay for calling in sick IS pilot pushing!.
You know that's not what's happening. They are not taking pay away for calling in sick. I just called in sick and I didn't lose any pay.

False dilemma...
Quote: No, it's not a long history of requesting "information." Having a physician vouch that you were sick was as far as it goes. And that's as far as it should ever go. If The Company does believe you, they can remove you from trips with pay and have you pay their Aeromedical Advisor a visit.

What our CBA has a history of is The Company requiring "a pilot to provide the System Chief Pilot’s designee with a written statement from the pilot’s physician explaining his inability to perform his assigned duties because of illness or injury IF the Company has a good faith, and objective reason to question a pilot’s use or attempted use of sick leave;"
And the way I read it, that's exactly what RF's FCIF said.

There have been many posts on here with pilots saying they are just going to go to their doctor and have a note saying that they were seen in the office. There were even pilots posting links on this board to websites where you can get doctors' notes over the internet without being seen in an office.

You yourself pointed out that the CBA (for as long as I can remember) has had the "explaining his inability to perform his assigned duties" phrase. I don't think by any stretch "Pilot X was seen in my office on Thursday." explains an inability to perform assigned duties. But some people twist that into saying you need to give the company a detailed medical history complete with pictures, and that's also not what RF's FCIF said. "Pilot X was seen in my office for an arm injury." "Pilot X was seen in my office for a GI disorder." Broad terms, nothing specific.

Quote: There's nothing in there about a secret point system.
It says an "objective" reason. Personally, I think the point system is better than the previous unknown "subjective" system of "we think there might be an issue." Now, I agree that we should be privy to the point system. That shouldn't be a secret and we should know what criteria we are being held to (although I can see some problems with releasing the point system as well).

Quote: And there's nothing in there describing what the physician has to say, or what verbiage will not be acceptable.
Um, yes it kind of does. See above. The note has to "explain the inability to perform his assigned duties." And that's what my physician's notes will say. No more. No less.
It still is a secret point system if it isn't shown somewhere we can see it, like on the activities page of VIPs.

My case I wrote of earlier, came about because of a glitch in the system. I only actually called in sick 5 times in 37 months. I questioned RF and threw up the BS flag. I asked him to look back and tell me where "7" sick calls came from. 7 was the number he told me triggered the automated request.

It ended up, that I called in sick for 3 days of hub turns in that time period. For some reason the computer registered each day dropped as a new sick call, thus pushing my total to "7".

I expected him to say forget about the note, but he said his hands were tied, and I needed a note to avoid a letter in my file.

Now a system "glitch" has us explaining medical conditions to a slew of people, who have no right to know about our personal conditions.


You know that's not what's happening. They are not taking pay away for calling in sick. I just called in sick and I didn't lose any pay.

False dilemma...

But it CAN happen and as statistically significant as your one experience is I don't think we've set an unbreakable precedent. I know people who have gone 3+ years being asked for a sick note every time they call - and looking at their calendars doesn't show anything that would seem "abusive" on the surface. Yet they've made someone's special watch list for whatever arbitrary, extra-CBA reason. Think those types of folks might get targeted for pay removal to "teach them a lesson"? I'm cynical enough to say that not only might THEY get targeted but also might an ever-increasing number of pilots. Despite your vast anecdotal sample to the contrary.

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