C11 LEC Chair Changes his mind

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C11 Special Update: From the Chair

Dear Members of Council 11,

I have received a lot of feedback on the Tentative Agreement, and I hear you all loud and clear. I spoke with many of you and had very productive and respectful conversations about this agreement. I appreciate your thoughts and opinions very much. During these discussions, you brought thoughtful points to the table and expressed serious concerns over the flaws you see in this TA. The feedback I'm receiving is overwhelmingly negative. It would be negligent of me not to reexamine my reasoning.

The briefings to the MEC and information presented to us in closed session focused on a very detailed breakdown of negotiations and the general economic conditions of our industry that I used in considering this TA. I do believe there are some good things in this agreement. But after reexamination, it is not nearly enough to put the United Pilots at the top of the industry where we belong.

The most important aspect of what I do is to represent you, the members of Council 11. I voted to approve the TA and bring it to membership ratification. As stated earlier, listening to you and accepting your feedback, this agreement clearly misses your mark. I apologize for that. Moving forward, nothing short of a true industry leading contract will get a yes vote from me at the MEC.

Integrity and accountability are tenants I strive to live by and uphold and I thank you for your candid conversations and your support. I expect to be held accountable. I realize this is not the agreement the United Pilots deserve. When I cast the vote that counts -my own- I'll be voting NO on this TA.


Jim Crytser
C11 Chairman
Captain Representative
Quote: C11 Special Update: From the Chair

Dear Members of Council 11,

I have received a lot of feedback on the Tentative Agreement, and I hear you all loud and clear. I spoke with many of you and had very productive and respectful conversations about this agreement. I appreciate your thoughts and opinions very much. During these discussions, you brought thoughtful points to the table and expressed serious concerns over the flaws you see in this TA. The feedback I'm receiving is overwhelmingly negative. It would be negligent of me not to reexamine my reasoning.

The briefings to the MEC and information presented to us in closed session focused on a very detailed breakdown of negotiations and the general economic conditions of our industry that I used in considering this TA. I do believe there are some good things in this agreement. But after reexamination, it is not nearly enough to put the United Pilots at the top of the industry where we belong.

The most important aspect of what I do is to represent you, the members of Council 11. I voted to approve the TA and bring it to membership ratification. As stated earlier, listening to you and accepting your feedback, this agreement clearly misses your mark. I apologize for that. Moving forward, nothing short of a true industry leading contract will get a yes vote from me at the MEC.

Integrity and accountability are tenants I strive to live by and uphold and I thank you for your candid conversations and your support. I expect to be held accountable. I realize this is not the agreement the United Pilots deserve. When I cast the vote that counts -my own- I'll be voting NO on this TA.


Jim Crytser
C11 Chairman
So WTF have we been paying you FPL to oversee the NC and the MC and then many days reviewing this with SMEs etc.?

Let’s face it you might be voting no now as an individual but you voted for a T/A that takes union jobs from union members at the “qualified” opinion of management. You sir simply need to step down. I have no desire to give you another chance to **** my QOL at this airline and destroy union member jobs. If this passes you will go down in history as a union rep that destroyed this airline as a solid career place to work. So average Joe line pilots made you see the light?!? Really? Maybe you should have polled the pilots over these years instead of letting Insler just giving you a place to eat some free food and get you some FPL from trips to sit around for some briefings from soon to be management wanna be types. Just resign and the sooner the better!!
Quote: So WTF have we been paying you FPL to oversee the NC and the MC and then many days reviewing this with SMEs etc.?

Let’s face it you might be voting no now as an individual but you voted for a T/A that takes union jobs from union members at the “qualified” opinion of management. You sir simply need to step down. I have no desire to give you another chance to **** my QOL at this airline and destroy union member jobs. If this passes you will go down in history as a union rep that destroyed this airline as a solid career place to work. So average Joe line pilots made you see the light?!? Really? Maybe you should have polled the pilots over these years instead of letting Insler just giving you a place to eat some free food and get you some FPL from trips to sit around for some briefings from soon to be management wanna be types. Just resign and the sooner the better!!
F9guy here - no dog in the fight other than industry interests….

I must admit I am impressed by the listing of the name, email etc. of the OP.

But have to agree with you. Resignation is necessary. Voting for what I know of your TA (and I haven’t read it in it’s entirety) in any form as elected union representative would require no less if presented to me.
Pardon the intrusion as a SWA guy, but I’ve read more than a few posts saying the UAL pilot group was only polled once about this contract and that was in 2019. Just to put that in perspective, at SWA we have been been polled what seems like twice a year for the last four years, even pre-opener to see what this pilot groups wants/needs/desires are for our next contract. I feel like our BOD (SWA’s name for our MEC) has a very good sense of this pilot group. How is the UAL MEC/Negotiating Committee negotiating for what you want when they don’t seem to know what that is?
Quote: F9guy here - no dog in the fight other than industry interests….

I must admit I am impressed by the listing of the name, email etc. of the OP.

But have to agree with you. Resignation is necessary. Voting for what I know of your TA (and I haven’t read it in it’s entirety) in any form as elected union representative would require no less if presented to me.
Just ducking for cover is all he’s doing now. And is the second one to cave to reality. This is a last ditch effort to go out with some dignity or fingers crossed he doesn’t get recalled. Simply needs to step down. Any union rep that supports replacing union member jobs with non members should be kicked out of the union entirely but unfortunately ALPA won’t have the guts to call this out for what it is. Jobs were promised here to get this huge item. This passes and 400 union jobs will be gone in 5-8 years.
Quote: Pardon the intrusion as a SWA guy, but I’ve read more than a few posts saying the UAL pilot group was only polled once about this contract and that was in 2019. Just to put that in perspective, at SWA we have been been polled what seems like twice a year for the last four years, even pre-opener to see what this pilot groups wants/needs/desires are for our next contract. I feel like our BOD (SWA’s name for our MEC) has a very good sense of this pilot group. How is the UAL MEC/Negotiating Committee negotiating for what you want when they don’t seem to know what that is?
I appreciate the intrusion. We were polled pre pandemic and even then the questions were so phrased to get exactly the answers they wanted. It was a joke of a survey. Since then it’s been this NC Insler and Hamilton his Exec Asst running around with zero polling of the pilots other than the outcome of an LOA that passed by not a big margin.
Quote: Just ducking for cover is all he’s doing now. And is the second one to cave to reality. This is a last ditch effort to go out with some dignity or fingers crossed he doesn’t get recalled. Simply needs to step down. Any union rep that supports replacing union member jobs with non members should be kicked out of the union entirely but unfortunately ALPA won’t have the guts to call this out for what it is. Jobs were promised here to get this huge item. This passes and 400 union jobs will be gone in 5-8 years.
who was the other to cave? Have not heard of that one yet. Hoping this is 1 of many. Recall resolutions are ready to go.
Quote: who was the other to cave? Have not heard of that one yet. Hoping this is 1 of many. Recall resolutions are ready to go.
I’m giving him some credit. From what I’ve seen he did this own his own based on what his pilots are telling him. That gets him a pass on round 1 of recalls if he was my rep. Now if he backs sending in the same Negotiating team and doesn’t vote to send them and Brad H back to the line, we’ll know it was political……
Where in the hell is C11?
Quote: Where in the hell is C11?

Their FO rep Anne voted NO from the start.
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