Masks in the Cockpit

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Quote: Twice for me. Once the guy requested I wear one (this is about 2 months ago) so I did. It was slightly inconvenient, but no big deal. Again last week the CA said he would be wearing one due to a very sick family member at home. He 100% gave me the option to wear or not, but I wore it for the whole 3 day trip out of respect for him and what he’s going through.
yeah I agree totally. If someone asked me to wear a mask out of caution I would do it without even thinking twice about it. But then again I consider myself to not be a self-centered know it all...but then again I only have 3 stripes so I haven't gotten the required "taining" yet! Lol j/k
Quote: The common mask isnt meant to protect YOU from others but to protect OTHERS from YOUR spitting while talking/breathing.

I still can’t believe almost 9 months into this problem people still don’t get this
Quote: I still can’t believe almost 9 months into this problem people still don’t get this
Because it’s nonsense. First, it disregards the harm that is being created by forcing people to strap sars cov-2 to their face. Then the harm of spreading it all over everything they touch if it is on their mask. The disregard for the fact that it will travel on small particles just easy as large droplets rendering your mask useless for both sides. And all this for a disease you literally have to test for to see if you actually have it. The whole thing is a joke. And that’s not even getting into the psychological harm this is having especially on children. The mass creation of germophobia in entire populations. Afraid of something they literally need to live as we spray and disinfect all life around us. The very things we need and live in a symbiotic relationship every single day.
Quote: The common mask isnt meant to protect YOU from others but to protect OTHERS from YOUR spitting while talking/breathing.
In other words the virus isn’t dangerous enough for anyone to worry about getting it themselves. So why are we freaking out again?

And if the mask is only to protect others from our spit then why do I have to wear it over my nose? Is that to give others common courtesy in case I’m standing over them with a runny nose or blowing snot rockets while deadheading?
Quote: In other words the virus isn’t dangerous enough for anyone to worry about getting it themselves. So why are we freaking out again?

And if the mask is only to protect others from our spit then why do I have to wear it over my nose? Is that to give others common courtesy in case I’m standing over them with a runny nose or blowing snot rockets while deadheading?
Its the political narrative right now is why. 7.75 million infected, 215k deaths of mostly at risk people. So basically a virus that has a 98% survival factor and increasing every day with treatments. I’d like to see the number of suicides during this time and if it has increased as this “pandemic” goes on. How many are depressed, lonely/isolated, lost a job, or whatever because of something that has a 98% survival rate.
So many other ways to die, yet we as a society don’t think twice about many of them.

Yep, increased suicides......but you all keep worrying about masks in the cockpit.

Odds of Dying Heart disease 1 in 6 Cancer 1 in 7 All preventable causes of death 1 in 25 Chronic lower respiratory disease 1 in 26 Suicide 1 in 86 Opioid overdose 1 in 98 Motor-vehicle crash 1 in 106 Fall 1 in 111 Gun assault 1 in 298 Pedestrian incident 1 in 541 Motorcyclist 1 in 890 Drowning 1 in 1,121 Fire or smoke 1 in 1,399 Choking on food 1 in 2,618 Bicyclist 1 in 4,060 Sunstroke 1 in 7,770 Accidental gun discharge 1 in 9,077 Electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure 1 in 12,484 Sharp objects 1 in 29,483 Hot surfaces and substances 1 in 45,186 Hornet, wasp, and bee stings 1 in 53,989 Cataclysmic storm 1 in 54,699 Dog attack 1 in 118,776 Lightning 1 in 180,746 Railway passenger Too few deaths in 2018 to calculate odds Passenger on an airplane Too few deaths
Those are stupid apples and oranges comparisons, but you’re having fun writing irrelevant factoids, so knock yourself out
Quote: Those are stupid apples and oranges comparisons, but you’re having fun writing irrelevant factoids, so knock yourself out
This article appeared in The Hill not exactly friends of the current administration but the studies are real and the impacts are measured and quantified.

Our governmental COVID-19 mitigation policy of broad societal lockdown focuses on containing the spread of the disease at all costs, instead of “flattening the curve” and preventing hospital overcrowding. Although well-intentioned, the lockdown was imposed without consideration of its consequences beyond those directly from the pandemic.

The policies have created the greatest global economic disruption in history, with trillions of dollars of lost economic output. These financial losses have been falsely portrayed as purely economic. To the contrary, using numerous National Institutes of Health Public Access publications, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and various actuarial tables, we calculate that these policies will cause devastating non-economic consequences that will total millions of accumulated years of life lost in the United States, far beyond what the virus itself has caused.

The lost economic output in the U.S. alone is estimated to be 5 percent of GDP, or $1.1 trillion for every month of the economic shutdown. This lost income results in lost lives as the stresses of unemployment and providing basic needs increase the incidence of suicide, alcohol or drug abuse, and stress-induced illnesses. These effects are particularly severe on the lower-income populace, as they are more likely to lose their jobs, and mortality rates are much higher for lower-income individuals.

Statistically, every $10 million to $24 million lost in U.S. incomes results in one additional death. One portion of this effect is through unemployment, which leads to an average increase in mortality of at least 60 percent. That translates into 7,200 lives lost per month among the 36 million newly unemployed Americans, over 40 percent of whom are not expected to regain their jobs. In addition, many small business owners are near financial collapse, creating lost wealth that results in mortality increases of 50 percent. With an average estimate of one additional lost life per $17 million income loss, that would translate to 65,000 lives lost in the U.S. for each month because of the economic shutdown.

In addition to lives lost because of lost income, lives also are lost due to delayed or foregone health care imposed by the shutdown and the fear it creates among patients. From personal communications with neurosurgery colleagues, about half of their patients have not appeared for treatment of disease which, left untreated, risks brain hemorrhage, paralysis or death.

Here are the examples of missed health care on which we base our calculations: Emergency stroke evaluations are down 40 percent. Of the 650,000 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in the United States, an estimated half are missing their treatments. Of the 150,000 new cancer cases typically discovered each month in the U.S., most – as elsewhere in the world – are not being diagnosed, and two-thirds to three-fourths of routine cancer screenings are not happening because of shutdown policies and fear among the population. Nearly 85 percent fewer living-donor transplants are occurring now, compared to the same period last year. In addition, more than half of childhood vaccinations are not being performed, setting up the potential of a massive future health disaster.
The implications of treatment delays for situations other than COVID-19 result in 8,000 U.S. deaths per month of the shutdown, or about 120,000 years of remaining life. Missed strokes contribute an additional loss of 100,000 years of life for each month; late cancer diagnoses lose 250,000 years of remaining life for each month; missing living-donor transplants, another 5,000 years of life per month — and, if even 10 percent of vaccinations are not done, the result is an additional 24,000 years of life lost each month.
Quote: Those are stupid apples and oranges comparisons, but you’re having fun writing irrelevant factoids, so knock yourself out
Keep worrying about masks in the cockpit when there is a lot bigger things to worry about like Seneca pointed out. Interesting read.

No one is making it out of here alive. 😉
The WHO now says lockdowns are worse than the virus itself.

The director of the CDC has said himself school aged children are 5 times more likely to die of the flu than from Covid. He also said EXCESS suicides in school aged children are now MORE than covid deaths in the same age group. I’d be more than happy to provide links. So for the people who think we shouldn’t have in person schooling.... are you going to keep your kids at home for the rest of their lives during flu season? If not, what is your reasoning?

Per the CDC’s website... Covid survivability rates as of September 10th

age 0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70 and above 94.6%

Of the people who actually died... 94% of them had on average 2.7 comorbidities. You really think someone who has almost 3 comorbities and dies with the flu gets counted as a flu death?! Heck no. These aren’t Alex Jones/faux news conspiracies. This info is straight from the CDC’s very own website. If you wear a mask by choice for Covid, but not the flu... you’re a hypocrite. Thankyou for caring about my grandma who’s most likely going to live. I just wish you would care about her during flu season too. So selfish.
Quote: Of the people who actually died... 94% of them had on average 2.7 comorbidities. You really think someone who has almost 3 comorbities and dies with the flu gets counted as a flu death?
You know, the most common comorbidities amongst patients with HIV include: diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease (CVD, e.g. hypertension), respiratory diseases (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and pneumonia), and hepatic diseases (hepatitis B and C).

People who die from AIDS, don't die from the HIV virus per se, but the deaths are classified as such, even though they actually succumb to an underlying condition (pneumonia, cancer, or infections, etc), as a result of a weakened immune system.

Just sayin...
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