Mesa to Furlough an Additional 250 Pilots

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Quote: I find this comment to be BS because I got an earful of what the airline industry was when I was looking to get hired. We all know we are running with blinders on when we apply to the airlines regardless of what we hear. We think "it can't be ANY worse than this CFI job." And we all think we will move up fast regardless of what the "unfortunate" ones have told us who were already in the airlines. We don't think the bull ******* will happen to us. All we know is that we want to fly big shiny jets and that's ALL that matters. So no, I don't think talking to a thousand regional pilots who have been screwed by their airlines would change any minds. We all agree we would learn the hard way and find out for ourselves. Unfortunately this is the end result. A life full of being beaten down by the industry and treated like we aren't worth anything.
Well.........if anyone went to Mesa Airlines filled with positives then they got snookered. The situation at Mesa has been well known for over a decade (when they used to pay by the mile) and most of the pilots out there would have given Mesa a firm thumbs down. But you're right......a shiny jet is too hard to pass up, so many left their tired C-172's and shot craps at Mesa.

Some came and left in time to find boxcars. Those that didn't are likely to get snake-eyes. Of course, it usually is someone elses fault when it comes to the airline pilot profession and pilots. If J.O. had a better rep, he could've carved out longevity for the benefit of both him and those that chose to follow him, but he chose self-indulgent opulance and that rarely lasts when it's at the expense of others.

Sadly, he'll likely do O.K. after the dust has settled and go on to other things a wealthy man, but those in his wake will pay the price.
Quote: I was more or less talking about the fact that Mesa's US contract is up in 2011. Parker has made it known that he has no intentions of working with Ornstein after their contract expires. I'm also sure that Parker's foaming at the mouth for Mesa to file BK (if DAL’s wins) so that US can "restructure" their contract.

Looking at the near future Mesa's in more than hot water. If any of these three issues unfold; DAL wins the injunction, UAL chooses to take the early termination or US does not re-up with Mesa in 2011 then Mesa's TU.

I truly wish the best for every Mesa pilot.
Mesa's future is indeed bleak.

At the very least, DAL will dump Mesa like a bowel full of bad tacos at the first opportunity. UAL is none too pleased with them and that relationship is likely soon to be history and as you state, U is souring on the bad business of JO as well.

I think it's clear that this outfit will soon have a bunch of planes (mostly small RJ's) that regardless of what JO tries to sell their services for, will have no takers.

He's not dumb and is likely tidying up things to maximize his departure cash and leave the entire employee group to fend for themselves in sudden unemployment.

Come on folks, we ARE talking about J.O. here aren't we ?

If you didn't expect this inevitability, you've been working for him with blinders on in the land of denial. Very sad, but inevitable. Those currently still survivng there should now see the writing on the wall and proceed as though your next paycheck may never come and look out for yourselves and families first.

Quote: I'm sorry you had to expend so much time, effort and money to find this out. A little investigation talking to a broad base of pilots would have probably led you to the same conclusion before the hassle.

Best of're better off elsewhere.

I hear what you're saying, but back in 2001, I didn't know much at all about how things work. I did realize that I wouldn't make a lot of money at the regionals, but back then, there was still hope of going to a Major. I really had no idea that this profession has and was sinking to the lows that it's enjoying now. I've already made up my mind that I won't put my family through anymore of this b.s. I'm so glad I got my education and have lots of experience in other fields other than Aviation and didn't put all my eggs in this basket. It's just too easy to get screwed in this business and no one thinks we do anything.. i.e. glorified bus drivers.. yeah right, whatever... I love flying, but it's just not worth it to me. I'll get a job that pays a real wage and rent a plane once in a while...
Quote: I hear what you're saying, but back in 2001, I didn't know much at all about how things work. I did realize that I wouldn't make a lot of money at the regionals, but back then, there was still hope of going to a Major. I really had no idea that this profession has and was sinking to the lows that it's enjoying now. I've already made up my mind that I won't put my family through anymore of this b.s. I'm so glad I got my education and have lots of experience in other fields other than Aviation and didn't put all my eggs in this basket. It's just too easy to get screwed in this business and no one thinks we do anything.. i.e. glorified bus drivers.. yeah right, whatever... I love flying, but it's just not worth it to me. I'll get a job that pays a real wage and rent a plane once in a while...
You're right.

Success in this career is never assured and is more than 50% luck and its cousin timing.

Noone knows if their career was a sucess until they turned 60 (now 65) and looked back and compared it to other of the same age and same start.
Quote: You're right.

Success in this career is never assured and is more than 50% luck and its cousin timing.

Noone knows if their career was a sucess until they turned 60 (now 65) and looked back and compared it to other of the same age and same start.

You can say this of most careers. There are always negatives and a certain amount of "dice roll" in every career (some less than others) and of course the most difficult concept to accept: equal effort does not guarantee equal results.

All you can do is: first choose the lifestyle you really want to live, narrow the job field down to those that will provide that level of living, pick the job you like the best from that list and go for it.

I wish all of us the best of luck.
"As many of you know, we have been overstaffed for some time.....

how do you stay "overstaffed" by 250 pilot? sounds like something else to me....
Quote: I know 15 line pilots (including me) that were furloughed in October. I guess Mesa still isn't acknowledging us.
Mesa might not, but us pilots (and for the most part, the Union) certainly do. I remind people of this all the time. The company would like to brush it under the rug, but there's a large vocal group of us out there that won't allow that to happen.
I'd like to give out an honest thank you to everyone on this thread for being rational, concise and adding relevant information to the thread. All too often at the first mention of Mesa on this forum all hell breaks loose and the thread becomes nothing but a flame-fest detracting from actual topic. This one has (so far) been far from the usual and I appreciate that. Also thanks to everyone who realizes that all the issues Mesa currently faces have been caused by poor management and not by the hard working pilots of Mesa that go to work to do their job professionally and responsibly every day.

Sorry to go off topic, but I thought that needed to be said. Back to the topic at hand...
Quote: I'd like to give out an honest thank you to everyone on this thread for being rational, concise and adding relevant information to the thread. All too often at the first mention of Mesa on this forum all hell breaks loose and the thread becomes nothing but a flame-fest detracting from actual topic. This one has (so far) been far from the usual and I appreciate that. Also thanks to everyone who realizes that all the issues Mesa currently faces have been caused by poor management and not by the hard working pilots of Mesa that go to work to do their job professionally and responsibly every day.

Sorry to go off topic, but I thought that needed to be said. Back to the topic at hand...
man .. i feel like a school boy who just got lectured by my teacher.... UM NO how bout you hold the thank you's and hang back and stretch mr. MAGMEC you even sound like a yes voter. arrgghh man nobodies rational especially MESA, there is no rationale!! mesa and the like the exxon valdez and a bad bourbon. thanks captain hazlewood!!
Quote: man .. i feel like a school boy who just got lectured by my teacher.... UM NO how bout you hold the thank you's and hang back and stretch mr. MAGMEC you even sound like a yes voter. arrgghh man nobodies rational especially MESA, there is no rationale!! mesa and the like the exxon valdez and a bad bourbon. thanks captain hazlewood!!
Hahah, I knew it wouldn't last long. Dude, listen, I don't know if you've been lurking forever or what your story is, but if you had read any of my past posts regarding Mesa you would know that I am definitely not associated with the MEC and that I actively tried to educate others on why voting no to the former TA was the right thing to do. As for the rest of your post I'm not even going to try to comment because I honestly don't understand what you are attempting to say. I'm not a teacher, but you might benefit from spending some time with one that teaches grammar.
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