FedEx TA Voting Poll

View Poll Results: FedEx Pilots: How did you vote on the new TA?
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Voters: 187. You may not vote on this poll
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To Pinseeker (again)
go here and do the math:

Your numbers suggest a 2.47% inflation rate. Actual numbers from the site above, 1995-2006 (through August) supports a 2.66% inflation rate. Either way, best case (a new contract on Nov 2010), and YOUR numbers we did beat the inflation rate by three tenths of one percent or the actual numbers by eleven hundreths of one percent. Great reference site above. Check out the trend in the data over the past few years? Looks like a positive slope to me.

I was totally wrong, thank you for educating me.
Quote: USNFDX: Please elaborate on my inflammatory remarks, my apologies if true.

I find these inflammatory

Quote: fly2ski

Be honest.....when did you "unsuccessfully" interview at United. LMFAO

Quote: Mr. fly2ski
But I will not sit idly as ALPA BF's the JR guys just like elsewhere. .
Why does it sound like a "bad thing" when he says "flying freight?" And isn't FedEx a major airline?

Quote: Could you or would you have walked away from an Airbus Captain slot at a major airline to start over flying freight??? That should speak volumes of how bad I had it, and how desperate I was to leave.
Man we all just have battered wife syndrome here and are too ignorant to realize it. Apparently, he knows the history here better than those on the MEC/NC who lived it....They knew better at United...I can see how well it worked.

Quote: YGTBSM? It never ceases to amaze me how self-proclaimed "Intelligent" people can be taken advantage of time after time. All FedEx pilots need to read the FedEx Purple Promise history posted on the ALPA website. ......and at the end of this TA, Nov 2010, an Airbus 380 15 yr captain will make the same as a 1997 United 747 Capt during the ESOP, not Contract 2000 (i.e. 25% pay cut). Like I said, YGTBSM?
Thanks for your service...(seriously..because I wasn't and I appreciate what you did for me and my family). But I didn't know you were there alone.

Quote: And to clarify, 2.5 years ago I was overseas getting my butt mortared and shot at. After 5 tours in Iraq, I Retired from active duty in Jan '05. Thank God for my retirement and Tricare.
Easy to take quotes out of context....not really fair, but these stuck out at me when you were ranting. You come off as being "smarter than the rest of us". Kind of like when my conceited father was checking into an expensive retirement community trying to impress all those around him with his lifelong exploits. I reminded him that he was surrounding himself with plenty of experienced successful people, each with their own stories and that they may not need to be educated by his "unique" knowledge base. Sometimes your "unique" experience is not so unique and comes across as presumptive and stating the obvious.

144 to 10 on this poll. Look to the left, look to the right, maybe you're the one who is out of step.
to pinseeker (whew, again)
My pea brain used much simpler math. I used the TA numbers since everyone pointed to retro pay as what we get, backed up to the amendable date of the contract. Possible mis-assumption on my part. I also used the 9% pay raise on the amendable date, and the additional 3% on the amendable date plus 1yr, and 3% additional for the final 6 months. I did not count the 3+ years of B-fund additions we will never see. Pick a seat, use your numbers for yearly average, my assumptions for retro-pay above and I think you will agree with the math.

Thanks for your reply.
To Laughing Jakal
I appoligize for somehow insinuating superiority of a pass carrier over a freight carrier. That would be slamming myself which I usually dont do. Read my post about my first choice and why I found myself where I did. Not sure where I ever attested to being qualified for any of the slots you mentioned but I do volunteer my time often, just in areas I am qualified. Congrats on turning down UAL, your foresight is commendable. I shared your same views many years ago but never go the chance. Congrats again.

I am barely off probation and yes, I did vote. I am fairly knowlegable (sp?) of FedEx's history, historical airline labor negotiations, the book "flying the line" and others, very smart on the PBG&C, Lump Sums, and other things. Never stated I was the only one to jump ship or of being the Obi Wan Knobe of negotiations. Not sure where you gleaned all that?

And to clarify....I worked for a highly successful company that rapidly became a failing company. There is a difference.

I have never disregarded the efforts of anyone except the ability to stop the independant contractors.

You are correct, if I had been given the chance to interview at FedEx, I possibly would already be a wide body capt with my A fund intact. Unfortunately for me, and I presume fortunately for you, that did not happen (see previous post)

And to correct you, we did not face the same delima, You were hired at both, I could not apply due to reasons already stated in previous posts. It did not take me 10 years to figure this out, just 10 years to get here. I appoligize for any contempt you feel from me, it truly does not exist. My best friends in the world and fellow squadron mates are FedEx pilots, I feel lucky to be part of the team.

And as far as educating you, I have spouted numbers which I believe I have backed up with facts. I feel the TA is too little too late given the financial success of this company and your contributions along with historically failed promises (read the ALPA FedEx history). That is my opinion, you have yours. We luckily have a democracy and we voted, your opinion will vastly outweigh mine.....I respect that and will still be glad to be here.

Numerous peers of yours did sponsor me and they definitely are not embarassed. I am sorry you are.

Thanks for your reply.
To Falcon Jet
The Wood Shed? being a southern boy I remember those days. Hopefully my attempt at respectful responses does not land me there.

Thanks for your humor.
Quote: I have never disregarded the efforts of anyone except the ability to stop the independant contractors.
Quote: Mr. fly2ski
But I will not sit idly as ALPA BF's the JR guys just like elsewhere.
Which ALPA are you talking about? The only ALPA guys that have anything to do with our Contract are Bob, Dave, Wally, and us all.

You are accusing them of purposely screwing Jr guys. I find that offensive.
These guys have worked hard to get a Collective agreement.

I applaud your de-escalating the conversation and speaking in more conversational tones. But you threw stones in a few windows. I too have made emotional remarks I regretted later, I'll give you more than a few mulligans, but I could not let those remarks go unchallenged.

It's not right, and it's not good form.
To Laughing Jakal
Thanks for the tone. My remarks that you classify as inflammatory can be classified as "inflammatory responses". I am getting beaten up for having a different opinion. I do not appologize for that. I have been told to shut my cake hole because I do not have enough time, and I guess a voice. I have been called an embarrassment, a f@#king Idiot, and more....just read. I have tried to dispel false observations but like I , you are welcome to your opinion....however you arrived at them. Many, Many, Many people share my same views but are beaten down and go with the flow. I have never attested to many of the false accusations written here. Find me, call me, it shouldt be hard. I will gladly carry on a professional discussion on my views and welcome your sharpshooting of my observations. I hope I am wrong and this is a win-win for everyone. But after all the sabre rattling when I got here, I am surprised at the TA. Call me.
coffee *****
Glad you guys got him and not us...I would be tired of "Well, at united, we did it this way" and other such tripe.


Quote: Many, Many, Many people share my same views but are beaten down and go with the flow.
It is funny you should say this. I consider you to be more of a needle in a haystack. I have not heard one person I have flown with say what you are saying. Not one! I always ask their opinions first and answer any questions they have had. I took thorough notes at a Road show and brought them out when asked. You are the only one in your position that is talking like this. I believe we are on the same airplane. I think if you look at the beginning of this poll the numbers speak for themselves. You should not be speaking for others saying they all agree with you when you can't back it up with the numbers. I know this website only has a small percentage but I think you may need to take in a little reality.
Quote: go here and do the math:

Your numbers suggest a 2.47% inflation rate. Actual numbers from the site above, 1995-2006 (through August) supports a 2.66% inflation rate. Either way, best case (a new contract on Nov 2010), and YOUR numbers we did beat the inflation rate by three tenths of one percent or the actual numbers by eleven hundreths of one percent. Great reference site above. Check out the trend in the data over the past few years? Looks like a positive slope to me.

I was totally wrong, thank you for educating me.
Not my numbers, the Feds numbers.
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