DAL Poolie Info

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Quote: Update to pilot requirement from hiring acquaintance.
As of yesterday, 1002 new bodies needed by the end of 2015.
370 for modeled attrition
632 for expected mainline growth

Just FYI
That would be awesome! Hope it comes to pass.
...anyone hear about April classes yet? How far in advance of a class offer to you typically get? 1 month?
Quote: ...anyone hear about April classes yet? How far in advance of a class offer to you typically get? 1 month?
I received the class date call about 4 weeks in advance.
Any idea how the March 3 class is going? Assignments?
Quote: Any idea how the March 3 class is going? Assignments?

It lists the "drop" of airplanes under the class date
Does anyone know what the seat lock is on your initial equipment assignment? Is it 1 year? Thanks.
Quote: Does anyone know what the seat lock is on your initial equipment assignment? Is it 1 year? Thanks.
Yes but you can change domiciles if your airplane is there.
Quote: Yes but you can change domiciles if your airplane is there.
Thank you ..........................
Official approval to maintain a hiring rate of 50 pilots per month has been obtained through APR of 15.
Quote: Official approval to maintain a hiring rate of 50 pilots per month has been obtained through APR of 15.
No offense; but, I'd like to see it for myself… Source?
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