ALPA Dues...???

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Quote: We also had to pay for the contract party. You know the one with all the guys and their wifes toasting us,...can't recall from Vegas?

Everyone that went to the BOD pitched in their own money to pay for all of that stuff, but thanks for being a concerned member.
[QUOTE=skeebo2;92118]Remember EFB demo desk in the AOC? Manned by volunteers, turns out they were paid. Argue this point as you wish. Name call etc. One way or another they did not do this for FREE. QUOTE]

Most of the folks I saw manning the EFB desk were FLEX instructors. They are on pay only status for the month. They get paid for a Simulators or Ground School Instructing. Maybe that includes manning the EFB desk too.........but the UNION isn't paying them, the company is. Whats the big deal?
Somebody asked Ray Romano once if his wife got mad because he kissed his TV wife all the time at work.

He said, "Yeah, but I just told her, go cry into a bag of money...."
Quote: FWIW...and I'm not trying to get too personal here...but I tithe at our church. I figured out a long time ago that if I can't be happy on 90% of what I make, then I need to make some adjustments to my life. Learning to tithe was an adjustment--but once I looked at that 10% as "God's" and not really mine to begin with the transition was very easy. (If anyone wants to wax philoshopic about faith, etc....we can do it in a PM. I'm not trying to evangelize here...) The 2% that the union gets is THEIRS, not mine. Yeah...I earned but...but HOW? I earned it with great work rules, pay rates, etc that were negoatiated by union guys who had gone before me. Even in the pre-union days at FedEx, the work rules were modeled after contracts at other airlines that were negoatiated by...guess what...unions! So--its their money anyway--before I ever touch it.

I agree with you 100%. In fact I think of my pay, sort of the same way you do. That is to say that a portion of the money that I earn is not really mine anyway. However, the percentages I use are much different that the ones you use. I use 85/15%. The 15% is what my wife lets me "keep" after all is said and done.

Our union dues are cheap at twice the price. Anyone who finds it difficult to pay these dues, should take a look around at the rest of the industry. The guys who worked their tails off, on our behalf, did a fantastic job, and for us to ***** about our dues is just a slap in the face for them.
Quote: I think I do.

That's close, but not quite. You need to look at your 11/15 check and 11/30 check, plus your bonus check.

Yep, the math adds up now to 1.95%. Thanks for the clarification.

I guess 42GO is the only one getting the 'special' assessemnt.
Quote: Yep, the math adds up now to 1.95%. Thanks for the clarification.

I guess 42GO is the only one getting the 'special' assessemnt.
I didn't write the post, you did...SO has the extra ass. ended or not????
I didn't write the post, you did...SO has the extra ass. ended or not????

Send me your Employee # and Passwords and I'll check for you.

Quote: I think I do.

That's close, but not quite. You need to look at your 11/15 check and 11/30 check, plus your bonus check.

Look again at the IMS Pay Screen for 11/30 -- there will be two, one for your regular paycheck, and one for the signing bonus. Add the REGULAR EARNINGS from the normal paycheck, and the OTHER EARNINGS from the Bonus paycheck. Then, look at the Pay Screen for 11/15, and add in your TOTAL EARNINGS. Multiply that sum by .0195, and I think you'll come pretty close to what was withheld from your 12/15 check for ALPA DUES (found on the DEDUCTS screen).

I said you were barking up the wrong tree.

You still are.



Still haven't seen a single WORD from the union EDUCATING the crew force on the contract, other than saying...."read it yourself"....I think it's a good deal but I sure would love some of those "intelligent" guys explaining some of the finer details to us " stupid" guys......

But then maybe they are still in Las Vegas....

so what's that about a "tree" again....
Quote: Tony,

Still haven't seen a single WORD from the union EDUCATING the crew force on the contract, other than saying...."read it yourself"....I think it's a good deal but I sure would love some of those "intelligent" guys explaining some of the finer details to us " stupid" guys......
The unioin can not LEGALLY write an interpretation of the contract language in plain english because then it can be consider binding by a judge. After you read it and you still have a question on the meaning then call your rep...why is that do hard for you to understand.
Quote: The unioin can not LEGALLY write an interpretation of the contract language in plain english because then it can be consider binding by a judge. After you read it and you still have a question on the meaning then call your rep...why is that do hard for you to understand.
WAIT......are you really telling ME AND all the crew members at FEDEX that the UNION can't EXPLAIN the contract to its members in plain english....

Tell me it ain't so....thats the defense of the company telling us they can't discuss accidents at fedex but telling ALL about every other accident in the world.....isn't that called "COVER YOUR ASS".
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