More great news at Envoy!

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Did ALPA help at all with the pinnacle/psa/pdt contracts? What a joke this has become.
Aren't Envoy and PSA both ALPA?
Quote: Aren't Envoy and PSA both ALPA?
Yes they are, what a joke
Hopefully a lot of the Envoy guys can find other jobs at majors, respectable 135s and spirit , jet blue, etc.
Quote: Do eagle pilots keep their flow number if they leave for other carriers such as virgin or spirit?

Nobody gets a "number" until they are on AA property, so no. You don't keep what you don't have.
Quote: Did ALPA help at all with the pinnacle/psa/pdt contracts? What a joke this has become.
Not only that, at 9E, Moak sent us a video on why the concessions were "vital and necessary", of course that video was deleted right after the NO votes at Envoy/XJT.
But no one can staff them! Standing up for the industry!
Quote: But no one can staff them! Standing up for the industry!
The pilot shortage will actually result in significant concessions, as guys that can't move on, will do anything to keep the doors open at their respective carriers.
Last time I checked, Delta is ALPA and they have been screwing everyone since they let scope get away from them in 1992 when the first POS -200 rolled out...ALPA National has pandering to their big dues payers since de-regulation, and intentionally decided not to change their by-laws to level the playing field. Instead, they have perpetuated and exacerbated the two-tiered pay scheme that we have to day, which is now morphing into and even lower tier with this 12/4 pay scale...ALPA has done halcyon work in the field of safety, and establishing rules that have benefitted all pilots. Now? abject failure as a negotiating agent. There is a reason why this is an association, and if you ask anyone at National about what makes ALPA unique compared to other trade unions? The ability for each individual pilot group to have their own collective bargaining unit, MEC officers and the various committees. This addresses the individual needs, demographics and unique situation of each individual pilot group. So, please explain why pilot groups need to collude with one another? "Raise the Bar"? And, "Stop the Whipsaw" and all this other nonsense? Let me be clear I FULLY support my own company's MEC and other pilot volunteers. Because they are addressing the needs of MY pilot group.
Having said this, the controversy stems from the fact that the current system and association model used by ALPA is broken...Why do you think AA BROKE from ALPA ( apart from some internal politics and personality conflicts at the time ), or other carriers have decided an in-house union was a better fit than the ALPA Merry-go-round...
I get a feeling from reading a lot of this tripe presented here and elsewhere that we have a majority of "low information voters" that A. Don't know the history of ALPA ( read, "Flying the Line" Parts 1-3 ) AND, in their narrow and ignorance don't understand how business is business...
Quote: The pilot shortage will actually result in significant concessions, as guys that can't move on, will do anything to keep the doors open at their respective carriers.
I think there are slot of regional pilots who will fall under the category of "can't move on".
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