How much TT to get call?

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3100 TT
1100 PIC
No type
Retired military, prior 121 experience

Just got the CJO today!!!
could I get a call from SWA with no degree?
I have about 3500 TT and 1000 TPIC 121

How much TT to get call?
Quote: When a kernel doesn't know he's kernaling.

I just spit Diet Coke all over my keyboard. I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!
Quote: Bahahaha. All of which relates directly to part 121 operations, right kernel? That "G pulling" is obviously something many of you can't let go of judging by how you taxi and throw the FAs and pax around just to name one example.

You'll excuse me if I don't think a guy with 2-3,000 hours in a single seat fighter should be getting hired ahead of the thousands of RJ Cptns out there with 10,000+ hours, most of which have been spent hauling paying passengers around in a multicrew environment to high density airports. Ya know.......basically already doing the job they're applying for.

Give me a break

Aaaaand for every F-16 Kernal out there, it seems there is also a Civi-tool like whack that can't seem to let it go.
I think we all have earned our spot here.
Kinda like the AirTran merger/acquisition, you just can't seem to let it go.
But hey, you keep doing you. I am sure everyone who has to listen to you thinks you are great.
Ha ha. Zap I didn't want to go there! It would be embarrassing to tell you that I have the lyrics memorized and I sing it with a 9 year old often.
Quote: I have about 3500 TT and 1000 TPIC 121

Unless you're prior military. Most off the street on here been around 8k TT
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