Atlas Air Hiring

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Quote: Roll-call for my fellow Jan. Interview Poolies who haven't received class dates yet... just curious.

No call
Quote: Roll-call for my fellow Jan. Interview Poolies who haven't received class dates yet... just curious.
1/19 no call. I put no preference on aircraft and that I needed two weeks notice. Hopefully soon I think I'm driving my wife and fellow interviewee Bill nuts, while I wait for a date. Good luck everyone.
Disregard, misposted.
1/20, no call for me.

Hang in there, friends. If they pooled roughly 130, and each month the intake is 50ish (estimate from previous posts), the pool should be getting shallow. Perhaps the April start for the rest of us.

The guys that got dates already mostly shared characteristics such as high/heavy time and time in-type.

For those in-the-know: Does the training department try and group trainees with like experience together? I read many past classes have had a broad spectrum, similar to the interview group demographic.

Can hardly wait to meet you all, Newbie and Salty Dogs alike!

Stay thirsty, my Friends...

Quote: 1/19 no call. I put no preference on aircraft and that I needed two weeks notice. Hopefully soon I think I'm driving my wife and fellow interviewee Bill nuts, while I wait for a date. Good luck everyone.
Lol. Same here. Soon enough.
For those in-the-know: Does the training department try and group trainees with like experience together? I read many past classes have had a broad spectrum, similar to the interview group demographic.

Five years ago my new hire class was all over the place regarding experience and background. I don't think much has changed in that respect. Varied backgrounds can be a benefit when it comes to group study ...
Quote: Five years ago my new hire class was all over the place regarding experience and background. I don't think much has changed in that respect. Varied backgrounds can be a benefit when it comes to group study ...
Whether by design or chance, I appreciate that dynamic. It promotes continued learning outside the classroom and makes for a great storytime with the evening beers.
All kinds of different backgrounds in classes, but right now, regional guys make the big majority.
Atlas Air Hiring
Quote: 1/20, no call for me.

Hang in there, friends. If they pooled roughly 130, and each month the intake is 50ish (estimate from previous posts), the pool should be getting shallow. Perhaps the April start for the rest of us.

The guys that got dates already mostly shared characteristics such as high/heavy time and time in-type.

For those in-the-know: Does the training department try and group trainees with like experience together? I read many past classes have had a broad spectrum, similar to the interview group demographic.

Can hardly wait to meet you all, Newbie and Salty Dogs alike!

Stay thirsty, my Friends...


For Feb there will be a total of 3 new hire classes

2x767 classes, 17 and 18 pilots
1x747 class, 32 pilots

So far this year it's been a total 85 new hires. Rumor is a new 767 class of 18 ever three weeks. Shouldn't get too wrinkled In the pool.
Quote: In over six years here I've not been called to report in 1+30 once. It's obviously possible to have it happen and one can't afford to disregard that but it's unlikely.

Check your PM's
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