Say "NO" to FDX CBA Section 29

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Quote: Thank God. In one sentence you say "it's not like I don't want to be a member of the union" and by the end you are talking about supporting decertification? I would say the Union is less like herpes and more like a marriage. You get what you put into it. If all we do is sit around and *****, point fingers at "them" and threaten to quit when things don't go our way....well, then we get what we get. Sure, sometimes you do your part and the "spouse" still screws you over. Well, that's life. Brings me to part 2:

Conversely, if we all put in a little work, watch each other's backs, do the right thing when it's painfully apparent we should (stop picking up open time, selling back vacation, no draft/volunteer, fly the contract, etc, etc, etc...) that's where we can make some real gains.
+1 (and some more letters for message length)
Quote: It is not like I do not want to be a member of the union, but I do not want Agency Shop any longer. The only way to hold union management's feet to the fire is at least having the threat of a financial boycott if their services prove ineffective or have little return on investment. I understand the value of a labor union on the property (especially at this freaking place), but I do not like being forced to pay for something that may stop serving the membership at some point in the future (some would say right now). Agency shop in the modern era of organized labor ignores basic consumerism and is an outdated protectionist concept.

I am not naive enough to believe that Agency Shop will ever go away. Like herpes, once you got it, you got it. Short of decertification (which I would consider) the "pay to play, even if the services suck" is here to stay. As one of the previous posters stated, national will most likely never sign off on a contract that eliminates its guaranteed revenue stream, but I do not have to like it or ratify any tentative agreement that continues to include it (or 4a2b). Then again, I am merely one vote...

I do not how long you have been here, but an assumption is not that long if you are really a FO. If i am incorrect, accept my apology in Advance.

Actually I am not addressing you specifically, but all Pilots who don't get the Agency Shop issue.

A quick History lesson.
We once had NO Union. A merger, Some optimization and Changes to current working conditions changed that.
We voted in ALPA. The Membership was split, we didn't have a Contract (no Agency Shop Clause) approximately 35-40% pilots were paying dues.
Pilots entered Self Help in Nov 1995 under ALPA 1. It is short lived because many MEM pilots are drafting at 200% to cover Trips in ANC, OAK and EWR
MGT offered up a contract (notice I said Mgt offered as it really wasn't negotiated). It was turned down by the Pilots. Many Pilots joined ALPA just to vote NO and then never paid dues.
ALPA #1 was decertified.....Still No Contract
Along comes a New in House Union FPA to save the day.
FedEx Pilots Association (FPA)is certified. Again No contract and NO agency shop clause.
In the beginning 20-30% pilots were paying dues. FPA was financially and morally Bankrupt. Management Offer a Contract (Again notice the Term Offers because it really wasn't negotiated). Remember we were still in Self Help. It was very concessionary so thank goodness it was voted down. Many Pilots joined FPA just to Vote NO, and then once the vote was counted, stopped paying dues. Still no Contract and FPA is basically Bankrupt. Who pays for Trip loss and Committee Chairs to work?? Pilots volunteer but soon get burned out working every single day flying their Schedules and volunteering on Off days. There is Big turnover and much Union work is ignored or unfinished.

Later on FedEx Management helps Union Drive by Tweaking optimizer, GM cranks optimizer an wipes out system form as Pilots once knew it. Non members slowly get Big Picture. Many start joining FPA. Through many MGT actions, they continue to be Unions best friend in aiding Membership Drive.

A well Known former FTL Pilot steps up and volunteers to be FPA Negotiating Committee Chair. Many former FTL pilots and ALPA supporters reluctantly join FPA to support the new NC Chairman.
Negotiations do not go well (many due to lack of support form avg line Pilot and a few key Union Officers). MGT offers another Contract in Middle of Night often referred to as Parking Lot Deal. The Negotiating Chairman Quits, the Union President is resigns .

Union Leadership Implodes and large amount of Membership quit and stop paying dues.

After 3 Management Contract offers (all bad) A Morally and financially Bankrupt FPA finally accepts the 4th one as there is little choice.

Once the contract was signed we had our 1st CBA and it lacked an Agency Shop Clause.

The Union Slowly rebuilds again with + - 60% membership.

We finally get ALPA 2 and start acting like a real UNION. It only took 10 years since a Union was first voted in.
We essentially lost or wasted 10 great negotiating years during Good economic times, but that is water under the Bridge.

With No Agency Shop Clause

Senior guys nearing retirement Quit.
New Hires coming aboard do not join.
Every time there is an Big issue, Pilots quit when things don't go their way.
Union wasn't aggressive enough on this issue, "I quit", Union was too hard on the Company and asking for too much, "I quit"
You see we have many "1 issue" members. If Pilots are permitted quit at the drop of a Hat how is the Union expected to operate? It costs a great deal of Money to Negotiate

Pick your Issue. Several on this Board have said they would quit over
AGE 60
National Endorsement of Democratic Candidate.
Perception we have a Bad Contract

You see, there will always be issues that someone has an Issue with and give them an Opportunity to be a Free loader and they will.
We cannot allow everyone to Pick up their Bat and Ball and go home every time they disagree with an Issue. Like the FPA we would have to keep raising dues to cover losses.

If the Majority of FDX Pilots really do not want to pay Dues (or a Contract Management Fee for Non Members), lets just cut to the chase and decertify the Union altogether and then there won't be any dues. Deep down I know most of us get it and are willing to pay. I suspect the majority really doesn't want that. but alas there is the Minority that want all the Benefits the Union Brings without having to pay.

I do not agree with everything our Union does. and often I disagree with our Leaderships decisions. But I pay my dues
and always will because, 1. It is the right thing to do, 2. I know what life would be like without an Union or a Union who cannot afford to run the office.

Sorry for long Rant.
Excellent post and good recounting of the history that got us here.
We had 95% (probably 99% of the guys hired after 99) membership with no one quiting except the guys the day before their retirement to shield their last 100K paycheck from the 2%. Their wasnt a whole lot of quitting in the 5 years prior to the agency shop contract, there was no need. Since the agency shop contract the company has run roughshod over us, but hey that is just a coincidence.

No wonder management said yes so quickly.
Quote: We had 95% (probably 99% of the guys hired after 99) membership with no one quiting except the guys the day before their retirement to shield their last 100K paycheck from the 2%. Their wasnt a whole lot of quitting in the 5 years prior to the agency shop contract, there was no need. Since the agency shop contract the company has run roughshod over us, but hey that is just a coincidence.

No wonder management said yes so quickly.
I beg to differ. Why didn't management say yes in 95 and in 98

And if you were here then, the contract survey over over whelmingly wanted agency shop.

How many times have you stated you would quit?

Of course we didn't have APC in 98
Quote: .......... the contract survey over over whelminly wanted agency shop.

Because we were told ALL the freeloaders would have to PAY!!!!!
Quote: DNFTT


It's really that simple.

Next topic please.
Quote: Because we were told ALL the freeloaders would have to PAY!!!!!
Prior to Agency Shop, we had approximately 5% freeloaders.

Today, we have approximately 1% freeloaders.

Agency shop is working. Let's move on.
If you beg to differ please tell me where i am wrong. Never threatened to quit. Although veba (part of it) and age 60 are pretty good reasons. I gues the company got smart, why do you tghink they agrred to agency shop?
Quote: I do not how long you have been here, but an assumption is not that long if you are really a FO. If i am incorrect, accept my apology in Advance............

...........I do not agree with everything our Union does. and often I disagree with our Leaderships decisions. But I pay my dues
and always will because, 1. It is the right thing to do, 2. I know what life would be like without an Union or a Union who cannot afford to run the office.

Sorry for long Rant.
Sorry to edit your post, just wanted to highlight a couple of things. Why the quip about not really being here that long if you are really an FO? Folks here over 9.5 years before they could hold any other seat but an FO, is that not long enough to have an opinion on our union? That is the implication.

I appreciate your recap of how we got to ALPA current, but it doesn't change the fact that the union should be responsive to the membership. In an ideal world, it would be so valuable to our careers and quality of life that we wouldn't even be having a discussion about its worthiness. Sadly, that is not the case.

Secondly, in your opinion its the right thing to do (to be in the union). Where have we heard that before? Realize that is your opinion, not a universal truth. Some of us believe that the right thing to do is to not force membership in anything, let alone a union. Its still a free country, a pilot should be free to decide if they feel the benefits of the union are worth the cost of membership.

In other words, allow the union to stand on its own, and if it can't then yes, let it fall apart. I don't think that would happen, nor do I want it to. We agree on number 2, we are better off with the union, but I still feel it should be able to stand on its own merit.

We also agree that Agency Shop will never go away with an ALPA contract, that is truly water under the bridge.
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