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Nohope 09-08-2015 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by sayflightlevel (Post 1966438)
Yes, I'm quoting both of these. Mainly because you edited one of them.

We get it, you're ****ed that you're not a 10 year ExpressJet Captain. And yes you could be in the next upgrade class...if you wanted. But, guess what? You could have been in the last two. So yea, there are now six captains junior to you that actually took the upgrade. Oh, and guess what else, they are making more money than you. Seems that someone who's in a "financial situation" would want more money. I know, I know it's not always about the money but what does more than most human beings work for on this planet? Money.

Yes, you could be a captain at ExpressJet but like I just stated you could be a captain at Omni too. Here's the deal you made a decision with the information you had about going back to ExpressJet, you didn't go. Stop complaining about it. You're a grown boy.

Most of us on here know exactly who you are. You are doing flying that most would dream of. I'll take it a step further, you go to two places where people dream to go to, pilots spend their whole careers to fly to, and you're complaining about it. You don't even have the right to complain about the rest of Omni right now. Yeah, you've been there, the rest of us are. But if you're going to continue doing the flying your'e doing, don't B!t<H.

You don't really even commute. And you have the nerve to tell these applicants to take their lack of days off to "go see the world." You've been a regional pilot, you know the drill. You really expect these pilots to jumpseat internationally? You do it domestically and know how had it is. Regional pilots have maybe 10-12 days off a month. Oh, and guess what (as you know) they're not all at once. Yes, yes, they have vacation days, sick days, and reserve days but you really expect them to go to Canada or Mexico on those three days off they have. You go see the World on those days, see how you like it.

Yes, you work eighteen days a month, maybe more. But you're home for 10-12 days straight. Off. My mother only gets eight days off a month. Ok, ok, she's off every night and home but for what? To cook my father dinner, clean, watch a little TV, and then sleep? Man, Those are some real good days at home.

We all signed up for this life, we knew there would be time away from home. Turns out planes leave one place and land at another. If you can't handle that, go be an accountant or put that ERAU degree to work. Just because you're miserable and 180K indebted with student loans (which you signed up for), stop trying to make our lives miserable too.

There are some pilots here at Omni who will never leave. It might be on their own accord or because they just didn't get the call. There are some applicants who want to do this flying because they never will get the chance from Delta, American, United, etc. There are some who want to come here to get some experience. Stop being the Debbie Downer and painting an ugly picture of a good company. It's not good? Have you been furloughed? Have you had a pay day not show up in your account? Have you been charged taxes for your commercial flight? Is the company losing money? Are we parking planes? Is the operation unsafe? Do you have to commute from East Coast to the West Coast thus loosing a day on each end? Even in your base is your commute that hard?

Step back, take a long look in the mirror, and man up.

You must be from Tulsa since you have missed the whole point of what is being said. I will just address the last paragraph. Good Company? A good company does not leave you overseas when a family member passes or rushed to the hospital. Furloughed? Last two years, we did have a furlough, and would have this year (rumor has it). Losing money? The company will tell you we are a lot less profitable. Parking Planes? yes we have gone from 15 to 9. Pay taxes on tickets? If Omni could figure out a way to do this they would. Commute/paycheck late? This has been the two positives of this company throughout this whole thread. With the contract to be negotiated as always the company will try to get rid of home basing. So there may be a commute in our future.

HVYMETALDRVR 09-08-2015 06:11 AM

The above poster isn't fully correct about regionals.

All regionals are NOT created equal, but as a former senior 145 FO flying for a crappy RJ operator I could consistently get 12-14 OFF with up to 7 days consecutive sometimes. I did quite a bit of overseas travel as well with my DL benefits. The pay was terrible, but the schedule was average. The guys with my same seniority on the -170/175 were getting 16-17 OFF with sometimes up to 9 days off in a row (I couldn't bid over).

Pay was crap, but this schedule was okay, especially since I lived in base.

CRJ700Master 09-08-2015 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by KhalReblic23 (Post 1965378)
a very senior 777 CA and he has had 10 landings since January....10. [/IMG][/URL]

You don't even meet the minimum recently of experience on most of major airline applications with this lack of landings....I had 10 landings on my last 4 days trip!

KhalReblic23 09-08-2015 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by sayflightlevel (Post 1966438)
Yes, I'm quoting both of these. Mainly because you edited one of them.

We get it, you're ****ed that you're not a 10 year ExpressJet Captain. And yes you could be in the next upgrade class...if you wanted. But, guess what? You could have been in the last two. So yea, there are now six captains junior to you that actually took the upgrade. Oh, and guess what else, they are making more money than you. Seems that someone who's in a "financial situation" would want more money. I know, I know it's not always about the money but what does more than most human beings work for on this planet? Money.

Yes, you could be a captain at ExpressJet but like I just stated you could be a captain at Omni too. Here's the deal you made a decision with the information you had about going back to ExpressJet, you didn't go. Stop complaining about it. You're a grown boy.

Most of us on here know exactly who you are. You are doing flying that most would dream of. I'll take it a step further, you go to two places where people dream to go to, pilots spend their whole careers to fly to, and you're complaining about it. You don't even have the right to complain about the rest of Omni right now. Yeah, you've been there, the rest of us are. But if you're going to continue doing the flying your'e doing, don't B!t<H.

You don't really even commute. And you have the nerve to tell these applicants to take their lack of days off to "go see the world." You've been a regional pilot, you know the drill. You really expect these pilots to jumpseat internationally? You do it domestically and know how had it is. Regional pilots have maybe 10-12 days off a month. Oh, and guess what (as you know) they're not all at once. Yes, yes, they have vacation days, sick days, and reserve days but you really expect them to go to Canada or Mexico on those three days off they have. You go see the World on those days, see how you like it.

Yes, you work eighteen days a month, maybe more. But you're home for 10-12 days straight. Off. My mother only gets eight days off a month. Ok, ok, she's off every night and home but for what? To cook my father dinner, clean, watch a little TV, and then sleep? Man, Those are some real good days at home.

We all signed up for this life, we knew there would be time away from home. Turns out planes leave one place and land at another. If you can't handle that, go be an accountant or put that ERAU degree to work. Just because you're miserable and 180K indebted with student loans (which you signed up for), stop trying to make our lives miserable too.

There are some pilots here at Omni who will never leave. It might be on their own accord or because they just didn't get the call. There are some applicants who want to do this flying because they never will get the chance from Delta, American, United, etc. There are some who want to come here to get some experience. Stop being the Debbie Downer and painting an ugly picture of a good company. It's not good? Have you been furloughed? Have you had a pay day not show up in your account? Have you been charged taxes for your commercial flight? Is the company losing money? Are we parking planes? Is the operation unsafe? Do you have to commute from East Coast to the West Coast thus loosing a day on each end? Even in your base is your commute that hard?

Step back, take a long look in the mirror, and man up.

Ironically, in your entire rant you haven't answered a single question that any of the guys here have asked about what working at Omni is like.

I was going to respond to some of what you brought up, but it looks like a couple of guys already have.

NightIP 09-08-2015 01:20 PM

Having previously worked for Omni (and quit for reasons obvious to most who've worked there), nothing Khal has said in this thread is exaggerated or incorrect. His posts have been absolutely realistic for those looking to work there.

If you guys want a better CBA next time around, you can't attack the messenger. You guys need to unify. Stan and his cronies love it when you attack your fellow pilots; it means he'll get yet another screaming deal on the backs of your labor.

There are obviously folks on here who are current/former/wannabe Omni management. Realize that these types, particularly the latter, have no spine and should be disregarded.

seoceancrosser 09-08-2015 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by NightIP (Post 1966869)
Having previously worked for Omni (and quit for reasons obvious to most who've worked there), nothing Khal has said in this thread is exaggerated or incorrect. His posts have been absolutely realistic for those looking to work there.

If you guys want a better CBA next time around, you can't attack the messenger. You guys need to unify. Stan and his cronies love it when you attack your fellow pilots; it means he'll get yet another screaming deal on the backs of your labor.

There are obviously folks on here who are current/former/wannabe Omni management. Realize that these types, particularly the latter, have no spine and should be disregarded.

I second that, nothing Khal has said is inaccurate. ACMI is tough flying with an even tougher quality of life attached to it. Omni offers only minimum assistance for normal logistical day to day non-flying operations. It's that way for 18 days every single month all for 50K a year as an FO or 100K a year as a Captain. I wouldn't say that Omni is better or worse than a regional, I will say that it's just a different kind of "aviation suck." If the ACMI suck sounds better than your current aviation suck then send in your app and hope for the best. If you are on the fence and the grass appears to be a similar shade of brown, you should probably stay where you are at.

HyPoXiKDeViL08 09-09-2015 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by sayflightlevel (Post 1966438)
Yes, I'm quoting both of these. Mainly because you edited one of them...

There are some pilots here at Omni who will never leave. It might be on their own accord or because they just didn't get the call. There are some applicants who want to do this flying because they never will get the chance from Delta, American, United, etc. There are some who want to come here to get some experience. Stop being the Debbie Downer and painting an ugly picture of a good company. It's not good? Have you been furloughed? Have you had a pay day not show up in your account? Have you been charged taxes for your commercial flight? Is the company losing money? Are we parking planes? Is the operation unsafe? Do you have to commute from East Coast to the West Coast thus loosing a day on each end? Even in your base is your commute that hard?

Step back, take a long look in the mirror, and man up.

I worked at Omni a few tears back, years back, and I'd have to say that yes i did get furloughed.... The recall eventually came 6 months later but by then I found something better. Though my time there was short, I met some great guys in my class and we still keep in touch. Flying was chill, as a single guy, i didn't mind being away from home 18-20 days at a time and/or being a professional dead header. Sure you're traveling AROUND the world but you sure aren't seeing it! Unless you really enjoy a week in Bishkek or Anchorage without knowing where you're headed next... I'd say, the one good thing was definitely getting the type rating. It came in handy when I got kicked to the curb without a recall in sight.

Packrat 09-09-2015 03:11 PM

I don't know about Bishkek, but Anchorage can be a blast depending on which part of town the Hotel is. Having been on reserve there, the bus system is first class.

gunner 09-09-2015 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by sayflightlevel (Post 1966438)
Yes, I'm quoting both of these. Mainly because you edited one of them.

We get it, you're ****ed that you're not a 10 year ExpressJet Captain. And yes you could be in the next upgrade class...if you wanted. But, guess what? You could have been in the last two. So yea, there are now six captains junior to you that actually took the upgrade. Oh, and guess what else, they are making more money than you. Seems that someone who's in a "financial situation" would want more money. I know, I know it's not always about the money but what does more than most human beings work for on this planet? Money.

Yes, you could be a captain at ExpressJet but like I just stated you could be a captain at Omni too. Here's the deal you made a decision with the information you had about going back to ExpressJet, you didn't go. Stop complaining about it. You're a grown boy.

Most of us on here know exactly who you are. You are doing flying that most would dream of. I'll take it a step further, you go to two places where people dream to go to, pilots spend their whole careers to fly to, and you're complaining about it. You don't even have the right to complain about the rest of Omni right now. Yeah, you've been there, the rest of us are. But if you're going to continue doing the flying your'e doing, don't B!t<H.

You don't really even commute. And you have the nerve to tell these applicants to take their lack of days off to "go see the world." You've been a regional pilot, you know the drill. You really expect these pilots to jumpseat internationally? You do it domestically and know how had it is. Regional pilots have maybe 10-12 days off a month. Oh, and guess what (as you know) they're not all at once. Yes, yes, they have vacation days, sick days, and reserve days but you really expect them to go to Canada or Mexico on those three days off they have. You go see the World on those days, see how you like it.

Yes, you work eighteen days a month, maybe more. But you're home for 10-12 days straight. Off. My mother only gets eight days off a month. Ok, ok, she's off every night and home but for what? To cook my father dinner, clean, watch a little TV, and then sleep? Man, Those are some real good days at home.

We all signed up for this life, we knew there would be time away from home. Turns out planes leave one place and land at another. If you can't handle that, go be an accountant or put that ERAU degree to work. Just because you're miserable and 180K indebted with student loans (which you signed up for), stop trying to make our lives miserable too.

There are some pilots here at Omni who will never leave. It might be on their own accord or because they just didn't get the call. There are some applicants who want to do this flying because they never will get the chance from Delta, American, United, etc. There are some who want to come here to get some experience. Stop being the Debbie Downer and painting an ugly picture of a good company. It's not good? Have you been furloughed? Have you had a pay day not show up in your account? Have you been charged taxes for your commercial flight? Is the company losing money? Are we parking planes? Is the operation unsafe? Do you have to commute from East Coast to the West Coast thus loosing a day on each end? Even in your base is your commute that hard?

Step back, take a long look in the mirror, and man up.

Great speech, BTW congrats on your upgrade to CP Adam.

whereRwe 09-10-2015 02:37 PM

Omni Life
Things I have learned during my tenure are Omni:
1. The paycheck is always on time.
2. They are very vengeful and will suspend you without pay for a month for any and all infractions.
3. Morale SUCKS and it's brought on by the "managers" in Tulsa
4. If there are problems at home, it is your problem to sort out on your own
5. Most of the pilots are great to fly with.
6. Last summer a captain was held out from mid-June to August
7. The union tries but the pilots suffer from Stockholm Syndrome
8. Morale sucks
9. It can be a lot fun on the road

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