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Old 10-07-2021, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by BLAHBLAHBLAH View Post
The former President of the United States has banned on almost all social media platforms.
And why do people get banned from platforms, including this one? Not a trick question.
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Old 10-07-2021, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by BLAHBLAHBLAH View Post
The former President of the United States has banned on almost all social media platforms.
Private companies can decide who they choose to do business with. That is a stall worth of the free market. He has not been banned by the government or some cartel or cabal of speaking out. He was just on TV the other day lying like usual. Didn’t seem like he has been banned at all with his screaming….

BTW this is crux of the entire vaccine mandates, we live in a free market economy, one of the beautiful things is private enterprise, and government when acting as a private enterprise, gets to choose who they do business with and who they don’t. They get to choose who they can hire and who they can fire. (Disclaimer…as long as certain laws such as ADA and Titles are upheld). If you don’t believe in private enterprise deciding what’s best for them maybe you belong in another country that believes in a centralized economy. China is doing pretty good right now, they are always looking for pilots.
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Old 10-07-2021, 09:54 AM
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Because all the special snowflakes get offended? The owner of the website disagree with their views.
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Old 10-07-2021, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by LUVisLost View Post
Dude you need to get out of the weeds. You have a choice in life . You have chosen to get a PPL, CPL, ATP, 1st Class Medical, Passport, FCC license and DL. When you went to college you chose to get MMR, Varicella, Tetnus and a multitude of other vaccines. You chose to have a bank account so your check is direct deposited. You chose to have insurance through the company. You have chosen to own a car and get the insurance required by law to operate it These are all choices you have made in the past. This is another choice for you to weigh and decide what to do.

The opportunity to discuss the merits of the vaccine are over. That water has long left under the bridge and 9.99 out of 10 medical and scientists have reached a conclusion.

I know it’s hard for many flag tie wearing “freedom” lovers but the company has made a choice that is best for the company long term and your feeling are irrelevant to them. You are a widget and are a nothing to them. They will survive and thrive without you. You are not special, you have never been special and never will be. Accept it and move on or quit….the choice is all yours.
I don’t know why you said most of this. No one has argued it. But vaccine mandates are wrong and should be fought. There is no precedence on the federal or state level of mandates. Only on the local county level. And every time it has been done it has lead to horrifying atrocities. Just because something was done in the past doesn’t mean we should do it again. A company doesn’t have a right to discriminate and that’s exactly what’s happening here. In the few examples of local mandates in our country it has lead to 60,000 women forced sterilized, barbaric racism, public health officials being given powers they don’t have (surprise surprise history repeats) children ripped from homes in the middle of the night, homes and businesses burned down. These things should not be allowed. And this is where this is heading if not stopped, likely a Holocaust level event. And no, for all who argue the George Washington example, it is absurd. It happened in one camp, during a war, when they were getting ready for a major battle, only to soldiers. They accepted natural immunity. George Washington himself had already had the virus and recovered. And also, this was an actual vaccine. They would cut you and then wipe the pus of a recently recovered individual to get the dead virus in you. What we are doing today is not even remotely similar. If you are still being infected and transmitting to everyone around you, you have no immunity. If it wanes after 6 months you never had immunity. You have a therapeutic based on one protein from one segment of a virus from two years ago that your immune system never developed resistance to. This is not a vaccine and shouldn’t even be roped into the discussion of other vaccines.
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Old 10-07-2021, 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by BLAHBLAHBLAH View Post
The former President of the United States has banned on almost all social media platforms.
A post I made last night was deleted by the moderator on this forum for using the term "far right" and asking if anybody wanted to give back the "socialist" money that our "communist" government leaders gave to our company so that we could all keep our jobs. I also talked about the "tyranny" of not being able to smoke in the cockpit.

That was censored. So, I guess it's not just conservatives that are being singled out, huh? I'm kind of happy that my comment got deleted because it directly addresses the argument that conservatives are the only ones facing the ire of the "woke" police. It goes both ways.
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Old 10-07-2021, 10:23 AM
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Just change the word “woke” to “paranoid,” as Bill Maher recently said. Funny that I’m starting to agree with a lot of his content.

Private companies can indeed regulate their platforms…and Google can manipulate search results.
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Old 10-07-2021, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by FleetSnarl View Post
A post I made last night was deleted by the moderator on this forum for using the term "far right" and asking if anybody wanted to give back the "socialist" money that our "communist" government leaders gave to our company so that we could all keep our jobs. I also talked about the "tyranny" of not being able to smoke in the cockpit.

That was censored. So, I guess it's not just conservatives that are being singled out, huh? I'm kind of happy that my comment got deleted because it directly addresses the argument that conservatives are the only ones facing the ire of the "woke" police. It goes both ways.
All I did was give an example.
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Old 10-07-2021, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by BLAHBLAHBLAH View Post
All I did was give an example.
And, here's another example. The moderator of this forum just told me I must change my avatar or he/she will change it for me. My avatar is a parody picture of Trump as a god-emperor.

I'm fine with that. The terms of service of this forum say we can't discuss politics or religion. We're supposed to stick to airline-related discussion.

However, it's just an example to let you all know that conservatives aren't the only ones who get "censored."
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Old 10-07-2021, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by LUVisLost View Post
I will place on this public forum a bet of 10K USD that nobody loses their medical in a few years over the vaccine. But you need to quantify what a “many” is first of all. What qualifies as long term? If I am 59 right now I can guarantee in 10 years I most likely I will lose my medical to fly can I then claim it was caused by the vaccine? Your statement is too open ended right now. Quantify and qualify it and I am in on a bet.

Who gets censored now a days with the internet? NOBODY does. Any fat man hiding in his moms basement can post what they want and let the world see it. Nobody is censored. NOBODY!
Hmm! Sure about that??

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Old 10-07-2021, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by jacinth View Post
I don’t know why you said most of this. No one has argued it. But vaccine mandates are wrong and should be fought. There is no precedence on the federal or state level of mandates. Only on the local county level. And every time it has been done it has lead to horrifying atrocities. Just because something was done in the past doesn’t mean we should do it again. A company doesn’t have a right to discriminate and that’s exactly what’s happening here. In the few examples of local mandates in our country it has lead to 60,000 women forced sterilized, barbaric racism, public health officials being given powers they don’t have (surprise surprise history repeats) children ripped from homes in the middle of the night, homes and businesses burned down. These things should not be allowed. And this is where this is heading if not stopped, likely a Holocaust level event. And no, for all who argue the George Washington example, it is absurd. It happened in one camp, during a war, when they were getting ready for a major battle, only to soldiers. They accepted natural immunity. George Washington himself had already had the virus and recovered. And also, this was an actual vaccine. They would cut you and then wipe the pus of a recently recovered individual to get the dead virus in you. What we are doing today is not even remotely similar. If you are still being infected and transmitting to everyone around you, you have no immunity. If it wanes after 6 months you never had immunity. You have a therapeutic based on one protein from one segment of a virus from two years ago that your immune system never developed resistance to. This is not a vaccine and shouldn’t even be roped into the discussion of other vaccines.

Whoa whoa whoa. I’m going to just hit on the highlights here.

You stated a company does not have a right to discriminate. Well that statement is wrong in many layers. One, mandating a vaccine is not discrimination. Not in any court of law can it be construed as such. Secondly even if it was a company can discriminate in any way it wants as long as it does not run afoul of any laws. I’ll give you a few examples


6-2 ruling SCOTUS

Hodgson v. Greyhound Lines, Inc., 499 F.2d 850 (7th Cir. 1974)

I could go on for pages and pages but it is simple as this. Discrimination is illegal if the law specifically prohibits it Please show me where in the law it is illegal to mandate employees have certain vaccinations? Where are employees a protected class? Best shot you got is religious exemption but you are going to have to prove it in court of law.

To even mention the Holocaust in your argument is lazy and offending in many ways. A vaccine mandate is not equatable to the Holocaust, the absolute worst form of human abuse in the history of the modern world, and you should remove that immediately.
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