LEC Elections

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It’s also kind of a ridiculous argument: Tobias says Rick “no longer has any ties to SLC” as his primary attack, then admits “I am not from here.” So, if being an outsider is both your main selling point for yourself *and* your single biggest attack on Rick…? Well, I hope you can recognize that as a pretty serious messaging problem.
Quote: SLC guy for over a decade here. I’m 100% fine with that. When the company closed the ER base what were people supposed to do? Bid the 73 so they could be “real” SLC pilots? The smear campaign against Rick and co have showed an ugly, spiteful, juvenile approach to ALPA representation we’ve (mostly) avoided in this base up until now. I’ve read every email and source document both sides recommended and the stark difference in tone is abundantly clear to me.

These new to SLC guys claiming to have the solutions to every ill come across as cheap political attack ad characters. No thanks.
to be fair, RH was on the 220 and bid off of it to the ER....AFTER the ER was removed from SLC.
Quote: SLC guy for over a decade here. I’m 100% fine with that. When the company closed the ER base what were people supposed to do? Bid the 73 so they could be “real” SLC pilots? The smear campaign against Rick and co have showed an ugly, spiteful, juvenile approach to ALPA representation we’ve (mostly) avoided in this base up until now. I’ve read every email and source document both sides recommended and the stark difference in tone is abundantly clear to me.

These new to SLC guys claiming to have the solutions to every ill come across as cheap political attack ad characters. No thanks.
I'm glad you're okay with it and I'm glad we all have our own votes. I'm just pointing out something I didn't realize until the email hit my inbox that Rick neither lives in or works in SLC but is seeking to represent SLC pilots who either live in, or work in SLC. I don't expect him to fly a plane he doesn't want to fly or live somewhere he doesn't want to live, but if he intends on representing an SLC pilot, he should have an actual tie to the base or community. If he wanted to continue to represent pilots in ALPA, I'm pretty sure there are ALPA positions in LAX he could engage without raising an eyebrow.
Quote: It’s also kind of a ridiculous argument: Tobias says Rick “no longer has any ties to SLC” as his primary attack, then admits “I am not from here.” So, if being an outsider is both your main selling point for yourself *and* your single biggest attack on Rick…? Well, I hope you can recognize that as a pretty serious messaging problem.
Is Tobias not based in SLC either? If not, then that should disqualify him as well. It doesn't matter if he's a commuter, but a pilot should either live in or be based in the base that they are representing. Not necessarily both, but at least one.
If what I am reading is true, I was today years old when I found out you did not have to be based in the council you are running to represent.
Quote: He's not a commuter though, he's based in LAX and he and his family lives in LAX. I'm glad he's found a situation that works for him, but how does an LAX based pilot who lives in California qualify him to be a SLC representative?
Oh well then that's just silly.

IMO you should have to be based where you rep, regardless where you live.
Quote: Is Tobias not based in SLC either? If not, then that should disqualify him as well. It doesn't matter if he's a commuter, but a pilot should either live in or be based in the base that they are representing. Not necessarily both, but at least one.
Tobias is based in SLC, Rick is not.

the rules state you can bypass to whatever base you live closest to.
Tobias is brand new to the base. He was a CVG rep, apparently? Rick has stated he will bid back to SLC when it gets widebody flying again.

Honestly, I don’t know either guy. I treat my reps like my cell phone; I expect it to be there, not require too much hassle and just perform their function.

I’m basing my judgments on the flurry of campaign emails that I’ve read through. At first, the criticisms of Rick were a major concern to me. After reading his explanations and watching the continual attacks with vague, political, campaign promises from the other side, I decided which tone best represented the Council 81 pilots, our culture, and our traditions. Attack the guy’s record all day if you like, but listing his son’s high school to make a political attack? That’s ugly.
Quote: to be fair, RH was on the 220 and bid off of it to the ER....AFTER the ER was removed from SLC.
Fair critique. Having been through multiple MDs and the ensuing clean-up bids though, I don’t blame someone for taking a widebody seat whenever they can find one if it works for them. Since none are available in SLC, I’d expect an SLC rep to do exactly what Rick did. Still, I can understand why or how that could be a dealbreaker for people. Everyone gets a vote.

Having said that, I remember a Captain rep who moved to SLC (apparently) for the purpose of becoming an ALPA rep. It didn’t end well. After he was recalled, we began the lengthy, ongoing process of rebuilding trust in the MEC. I’m really not interested in seeing that process play out again.
In other news, the mud slinging is out in full force in C20. Former MEC chair versus current Captain rep in DTW who threw a solid punch to the temple tonight followed by a roundhouse kick to the nuts.

I went ahead and voted for the former MEC chair RS. This childish temper tantrum that I just witnessed in my email from DH was enough that I don’t need to see anymore.
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