Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: You won't "get" being a dad until you see your baby...then, it's automatic. Congratulations!
They come with a checklist.....right?
Quote: They come with a checklist.....right?
Just's a big deal.
I went to order my 2013 expense report from Flightline data yesterday, knowing it might be a while before I got it. At the bottom of my order it says, "Please allow up to 3 business days for processing and delivery."

F'r real?

I'm highly skeptical - but has anyone else gotten their report in a short amount of time yet?
Quote: After a couple weeks off, up all night with my (then) newborn twins, I was calling Crew Scheds every hour, BEGGING for a trip!

"I'll go ANYWHERE! I just want to get some sleep!"
Yup. After my twins had been home about a month, I realized why sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Speaking of sleep, they look to be sleeping right now, good time for a nap. Gotta be ready for the 3am feed - kinda like sitting SC...
Quote: Anyone with an answer/experience on Reserve GS, as of 2014?
GS for reserve on a day off has not changed. You are still able to accept a trip on short notice and "self certify" that you are in compliance with Part 117 rest rules.
Quote: You won't "get" being a dad until you see your baby...then, it's automatic. Congratulations!
Crying Baby Checklist:
(1) Pick them up and swaddle them. Swaddle means wrap them so tightly they can't move ... they like that. They've been bouncing around in your wife their entire existence so being "free" is about as foriegn to them as being on a spacewalk in Earth orbit would be to us. They prefer the secure feeling of being swaddled and bounced around a bit. My kids would instantly go to sleep if I held them kinda tightly sideways.
(2) Poop & or, Pee (they don't like that much either). Use caution. Humans get fart humor from birth and can butterfly kick a turd before learning any other skill. Be amazed when your kid's first real crack up sessions involve passing gas, even the girls.
(3) Hungry ... they eat a lot. Beg borrow or steal as much formula as you can carry from the Hospital. They get it as a promo to get you to buy that brand. Clean it out like a pilot grabbing the Starbucks packages at the Hotel.
(3a) Breast Feeding is better for the kid, better for the mommie and best of all, does not involve you ... enjoy your sleep and giggle at the sound the breast pump makes, it's OK to laugh at your wife if she does not catch you. The whole brest feeding thing takes a lot of calories which helps her slim down (she'll be self conscious that she does not look like Margot Robbie two weeks after ... tell her she does). My wife could kill two large pizzas and still went right back to 105lbs.
(4) Entertainment ... for the next couple of years you have the most adoring audience for your (stand up routine, music, hobby, etc ...) whatever you do is the coolest thing your kids will have ever seen. Enjoy these times. I am told they don't last long.
(5) Take trips to place you think you'll hate. Don't know if you are expecting a boy or a girl, but riding Dumbo the Elephant does not lokk dumb (if you are with your kid).
(6) Let your wife have time with her friends. Just wait until you have the kid for 48 hours straight ... you'll appreciate her more.

Enjoy the heck out of the whole experience ... it is the best part of life.
[QUOTE(3a) Breast Feeding is better for the kid, better for the mommie and best of all, does not involve you ... enjoy your sleep and giggle at the sound the breast pump makes, it's OK to laugh at your wife if she does not catch you. The whole brest feeding thing takes a lot of calories which helps her slim down (she'll be self conscious that she does not look like Margot Robbie two weeks after ... tell her she does). My wife could kill two large pizzas and still went right back to 105lbs.

Enjoy the heck out of the whole experience ... it is the best part of life.[/QUOTE]

That's no joke about the breast feeding, my wife was dropping pounds fast (with absolutely no dieting, just normal grub) and after three kids actually weighs probably 15 pounds less then the day we were married. Wish I could say the same!
For those of you about to have kids... What people without kids don't know...

What people without kids don't realize is how hard life is going to get.

For instance, simple everyday things like leaving the house. People without kids look at each other and say "want to leave the house? Yes? Okay let's go." And he stands up and walks across the stage.

Now for people with kids, it goes like this... [screaming] Where are your shoes???"
Quote: They come with a checklist.....right?
Quote: Crying Baby Checklist:
(1) Pick them up and swaddle them. Swaddle means wrap them so tightly they can't move ... they like that. They've been bouncing around in your wife their entire existence so being "free" is about as foriegn to them as being on a spacewalk in Earth orbit would be to us. They prefer the secure feeling of being swaddled and bounced around a bit. My kids would instantly go to sleep if I held them kinda tightly sideways.
(2) Poop & or, Pee (they don't like that much either). Use caution. Humans get fart humor from birth and can butterfly kick a turd before learning any other skill. Be amazed when your kid's first real crack up sessions involve passing gas, even the girls.
(3) Hungry ... they eat a lot. Beg borrow or steal as much formula as you can carry from the Hospital. They get it as a promo to get you to buy that brand. Clean it out like a pilot grabbing the Starbucks packages at the Hotel.
(3a) Breast Feeding is better for the kid, better for the mommie and best of all, does not involve you ... enjoy your sleep and giggle at the sound the breast pump makes, it's OK to laugh at your wife if she does not catch you. The whole brest feeding thing takes a lot of calories which helps her slim down (she'll be self conscious that she does not look like Margot Robbie two weeks after ... tell her she does). My wife could kill two large pizzas and still went right back to 105lbs.
(4) Entertainment ... for the next couple of years you have the most adoring audience for your (stand up routine, music, hobby, etc ...) whatever you do is the coolest thing your kids will have ever seen. Enjoy these times. I am told they don't last long.
(5) Take trips to place you think you'll hate. Don't know if you are expecting a boy or a girl, but riding Dumbo the Elephant does not lokk dumb (if you are with your kid).
(6) Let your wife have time with her friends. Just wait until you have the kid for 48 hours straight ... you'll appreciate her more.

Enjoy the heck out of the whole experience ... it is the best part of life.
Good stuff!
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