Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Thank Check, Uncle, and ACL for the responses on the rest day guys. Appreciate the info. As it stands, it's looking like I'm ripe for a 4 day that starts well after noon on the 28th. If I get a call for anything reporting less than 12 hours after my rest ends I'll call the office for an official ruling before I acknowledge and report back.
Nevermind. My sense of humor dulls significantly after 10 PM....
Quote: Good point. Impending liquidation is another cause.
You're still ignoring the point. TWA is the point. Jury verdicts are the point. Making things up about impending liquidation is just ignorance.

Anyone else notice the stunning silence of Pineapple Guy and the other usual suspects over the TWA verdict?

Famous movie quote: "If you build it, they will come."
Famous ALPA quote: "If you ignore it, it never happened."

Quote: acl, this is not directed at you, but it constantly amazes me that pilots think ALPA is some Fairy Godmother that can prevent any ill from ever afflicting every member, regardless of the external circumstances.

I have news for you. Bankruptcy SUCKS! And when you look at all the hits we've taken the past 10 years, there's your cause. Pilots at LUV, FDX, and UPS have great pay rates and benefits because they've continued to be incredibly profitable the past XX years. It has nothing to do with the strength of their pilot group or the shrewdness of their union.

And to think otherwise is naive.

We all know of the external circumstances. We all know how bankruptcy sucks. We were there.

But, ACL was talking about a distrust that some members are feeling about what they are hearing (or, not hearing) from ALPA.

I believe it would go a long way if -- instead of you and others looking to the past to come up with reasons as to why we are where we are -- you looked to today and the future as to why we can do better and should ask for more (a lot more).

DPA is out there because something just doesn't feel right and this is the heart of the matter. Why is ANY Delta pilot defending our current state so close to openers? We are paid too little, and we don't do enough of our flying. Period.

If we are where we are because of a bankruptcy that occurred, fine. Due in large part to us, the company is out of bankruptcy and it's time to secure our flying and pay. Period.

If you and/or a few other guys would just once say, "I believe we should open with SWA pay for our 88 drivers - plus 10%, and make a big play at re-capturing 70 seat flying...."

1.) Carl (the real one) would fall out of his seat,

2.) DAL 88 would spit coffee all over his computer screen,

3.) You would be stating what a vast majority of DAL pilots believe, &

4.) The DPA would be forced to wait to pass judgment on ALPA until openers.

DALPA cannot defend itself from the DPA by attacking it or its supporters, or even rationalizing why we are where we are. DALPA can only defend itself by representing Delta pilots right now and getting a kick ass contract with SWA type payrates and iron clad scope.

I believe you have to start enunciating this ^^^^ more.

Come on. Just say something like that, just one time. Please.

Even if #4 didn't occur, wouldn't #1 be worth it to you?
How many points does 80 get for posting pictures of a girl in a bikini that was painted on?

Probably fewer than you think. Notice it's cnnsi, you can look the photos up. 80 is holding out. There are a lot better pictures.

Just saying.

Bro's before Eskimos.
Quote: It's equally disgusting that ALPA pilotslots aren't adequately supporting their own political action committee.

Standing by for the same weak rationalization.
Uh no. Flat out no. We can shut that thing down as far as I am concerned.
Quote: I agree with you man, but please understand that ALPA is the main reason people like this exist! Imagine the minds that could be changed if there were constant fact-based letters from ALPA explaining exactly why Scope relaxation hurts EVERYONE. Why doesn't ALPA do this? They've written some beautiful fact-based documents lately hoping to "educate" us on the process, our contract history, etc. This is proof that they have it in them. They ARE capable of it. But they WILL NOT do this with regard to Scope. Why?

You cannot minimize the impact ALPA's failure to communicate on scope has on the creation and furtherance of these Captain Clueslesses. DPA is 100% clear on this issue. It is why DPA is happening in the first place. ALPA could kill DPA with a series of Scope education letters, but they won't...because they can't

It is kind of damning is it not? Never a real comment on scope. And surely not from ALPA National.

As to this Captain, the thing that bothers me is you know the FUPM phrase. Half of it is directed towards pilots and the other half to management.

He may not realize he's saying it, but it's what's on his mind and in his heart, he wants to vote for furloughs if it'll give him more money.
I wasn't supposed to bring this up... but if you look real close, you can just make out the huge R in front of ALPA in that emblem.

I would tell you what the R stands for, but then they would go after my family.
Quote: Friend sent this to me. Used to stay up late and watch it as a kid......

Just thought I'd remind everyone why we do what we do.....


1960s TV Sign Off // Current
Thanks Ferd,

that brought back some great memories - probably partially why I fly. I also remember the National Anthem in a theater before the movie, and dad pulling the car off to the side of the road on base during taps (MCAS Beaufort - Fightertown!)
Quote: It's better than when I was growing up. You didn't want to see that sign off. It just meant the demons could reach out and grab you and suck you back into the tv. Thank you Hollywood for many a nightmare. aholes.
Crud - there was that too.
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