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eaglefly 06-05-2015 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1896634)
Haha. I've got less than 3 years to go.

Well, I certainly hope the "haha" doesn't come back around to bite you in the ***. As it stands now, you only THINK you have three years to go. ;)

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1896634)
Things have worked out fine for me and I have zero complaints. Unlike yourself, I want to see the people underneath reap rewards as well.

Good for you. I certainly hope you have the opportunity to become what I apparently am, that being one who could only get a job with a legacy carrier by flow-through. :rolleyes: As for the "people under me" claim, I'm not so sure. If that were true, you'd be spending less time mired in a desperate sales pitch to lure in others based only on projections and hypotheticals and more time considering the risks and realities of Envoy right now considering AAG still has made no commitment to Envoy pilots and Envoy is claiming it will flow twice as many captains as they plan to upgrade in the next 18 months.

I only see someone concerned with themselves and willing to throw others under the bus if it means they can walk across the street (or the terminal alley) without getting their shoes dirty.

RyanP 06-05-2015 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 1896643)

Trust me, I only want the best for present and future Envoy pilots, it's just they have a bad habit of believing anything they hear and refusing to be students of history.

Doesn't sound like it. Otherwise your posts would point out positives as well as negatives. Seems like your sole mission in life lately is to persuade any potential new hire reading these forums from ever coming here again at any cost. Directly harming all of your prior fellow colleagues in the process and helping AAG to continue the slow piecing out of our carrier due to inability to staff. Things aren't flowers and rainbows here but they aren't as negative as you make it out to be. I don't buy 2.5 yr upgrade either mathematically, unless something big changes soon.. but 3-4yrs with a flow a few after that is attainable. Which ain't that bad considering what we endured this last decade.

You should add a disclaimer in your signature for everyone to read:

"FYI: Even though I love pointing out every way Envoy could possibly fail or screw you over. I actually DID flow through from Envoy to AA, it took a while due to the lost decade of hiring, but It did happen". ~Eaglefly

Swedish Blender 06-05-2015 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 1896643)
This is not only irrelevant, it's in error.

So you didn't flow? you were hired off the street at AA? Were you hired at another legacy?

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 1896643)
Neither any of your present union leadership nor your present management had anything to do with where I am today and neither did AAG's present management.

I made no comment on current management or ALPA leadership and I am quite sure my union/management had nothing to do with you flowing through to AA.

PilotCrusader 06-05-2015 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 1896649)
Well, I certainly hope the "haha" doesn't come back around to bite you in the ***. As it stands now, you only THINK you have three years to go. ;)

Good for you. I certainly hope you have the opportunity to become what I apparently am, that being one who could only get a job with a legacy carrier by flow-through. :rolleyes: As for the "people under me" claim, I'm not so sure. If that were true, you'd be spending less time mired in a desperate sales pitch to lure in others based only on projections and hypotheticals and more time considering the risks and realities of Envoy right now considering AAG still has made no commitment to Envoy pilots and Envoy is claiming it will flow twice as many captains as they plan to upgrade in the next 18 months.

I only see someone concerned with themselves and willing to throw others under the bus if it means they can walk across the street (or the terminal alley) without getting their shoes dirty.

I've got 3 years to go whether I like it or not. If this place sunk tomorrow I would be fine: my nest egg is more than I will ever need.

So once again your ASSumptions are just that; I've got nothing to lose...just want to see others do well and we have plenty of young CAs and FOs that deserve it. This place will do fine, even with the bitter little fat guys like you still trying to drown it.

eaglefly 06-05-2015 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by RyanP (Post 1896666)
Doesn't sound like it. Otherwise your posts would point out positives as well as negatives. Seems like your sole mission in life lately is to persuade any potential new hire reading these forums from ever coming here again at any cost. Directly harming all of your prior fellow colleagues in the process and helping AAG to continue the slow piecing out of our carrier due to inability to staff. Things aren't flowers and rainbows here but they aren't as negative as you make it out to be. I don't buy 2.5 yr upgrade either mathematically, unless something big changes soon.. but 3-4yrs with a flow a few after that is attainable. Which ain't that bad considering what we endured this last decade.

You should add a disclaimer in your signature for everyone to read:

"FYI: Even though I love pointing out every way Envoy could possibly fail or screw you over. I actually DID flow through from Envoy to AA, it took a while due to the lost decade of hiring, but It did happen". ~Eaglefly

Another illiterate Envoy pilot. :cool:

Go back and read some of my posts. I do mention some positives, but refuse to bolster hypotheticals and projections, nor validate shiftless salesmen. You know, I almost hope some of you get hosed......almost. But, I simply can't fall to your level of doing that like luring in the unsuspecting with tall tales and bold promises. If the "projections" fall short and you cry to the heavens, you'll only have yourselves to blame.

I promise not to snicker should that occur even though it would be well earned. ;) BTW, I've heard from a few Envoy pilots today that basically say what I'm saying........that's it's all puffed-up B.S. and they don't believe it and say many they talk to don't either.

So which one of you is right ?

Seems I'm not the only one unconvinced and there are many pilots there who aren't as well.

eaglefly 06-05-2015 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by Swedish Blender (Post 1896670)
So you didn't flow? you were hired off the street at AA? Were you hired at another legacy?

...and yet another illiterate..........

Oh, what's the use....... I can see now why so many of you got flat-out fleeced during the 1113. :cool:

Originally Posted by Swedish Blender (Post 1896670)
I made no comment on current management or ALPA leadership and I am quite sure my union/management had nothing to do with you flowing through to AA.

None of those hands fed me, which was the answer to your irrelevant statement and even if they did, it doesn't change the reality that you're PROJECTED to flow X number of pilots to AA in Y time and you're upgrading HALF the number of captains you're supposed to be losing in the next 18 months. Even Batman couldn't solve that riddle.

eaglefly 06-05-2015 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1896677)
I've got 3 years to go whether I like it or not. If this place sunk tomorrow I would be fine: my nest egg is more than I will ever need.

Then if the flow quacks, you'll be fine. Great !

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1896677)
So once again your ASSumptions are just that; I've got nothing to lose...just want to see others do well and we have plenty of young CAs and FOs that deserve it. This place will do fine, even with the bitter little fat guys like you still trying to drown it.

My ASSumptions ?

Bitter little "fat" guy ?

Too funny. I'm FAR from fat, but I can see when you've got nowhere to run, hurling insults is the only avenue left. You DO know that action belies someone who has lost control of a disagreement, yes ? Anyhoo, it still doesn't change the fact you're a B.S. artist here on a failed crusade. Envoy the evening, because it's a beautiful day and remember to be of strong cheer, because........

It's a good time to be an Envoy Pilot !

Swedish Blender 06-05-2015 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by eaglefly (Post 1896688)
...and yet another illiterate..........

That would be you. I am not at Envoy, never claimed to be. I am just surprised at your rhetoric toward Envoy considering that is what enabled you to make it to a legacy.

I find your expertise on all things AA/Envoy to be amusing.

m78fl370 06-05-2015 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by Swedish Blender (Post 1896695)
That would be you. I am not at Envoy, never claimed to be. I am just surprised at your rhetoric toward Envoy considering that is what enabled you to make it to a legacy.

I find your expertise on all things AA/Envoy to be amusing.

Yeah, it's unbelievable. When he's not machine gunning negative posts on this board, he's trolling eaglelounge doing the exact same thing as "Thrustlever". Before that he was the multi-thousand poster "Lord Hummugus". That was when he was still just a lowly peon Eagle pilot.

His problem is, he thinks he's smarter than everyone else. His comments all stem from his belief that every pilot at Envoy is just a gullible sap that he needs to talk down to, and set straight. He was stuck at eagle for far longer than he hoped, and if ANYONE shows any hope or optimism that it may work out better for them, he tries to shoot them down immediately. You're right, for someone who got to AA from Eagle via the flowthrough, you'd think he'd be a little more humble or have something a little more positive to say.

eaglefly 06-05-2015 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Swedish Blender (Post 1896695)
That would be you. I am not at Envoy, never claimed to be. I am just surprised at your rhetoric toward Envoy considering that is what enabled you to make it to a legacy.

I find your expertise on all things AA/Envoy to be amusing.

Well, you don't comprehend my points well, so your conclusions about me aren't surprising to me. At any rate, I'm glad you at least find me amusing. :)

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