jetBlue Hiring

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Quote: Help people who are trying to get a job to get a GOOD job, not one where they are compensated 30-40% less than their peers. No one is trying to pull the ladder up, they're trying to pull our compensation up to where it should be. Sugar coating how bad things are here won't help our cause.
Hilarious posts you talk as if you have been here for years... How bad has it gotten since you got here like 6 months ago? I mean what crazy work action has happened in the last six months since you got here that is a game changer?

You should probably focus of your first weekend day off?! This place being as bad as you say it is there is no way you had a Sunday or Saturday off at this place yet.

I am looking forward to out first ALPA contract! Thats why I volunteer, stay focused, and stay informed..... to help ensure it and our careers.

Being on this board will not do anything for our careers or your first year pin......
Quote: You've got me all wrong rocket surgeon. Re-re-schedule my last full paragraph.

And some big helper you are. Helping someone get hired here over the big 4 will cost them over a million bucks total compensation and retirement. All the while helping JetBlue keep things are the way the are now. Congrats.

And, by the way, I don't believe you for one second. You want seniority and to sooth your fragile ego.

Helping! Ha, who needs enemies when they have friends like you. More like helping Long Island City.
This is quite a gamble with others careers. Back in 1982 if you scored interviews at Eastern and Southwest and were hired by both where would you have gone? How would that have worked out?

Playing with house money is a lot easier than gambling with your own.
With the reduced growth and dropping stock price will JB have to reevaluate it's long term goals to stay competitive?
Quote: With the reduced growth and dropping stock price will JB have to reevaluate it's long term goals to stay competitive?

One thing is for sure. The east coast isn't getting any bigger.
Quote: . Is it Delta? Nope. Will it ever be Delta? I hope not. Jesus those guys seem miserable. Some of you would fit right in...
I have a perspective that is becoming less common. As a legacy pilot during the good times (pre- September 11th) and as a JB pilot going on nearly 15 years.

Yes, there were pilots who were miserable. For me, I looked at it as winning the lottery...six-figure pay, great benefits & retirement, lots of opportunities, great choice of domiciles. I couldn't care less about morale at work. I was happy, even happier when they threw a bunch of money at me.

(Perceived) Culture doesn't pay bills.

Quote: I have a perspective that is becoming less common. As a legacy pilot during the good times (pre- September 11th) and as a JB pilot going on nearly 15 years.

Yes, there were pilots who were miserable. For me, I looked at it as winning the lottery...six-figure pay, great benefits & retirement, lots of opportunities, great choice of domiciles. I couldn't care less about morale at work. I was happy, even happier when they threw a bunch of money at me.

(Perceived) Culture doesn't pay bills.

This guy.....
Quote: I have a perspective that is becoming less common. As a legacy pilot during the good times (pre- September 11th) and as a JB pilot going on nearly 15 years.

Yes, there were pilots who were miserable. For me, I looked at it as winning the lottery...six-figure pay, great benefits & retirement, lots of opportunities, great choice of domiciles. I couldn't care less about morale at work. I was happy, even happier when they threw a bunch of money at me.

(Perceived) Culture doesn't pay bills.

I have a little bit of a man crush on you

there's a vast difference in personal and professional "happiness" or simply being content. Things on this board do not translate to home life.
Quote: I have a perspective that is becoming less common. As a legacy pilot during the good times (pre- September 11th) and as a JB pilot going on nearly 15 years.

Yes, there were pilots who were miserable. For me, I looked at it as winning the lottery...six-figure pay, great benefits & retirement, lots of opportunities, great choice of domiciles. I couldn't care less about morale at work. I was happy, even happier when they threw a bunch of money at me.

(Perceived) Culture doesn't pay bills.

This all day long. I want to work as little as possible and get paid the most. I don't care about the culture, I care about my family!
Quote: Hilarious posts you talk as if you have been here for years... How bad has it gotten since you got here like 6 months ago? I mean what crazy work action has happened in the last six months since you got here that is a game changer?

You should probably focus of your first weekend day off?! This place being as bad as you say it is there is no way you had a Sunday or Saturday off at this place yet.

I am looking forward to out first ALPA contract! Thats why I volunteer, stay focused, and stay informed..... to help ensure it and our careers.

Being on this board will not do anything for our careers or your first year pin......
Under your rules at what seniority level is one allowed to point out that we're behind? I can't hold Captain yet. Can I point out problems? You can't hold Captain yet and weekends off and vacation that you want. Are you allowed to complain?

I agree this board isn't going to do much to help our cause. But no one is forcing you to read it either.

Differences aside, thank you for volunteering.
Quote: Because that seems to be the tenor of your posts. Yes, I'm a JetBlue pilot.

I understand the need for transparency and realism, as well as the very real need for contractual improvements, but there seems to be a certain level of duplicity in many of the "nobody should apply here" posts. The motives of anyone with anything positive to say about JetBlue are impugned, yet it's obvious that the primary motive of the highly negative posts is not to spread factual information, it's to discourage applicants in order to improve our bargaining position.
There is definitely truth to your statement. Posters gloss over the reality of Jetblue to make themselves feel better about being at jetblue or NOT being able to go elsewhere. Consequently posters trash the airline due to displeasure with the contractual issues over the years.

Here is my perspective. I have recommended several pilots come work here in the past with the caveat that should they get a better offer please take it which many have. In this business you use these carriers to get where you want as they use you in a similar capacity. There is no loyalty and DO NOT mistake the CEO or some CP showing up at your indoc as some sort of loyal gesture which, unfortunately, too many of our pilots have. This is business and based on Jetblues pay and benefits they play the game very, very well.

The face value treatment of pilots at jetblue is probably better than most carriers and that sucks people into believing they are somehow special or part of a team. Meanwhile your benefits are cut and your are told you have to sacrifice to work here. Again, pilots bought off on this idea which is cultish.

Those of us who can see through the spin and lies are simply frustrated. Can we all leave, certainly. Can we stay and fight, absolutely. We wish more pilots could see the reality instead of just reading some management email and treating it as gospel. When pilots turn down this airline, don't apply or leave for another carrier it does help our bargaining position. Each time a new hire pilot buys into managements spin it hurts our bargaining position.

Pilots need to just do their jobs, nothing else. Do not bail out the operation, do not mask the problems. Force the airline to fix its own deficiencies. Show management they need us as much as we need them.
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