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cni187 09-20-2010 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Columbia (Post 873194)
FWIW, the indoc class that just finished has people starting MD late in Oct, I believe.

MD training ranges from beginning of OCT until Nov. I have 6 weeks of paid vacation until my MD88 class. GO 49ers!!!!!

MoonShot 09-20-2010 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by cni187 (Post 873584)
Nah BB already has the breakdown on the assigments. Bid means nothing to these guys

Do tell...

sailingfun 09-21-2010 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by cni187 (Post 873584)
Nah BB already has the breakdown on the assigments. Bid means nothing to these guys

If a new hire is already in class then he can bid on this bid. It could result in a different position then his initial assignment. If he is waiting for a class date then the bid has no real effect. The company can produce a bid run at any time based on the current bids pilots have entered. They have a very good idea where they will have vacancies long before the bid closes.

KC10 FATboy 09-21-2010 02:41 PM

For the New Hires ...
If you get NYC, here's something you'll definitely get used to seeing. It is pretty impressive. But I still consider it the cess pool of America. haha

Shots of NY Big Apple at night taken from helicopter by British photograher | Mail Online

Tumbleweed 09-22-2010 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by upndsky (Post 873175)
2) Systems is on a CD which has to be completed before you take your systems validation (a computer test), which is at the end of your first week of sims (a procedures trainer, actually). Wait time between indoc and sims will vary depending on how busy the school house is. In my class, we had guys go straight to the sims, after a few days off, to guys waiting a couple of months. The gap between sims and IOE is usually much shorter.

Thanks for that information! If you only have a few days between Indoc and Sim, how long does it take to finish that systems CD? Obviously some people move at a faster pace than others but can you really learn a new aircraft's systems in just a few days? Are the modules pretty user friendly and fairly easy to follow along? Thanks a lot!

scambo1 09-22-2010 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Tumbleweed (Post 874708)
Thanks for that information! If you only have a few days between Indoc and Sim, how long does it take to finish that systems CD? Obviously some people move at a faster pace than others but can you really learn a new aircraft's systems in just a few days? Are the modules pretty user friendly and fairly easy to follow along? Thanks a lot!



I posted this a few days ago to share info. I think it will answer your question.

Tumbleweed 09-22-2010 06:19 PM

Thank you. I appreciate the insight... I guess I skipped over that post.

upndsky 09-22-2010 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Tumbleweed (Post 874708)
Thanks for that information! If you only have a few days between Indoc and Sim, how long does it take to finish that systems CD? Obviously some people move at a faster pace than others but can you really learn a new aircraft's systems in just a few days? Are the modules pretty user friendly and fairly easy to follow along? Thanks a lot!

I don't know your background, but with AQP, they've moved beyond the old systems school mentality where they expected you to be able to "build" the airplane. You'll have part of indoc and all of your 100 series (which lasts 4 or 5 days -- I can't remember) to get it done. Believe it or not, that's plenty of time. My background is regional, and it was the easiest systems program I've been through.

Also, while you're going through your 100 series, you'll also have a few hours of systems class in the morning. The level of depth seems to depend on the airplane. I've been through 757/767 and MD88 training, and in my case the 757/767 systems class was more in depth than the MD88 training.

Regardless, don't sweat the systems stuff. Go through the CD and study the LOD and you'll do fine.

FlyinPiker 09-22-2010 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Tumbleweed (Post 874708)
Thanks for that information! If you only have a few days between Indoc and Sim, how long does it take to finish that systems CD? Obviously some people move at a faster pace than others but can you really learn a new aircraft's systems in just a few days? Are the modules pretty user friendly and fairly easy to follow along? Thanks a lot!

We had to go through the systems CD's while going through indoc in order to be ready for our 100 series which started the week after. It wasn't too bad. I thought it was fairly easy, but then again it probably depends on what aircraft your on.

Overall I don't think they ask for knowledge levels that are unreasonable.

Tumbleweed 09-22-2010 07:53 PM

Much obliged! I'm coming from the regionals and been through two aircraft ground schools so I shouldn't have too much trouble wrapping my brain around this stuff. It does sound like there will be time in the event that I go straight to sim. Thanks again.

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