NetJets to hire 100 pilots by end of 2021

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Quote: Interesting info on age vs medical condition. How about calls for interviews? Are they going out yet?
Great question
Quote: NetJets has said they plan to add 40 new jets per year over the next decade, of which most will
be additive and not replacements to the fleet. How do the current pilots at NJA feel this will effect movement over the next several years? Do you think NJA is going to have to hire constantly to keep up with the growing fleet count for the next several years? How probable do you feel it is for NetJets to be able to double their fleet count over the next decade? If this is the plan, I feel like coming to NetJets at this point in time would set up a new hire very well in the coming years if they plan on staying at NJA long term.
You hit the nail on the head. I don’t expect massive hiring but I believe a steady constant hiring wave is forming. Factoring in growth, our current low end staffing level, and natural age related attrition, NJA is going to need fresh warm bodies over the coming years.
Quote: You hit the nail on the head. I don’t expect massive hiring but I believe a steady constant hiring wave is forming. Factoring in growth, our current low end staffing level, and natural age related attrition, NJA is going to need fresh warm bodies over the coming years.
I don’t know about fresh, but I’m fairly warm.
Has anybody heard if invites for interviews are going out?
Quote: Same here. I updated mine this morning as a little reminder that I’m still very much interested.
How often have you been updating? I'm in the same boat but don't want to become an announce. Good luck!
Quote: One of the best things a company can do to hurt their competition is hire their best talent. I would welcome any FX pilot that would be a valuable asset to our ranks. Unless it comes to light that they voted yes on the decertification.... only Union pilots need apply.
Just curious sir, but why do you think a union is absolutely necessary?
Quote: Maybe Flex pilots coming to NJA will appreciate what a real union looks like after seeing the true protections it provides and seeing a combined union/management relationship working as a team.

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bahahaha "combined union/management relationship working as a team"
Quote: Probably for the same reason that FX/QS pilots leave and go to Spirit and no Spirit pilot leaves for FX/QS.

And for the same reason Spirit pilots leave for Delta and no Delta pilot leaves for Spirit.

Not every pilot is looking to leave their current gig but there certainly is a pecking order and a check valve that keeps the flow going in one direction.
Very true and well put.
Quote: To be clear, they ONLY want to come to NJA as a retirement gig. Nobody wants to leave Delta for NetJets lol. Not a dig on NJA but let's keep it real, nobody his looking to leave their legacy airline gig for NetJets.
Well said. Couldn't be more true. Nobody in their 20's,30's,40's and early to mid 50's is looking to leave a legacy's for a jet rental company... Thats a complete and well rounded joke. I could definitely see it being intriguing as 65 starts to close in tho.
Quote: What part of his statement is false?
I second that.
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