Mesaba new hires

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Mesaba does not have a "promised" interview with UND. Mankato does in writing. They came to the UND career fair and told everyone they needed at least 600 hrs. minimum....the times have changed.
They have one with St. Cloud too, and are in the works on one for parks college.
Quote: Mesaba does not have a "promised" interview with UND. Mankato does in writing. They came to the UND career fair and told everyone they needed at least 600 hrs. minimum....the times have changed.
They said that when i put my app in with far less than 600TT and I got the interview and job. If you put in your resume, you will get an interview. I don't know if they will fly you down, but if they come to grand forks to do interviews, they gave everyone interviews.
Quote: They said that when i put my app in with far less than 600TT and I got the interview and job. If you put in your resume, you will get an interview. I don't know if they will fly you down, but if they come to grand forks to do interviews, they gave everyone interviews.
Jesus... It doesn't matter what college you went to. You are not better than anyone else. That applies if you went to UND, Riddle, Purdue, Parks, Mankato, or anywhere else for that matter. Get over it. Work hard, get the interview, get the job, and then work your ass of in ground school, just like anyone else. Don't you people understand that someone from each of these places will get the job and then you will have to work together? I mean really... get over your egos and start acting like adults, no one cares what your total time was when you got an interview, really no matter what you belive they don't. Once your in class or and airplane together your all in the same boat, get it together people.
Quote: Jesus... It doesn't matter what college you went to. You are not better than anyone else. That applies if you went to UND, Riddle, Purdue, Parks, Mankato, or anywhere else for that matter. Get over it. Work hard, get the interview, get the job, and then work your ass of in ground school, just like anyone else. Don't you people understand that someone from each of these places will get the job and then you will have to work together? I mean really... get over your egos and start acting like adults, no one cares what your total time was when you got an interview, really no matter what you belive they don't. Once your in class or and airplane together your all in the same boat, get it together people.
I agree with the second part but it has nothing to do with egos. People want to know about hiring mins and they are different depending on your background so yes, it does matter what college you went to. Not everyone wants to build the hours the hard you go to a big school, get through the program and get an interview. But like you said, once we are in.....we are all on the same team.
Actually... your TT does matter for the interview and after you get the job. It isn't the end all however. 340driver makes a great point and it's true... maturity, humility and skill are indeed apart of the package. The folks from the famous aviation schools are a source for pilots, never a guarantee. Heck, I heard we didn't even hire all our interns this summer! They're all held to the same standards, if not higher to get the job. We've turned away many from UND, Riddle and the rest.
Quote: I agree with the second part but it has nothing to do with egos. People want to know about hiring mins and they are different depending on your background so yes, it does matter what college you went to. Not everyone wants to build the hours the hard you go to a big school, get through the program and get an interview. But like you said, once we are in.....we are all on the same team.
Maturity, humility and skill are what I like in an FO, in that order. It doesn't matter to me if you went to Riddle, UND or clown college if you bring those traits into the cockpit.
Is Mesaba hiring? I applied 600TT, 315 ME, 300 dual given, CRJ transition course. Haven't heard from them
Quote: Is Mesaba hiring? I applied 600TT, 315 ME, 300 dual given, CRJ transition course. Haven't heard from them
This last vacancy was supposed to occur in late september, just got moved up due to an apparent increase in Saab utilitization. This was what I was told from a senior minneapolis flight attendant who also does training for new hires.
Quote: This last vacancy was supposed to occur in late september, just got moved up due to an apparent increase in Saab utilitization. This was what I was told from a senior minneapolis flight attendant who also does training for new hires.
I'd still call that a rumor
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