Mesaba new hires

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Sweet! I got the call just now. Nov 3rd class date. She mentioned it may be split into Saab 340 and CRJ. She didn't specify which one I would get. Good luck to the rest.

(I interviewed Oct. 1st)
Quote: Mr. was MUC?
I had an amazing time! It makes me want to travel more. Bummer about your least you got it back tho.
Quote: Post a link you were you found that info. Can't seem to find it.
It printed out with our release and all the morning first flight of the day stuff. The captain had all the heap of paper work and in the NWA news comments section it told about it. Maybe they are still hanging on to year and a half old news in dsm i didnt inspect it that well. Im sure we wern't the only crew to get that printout
Quote: Sweet! I got the call just now. Nov 3rd class date.
Congrats! What were your times?
Quote: Congrats! What were your times?
Thanks a lot, man, appreciate it. 650TT/27ME, no joke.

*cue flame posts*
Quote: Sweet! I got the call just now. Nov 3rd class date. She mentioned it may be split into Saab 340 and CRJ. She didn't specify which one I would get. Good luck to the rest.

(I interviewed Oct. 1st)
Did they happen to mention if the Nov 3 class was Saab/-200 or Saab/-900??
Quote: Thanks a lot, man, appreciate it. 650TT/27ME, no joke.

*cue flame posts*
Wow man congrats!

Now if only I could get over this stupid surgery!!! Sheesh...have never had so much bad luck with an interview before!
Would it be worthwhile to resubmit the online application after receiving the "We have more qualified applicants at this time..." email from HR?

Flight times have gone up since I first submitted a while back but I don't want to seem bothersome afterall the email said "it would be on file for a year"...what do u all think...******* it and just be aggressive and resubmit?
Quote: Would it be worthwhile to resubmit the online application after receiving the "We have more qualified applicants at this time..." email from HR?

Flight times have gone up since I first submitted a while back but I don't want to seem bothersome afterall the email said "it would be on file for a year"...what do u all think...******* it and just be aggressive and resubmit?
I got the letter as well, I talked to someone at the HR and they said I must wait for six months from the interview date to reapply as resubmitting an old application will not be considered even if there are significant changes. My suggestions would be to hang in and give it some time till everyone starts hiring again. I know it is frustrating but thats the way it is. Good luck with your future interviews.
Quote: Sweet! I got the call just now. Nov 3rd class date. She mentioned it may be split into Saab 340 and CRJ. She didn't specify which one I would get. Good luck to the rest.

(I interviewed Oct. 1st)
Congrats dude! You'll be better off at Mesaba than at a dead end job at Comical!
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