Comair updates?

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Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
Quote: And what is this statement based on, and who is it to? You say "Stay away from Comair", but they are not hiring, nor will they be hiring any time soon (Still 300 furloughed). So, who is to stay away from them? I am not certain, nor is anyone else, that Comair will be around in a year, but nobody except RA would know that. My personal thought is that Mesaba and Comair will, at some time in the future, be merged into one wholly owned. Delta will furlough pilots, and they will flow down to Compass and all current Compass pilots will be furloughed (because all the flow down pilots will take their place). This flow down will help Delta save money, and at the same time, allow them to fly the same routes with lower paid crews. It's all an evil Big D plan. And then, at the end of 2012, God shall hurtle a huge asteroid at Atlanta, hitting Delta's main operations center and ending life on Earth (except for cockroaches, which are God's chosen ones, like Noah once was).

This statement reminds me of a preacher somewhere in the midwest who said "the reason why we are having all these earthqaukes in the world is because God is angry at women showing thier boobs." This actually made the news. however the rebuttal to that was even more hilarious. I college co-ed and about 20 of her well endowed friends had a hand held earth quake thingy measure (yes I forgot what thet call it) and stood out in front of Kent state university with thier cleavage exposed to see would an earthquake hit. It was hilarious!!!
Quote: Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
I think trailblazer just wants to see some attrition, so Comair will call more people back.
Quote: Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
When "DICK ANALSON" (Richard Anderson) was here in CVG and had a meeting - the one where he told Comair and REAS folks to stay away from- I went to it and asked him if Comair would merge with anyone. His response was no- I don't see Comair merging with anyone AT ALL. Course he might have been lying - he's good at that.
Quote: Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
Jobs will transfer? ASA getting 100 planes? Changing their name to what it already is? Funny stuff!
Quote: Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
With all due respect, u only have 2 posts on this forum. Airliners DOT net might be a better fit for your post.
Quote: Trust me when I say stay away from comair. They are done. I do believe that the pilots will move over to compass so their job will just transfer. I dont see a flow back due to there is word that Delta will be hiring again soon. But Comair will not be around by the end of this year. I also know that ASA is picking up 100 aircraft. A majority of these A/C are coming from Comair. ASA, who will be renamed Atlantic Southeast, Yea they are doing away with the ASA name and just going to be called Atlantic Southeast, will start hiring to cover those aircraft. The CRJ50 will be gone in about 3 years. Comair has been on the chopping block for some time.
Quote: LOL!!!

This statement reminds me of a preacher somewhere in the midwest who said "the reason why we are having all these earthqaukes in the world is because God is angry at women showing thier boobs." This actually made the news. however the rebuttal to that was even more hilarious. I college co-ed and about 20 of her well endowed friends had a hand held earth quake thingy measure (yes I forgot what thet call it) and stood out in front of Kent state university with thier cleavage exposed to see would an earthquake hit. It was hilarious!!!
And all this time I thought God was mad because there were not enough women showing their boobs!
Quote: LOL!!!

This statement reminds me of a preacher somewhere in the midwest who said "the reason why we are having all these earthqaukes in the world is because God is angry at women showing thier boobs." This actually made the news. however the rebuttal to that was even more hilarious. I college co-ed and about 20 of her well endowed friends had a hand held earth quake thingy measure (yes I forgot what thet call it) and stood out in front of Kent state university with thier cleavage exposed to see would an earthquake hit. It was hilarious!!!
It was an Iranian Cleric, not a midwest preacher that suggested women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes (not "women showing thier (sp) boobs"). And the protest was organized by a college student from Purdue, not Kent state. And they protested in several other cities, not Kent state. And there were actually 45 earthquakes in various parts of the world that day. And the quake thingy measure is called a seismograph.

Other than that, your facts were spot on.

Earthquakes caused by boobs?

Ha Ha Ha... do you need a hug, some attention ?
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