Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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I agree. What is the mechanism for the uncaring or naive yes-voter to see the cons of the TA? (because any TA has some.)

An email drive to all DL pilots? Is it against company policy to use the addresses in ICrew to contact folks with a con sheet? There are some smart guys here who could put one together, and 30 of us could email 400 pilots each. DPA must have some money to make copies for the VFiles. We'd have to watch ALPA, though...I could see them getting taken out and thrown away.

I'm not worried about the guys here who actually take the time to read it. There is plenty to hate and that's why the poll is running 90% no votes. I'm worried about the apathetic yes-voters who count on DALPA to feed them what they "need" to know. How many of those do we have?
Quote: Jesse,

I agree. What is the mechanism for the uncaring or naive yes-voter to see the cons of the TA? (because any TA has some.)
Just keep reading these boards and the DALPA forums. This TA is gonna get ripped apart like it was a bloody steak thrown to a bunch of hungry Rottweilers..
Quote: Then so what? It's a sell job. BFD. What bugs me about the way guys use that term is that it has a vitriolic connotation to it. It has a connotation that it will be propaganda filled and lie packed. If that is not what you mean, then I apologize and I look forward to productive debate. If it IS what you mean, then you and I need communicate no further because I know where you stand, and frankly then I don't care to have any dialog with you. Let me know if that is the case and I will add you to the list with Carl and Bacon...
I don't think it will be filled with lies. I have more respect for my reps than to assume such a thing. But while I appreciate their work and time, I do think one has view what is being presented with some skepticism to see what the TA is truly all about, and vote based on all the facts, not just those that are presented to them from DALPA.
Quote: Show me a better path, or anyone in 2015 projected to be in a better place.
Um, ok. SWA.
Anything in there that prevents you from continuing to subsidize Frontier?
Has anyone figured out what the X:XX in the training pay rates is? I've given up.
Quote: Has anyone figured out what the X:XX in the training pay rates is? I've given up.
10 hours, 20 minutes
Anybody know what Alaska's scope says about airplanes with <70 seats? It appears that our allowance is now tied to THAT agreement. Scope, paragraph 12 under Section B operations. (definitions)
Quote: 10 hours, 20 minutes
Thank you.
There's a line of BS I've heard from the ALPA folks several times now, most recently in reply to an excellent series of queries from tsquare. They're claiming that this TA and the 76-seat scope relief contained within are the ONLY thing that can make DCI shrink (specifically, the 50 seaters) and that without this TA, there WILL be 300-some-odd 50 seaters still at DCI till the 2020s. Well, let's think about that, shall we?

What happens if ya'll shoot down this TA? Is DL really gonna sit on those 300+ inefficient airframes with their thumbs up their butt, going "oh gee, we really woulda liked to exchange these for 76 seaters, but oh well, guess we'll just lose money on em." No. There is a plan B. They have a plan for those airplanes just like they had a plan for the Mesa ERJs, just like they have a plan for the Comair CRJ2s. The Pinnacle bankruptcy is a huge clue, I think. Delta is pulling the strings there, they practically forced 9E into BK. Exactly how long are the other regionals who are really exposed to 50 seat feed going to keep flying around getting more and more expensive before they're in BK too? Every single BK is a chance for DL to cancel contracts and reject leases. This TA is just an experiment to see if they can get you guys to bite on 70 more DC-9 replacements. If they really needed your help to get out of the CRJ morass, they would have put more cash on the table.
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