PDT News and Rumors

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Quote: Is it required to do the CPAT? I tried to login but my username doesn't register. Feb 6th class.
Yes, required to complete according to letter posted on Piedmont Drive.
Quote: Is it required to do the CPAT? I tried to login but my username doesn't register. Feb 6th class.
You'll have to have it completed before first day of systems then in systems class you'll be going through the entire thing again. If you've been in the 121 world before the first week of indoc is all stuff you have heard. If this is your first 121 gig then I'd recommend completing the cpat prior to starting indoc if able so you'll be able to focus on the indoc material otherwise you will be spending all your time after class doing the cpat slides.
How many pilots does PDT want on property by the end of 2017?
Quote: How many pilots does PDT want on property by the end of 2017?
The goal is 800.. we're at 530 now.. that puts us flowing 5 per month at 600... 6 at 725.. 8 at 850...

We should get to 600 in may..

It's a good time to be here..
Quote: I can't believe the stories i hear.. i don't know if i could have stuck around at this job if it was like that.
That hotel was the best for 2 reasons and THE two reasons are... bar in the same parking lot and they were ALWAYS waiting out front for us at the airport. Not that long ago...it was 2007,08, 09 we stayed there. God it was a dump though
Quote: You'll have to have it completed before first day of systems then in systems class you'll be going through the entire thing again. If you've been in the 121 world before the first week of indoc is all stuff you have heard. If this is your first 121 gig then I'd recommend completing the cpat prior to starting indoc if able so you'll be able to focus on the indoc material otherwise you will be spending all your time after class doing the cpat slides.
Just curious, how long after your start date /indoc does your travel benefits start?
Quote: Just curious, how long after your start date /indoc does your travel benefits start?
A week or two.
Quote: Just curious, how long after your start date /indoc does your travel benefits start?
It depends. Some guys like myself had it by the end of the first week and I used them to go home bc we had three days off. Others it took a bit longer. If you want to go home after first week email the person in charge of benefits and they will usually make sure you have them.
I have an interview coming up in February. If anyone would care to share some info on the process, it would greatly be appreciated.
Quote: I have an interview coming up in February. If anyone would care to share some info on the process, it would greatly be appreciated.
sheppard air seems to be the defacto resource
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