Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Yeah, they are moving in the right direction. We used to get a very quick update at the end of each day's MEC meetings. Just bullets that informed us of who spoke and a quick highlight. The funny thing is that us Northerner's were under the impression that our communications were lacking and we couldn't wait to get the Southerners up to the minute, full of insight, communications. It is just change and expectations, non of which causes me to lose sleep.

Keep up the great work and hopefully you or someone with your skills and understanding of the junior (however scope is not a junior only issue) DAL pilot issues will run for the LEC.
There is one guy that I know is going to run. He is the guy that drafted the last LEC 44 resolution.

I agree we need a junior guy in ATL. My debate on putting my name in the hat is complex.
I think that any 07 hire that wants to run will be able to hold on to ATL, the question is will they run. We have some very qualified people for this job.

A person cannot run on scope alone. It needs to be deeper than that.
A person cannot run on scope alone. It needs to be deeper than that.
That is absolutely correct, however, as has been hashed out here, it needs to be addressed. What I am hopeful for is someone that can understand the issues (both sides) and support the DAL pilots (all of them) while clearly understanding the risks and benefits are. We can't have the extremist's from either side (company vs pilot) but instead need level headed, knowledgeable, and hopefully has some business sense too. We commonly forget that our union is a business, and we are all employees of the business. It really is up to the unions to have the foresight to help ensure the long-term success and viability of the company. Managements will come and go but hopefully the union is around for many, many years and has been able to provide a quality career to its members (not too much that it takes the company down and not to little that we are leaving money with the execs).
Quote: I have been watching our cash. If we go below 4 billion, I will be worried very worried.
Ugh. My stomach just turned a little reading that.
Quote: That is absolutely correct, however, as has been hashed out here, it needs to be addressed. What I am hopeful for is someone that can understand the issues (both sides) and support the DAL pilots (all of them) while clearly understanding the risks and benefits are. We can't have the extremist's from either side (company vs pilot) but instead need level headed, knowledgeable, and hopefully has some business sense too. We commonly forget that our union is a business, and we are all employees of the business. It really is up to the unions to have the foresight to help ensure the long-term success and viability of the company. Managements will come and go but hopefully the union is around for many, many years and has been able to provide a quality career to its members (not too much that it takes the company down and not to little that we are leaving money with the execs).

I agree with all of what you say, and that is my perspective on things. I also know that is what our current leadership in the union thinks as well. Right or Wrong they do have what they see as our best interest at heart.

I also propose a question to you. Since the contract opener is not until late 2011, you cannot run on the issues like min day credit for all events etc. What would you run on?

I would love to run on scope, pay and work rules, but that is a few years off. Now is a time for Scope, top and bottom, fixing the loop holes in PBS like guys with a check ride getting one less day off while on reserve, making it so they separate the reserve from the block holders on the unstacking rule, (Currently a top reserve bidder can get unstacked if he is less than the 60th%, working on better coverages for our insurance, (Medico for prescriptions sucks), a uniform payroll deduction, trip credit for redeyes. That is just a few off the top of my head.
Quote: I have been watching our cash. If we go below 4 billion, I will be worried very worried.
Good thing we're paying, what is it 9 sub-contractors, guaranteed profit. Here's a thought. If the junior guys get furloughed first and take a job at the growing RAH, when RAH buys Delta we'll all be senior to Moak.
RJs are great Lee, now go do the exterior pre-flight and it's a cream and two sugars!
Quote: Ugh. My stomach just turned a little reading that.
Mine too, and with our size we need to have more cash on hand.
Quote: Good thing we're paying, what is it 9 sub-contractors, guaranteed profit. Here's a thought. If the junior guys get furloughed first and take a job at the growing RAH, when RAH buys Delta we'll all be senior to Moak.
RJs are great Lee, now go do the exterior pre-flight and it's a cream and two sugars!
Just remember that their biggest jet is smaller than ours. You would be junior either way.

Yes DCI is a cancer that needs to be dealt with. DCI is also needed. Just not to their current extent. It used to be that ramps three and four in ATL were clogged during the 9 am push, now they have taken care of ramps 1-5. It is like a beehive. I mean, really?
Since we report on the 21st, would it be a stretch to think any good news will come out on Monday the 20th?
Quote: The shuttle has been scrubbed twice. Did it take off today?
IT didn't go yesterday, and I am not sure if it will today. LAunch scheduled for 6:03... If you are really interested, here's a self reloading status page for the goings on. As for me.. I'll be out on the roof

Spaceflight Now | STS-127 | Mission Status Center
Quote: Since we report on the 21st, would it be a stretch to think any good news will come out on Monday the 20th?
Come on this is Delta, anything is possible.

I do not know why people are so fixated on the date.

FWIW, market close is on the horizon
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