ATI/ABX new hire info?

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Quote: If you think I'm fun to fly with, you should take a line check with me.

Just telling it like it is. If you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen!
No worries here.
Quote: Can you say "career suicide"?

I bet there is a bottle involved or something else. When someone spews like that its a sign they need help. Hopefully, this makes him realize there's a problem. Hopefully HR or Pro standards steps in lieu of something more serious.
Quote: I bet there is a bottle involved or something else. When someone spews like that its a sign they need help. Hopefully, this makes him realize there's a problem. Hopefully HR or Pro standards steps in lieu of something more serious.
No, he's always like that.

Just when I thought it was "safe" to go back into the "water"...

It's ALSO very nice to know that "they" send "candygrams" to the "village people" on this thread... VERY thoughtful !

SEE you at the "De-brief" !

1st round's on me !

...... Non-Anonymous
This thread is starting to blow monkeys
Shame we can't get this much traffic on the internal board!!
Not how a check airman talks.

Heee, Heee, Hete !
Wow, looks like the Mods have been deleting post.

Users appear and disappear...

Id bet that this has gone legal....

Id also bet Data man was corporate and baiting an idiot with bottle flu. I have to admit it was getting painful to see some moron keep taking the bait. Keep giving it up.....

OK ATI send up your next moron to bat. Im sure your HR team is warming up another pitcher. This is my morning coffee and bagel...Your show is the highlight of my day IM READY !!!!! 2 grape 5hrs mixed with my starbucks Latte...

Amazon Prime Introduces new reality show.!.!.! ................."As The Turbine Turns"....................

Staring Akmed Mohamed as ..............Capt Peker Bizket
also staring Abdul Mahola as ..............HR rep Data man
Megan Fox ........................................Crew Scheduler
Edward James Amos...........................The Chief Pilot
Micheal Douglas ................................Commander Hete
Walter White .....................................MEC Chair
The ROCK.........................................Grv Comm Chair
50cent............................................ .New Hire Ned
WOL- When I saw the movie "Horrible Bosses" several years ago, I thought that JH was a dead ringer for the character portrayed in that movie by Kevin Spacey.
Quote: WOL- When I saw the movie "Horrible Bosses" several years ago, I thought that JH was a dead ringer for the character portrayed in that movie by Kevin Spacey.
Oh yeah, you're right !!!

Wish I knew how to post pics. I haven't seen Joe in over a decade but you're spot on with that call.
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