ATI CCIA merger

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There will be something out tmrw or Fri. Waiting to be sure we have all info. Oh, and since it was a holiday weekend and we, the MEC can't send anything out without ALPA legal looking at it, it's taking a bit longer than expected. No one is in a rush to release bad info. When we have all the info, it will be passed along.

Quote: There will be something out tmrw or Fri. Waiting to be sure we have all info. Oh, and since it was a holiday weekend and we, the MEC can't send anything out without ALPA legal looking at it, it's taking a bit longer than expected. No one is in a rush to release bad info. When we have all the info, it will be passed along.

So you're saying its really bad?? because you don't seem to be in a big rush.

If it's just "really bad", then there's no surprise

Either way, THANKS, Rob!
Quote: Christiane Amanpour .... what a ho-bag.

Thanks B. Needed a laugh. But your right. Our Ops Specs are gold plated.

Didn't mean to give you any wet dreams, there, J She just seemed an appropriate persona for most of the places we go...
Quote: So you're saying its really bad?? because you don't seem to be in a big rush.


Hey everybody...I was just busting Rob's chops. He said his phone has been lit up like a christmas tree since I posted this. I didn't mean to make light of the situation so MODs could you just delete it.

With all my free time that I have since being furloughed I just listened to Mr. Hete speak at the Dahlman Rose & Company Global Transportation Conference.

Sorry Cappy, he said only one more 757 for you and that it was a replacement for a 727. So much for all that expansion you have been talking about.
Sounds like you guys have been drinking too much of the JV kool-aid...
Quote: Dog. (or anyone else who knows)
Do you have that actual contract language? I'm not questioning you. I just tried to look it up just to read the actual language. I don't see anything about that in Article 1 under the Scope section. There is an MOU entitled Aircraft utilization but it is blank and says something like "Removed for Dispute Resolution."
Out of curosity, I just checked the 2009 CBA and all listed MOUs and side letters. I had always heard that ABX has this iron clad scope but I never bothered to read it for myself.
I didn't see anything about scope that would limit another ATSG company from operating 767s in the United States. If it's there, please tell me where to find it.
Air Transport Services Group, Inc. - FORM 10-Q - EX-10.1 - AIT TRANSPORT SERVICES AGREEMENT - May 10, 2010
This is between ABX Air and DHL from 2 and half years ago.

Now I did not read the whole thing, but at face value what does this have to do with ATI and CCI?
These Aircraft just showed up on Our fleet Status..... Things that make you go Hummmmm...


Now we get to watch Your Reliability
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