TSA numbers above 100k seven days in row

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Quote: Sounds like you’re pretty against it.
Ridiculous. I’m all for an effective coronavirus vaccine. Just doubt we’ll have one any time soon. Not impossible, but if we get one it will be the first one.
Quote: which will all return after the virus is under control, or their is a vaccine.
I am sure they will. The question is when
Quote: Obviously the mainstream media is there for entertainment too, they have to keep the park open 24/7. However you can’t really makeup a global pandemic. I guess you can turn off the TV and pretend it’s not there. But then you’ll have places like Texas, Arizona, the South, SoCal etc Only way to have people flying again is to take this seriously rather than pretending it’s not there.
Or you could use your brain and analyze the actual danger of this flu. Its there, it's just not dangerous to 99% of us.
But it hurts millions to hurt the guy you hate so...
Alinsky called, he commends your effort.
Quote: the reason for my optimism is how quickly the numbers rebounded in June, and the first week of July until the corona numbers started climbing again. That’s proof to me, that passengers will come back, and quickly.

also, due to early outs, Alaska, and southwest aren’t furloughing. Delta probably won’t either. Now I know, that is only 3 airlines, but every seniority list was supposed to be gutted on oct. 1. There is some positivity out there, that this may not be as devastating to pilot careers as once thought.
I don't know. The airlines were forced by CARES to fly more routes than they wanted to. So they lowered fares; sometimes to ridiculous levels. If that rebound was simply leisure travelers responding to rock bottom fares it doesn't mean much.

I agree there is some good news out there but a few airlines not furloughing isn't going to do much for those of us headed to the unemployment line. There are still going to be way too many pilots chasing way too few jobs. That fact alone plays against everyone's career expectations because it eliminates negotiating leverage and once the concessions start it puts pattern bargaining in a downward spiral.

Hopefully 90% of us are making $150+ / flight hour in a couple years. I highly doubt it though. Also, not furloughing on Oct 1 doesn't mean there won't be a second wave come January after a dismal fall and weak holiday peak.
Quote: How many of the others have we tried to develop vaccines for? Honestly asking, I have no idea.
SARS and MERS, because their case fatality rate was so extremely high. Don’t think anyone got past phase 2 testing though. Also a number of veterinary coronaviruses. Those had vArious degrees of success or lack of same,
Quote: I don't know. The airlines were forced by CARES to fly more routes than they wanted to. So they lowered fares; sometimes to ridiculous levels. If that rebound was simply leisure travelers responding to rock bottom fares it doesn't mean much.

I agree there is some good news out there but a few airlines not furloughing isn't going to do much for those of us headed to the unemployment line. There are still going to be way too many pilots chasing way too few jobs. That fact alone plays against everyone's career expectations because it eliminates negotiating leverage and once the concessions start it puts pattern bargaining in a downward spiral.

Hopefully 90% of us are making $150+ / flight hour in a couple years. I highly doubt it though. Also, not furloughing on Oct 1 doesn't mean there won't be a second wave come January after a dismal fall and weak holiday peak.
By January, humankind will be physiologically incapable of giving a flying frick about this. Shelter in place just won’t be obeyed that long; even in a war zone. Kinky stuff still goes on in Afghanistan. Clubs/bars exist in Iran. Life...uh, finds a way. Safety is a relative, self-serving illusion. The human psyche won’t allow fear to be at the forefront of every day life for a prolonged amount of time. Yes, I go through the motions of the masking and the social distancing. Just saying.
Quote: By January, humankind will be physiologically incapable of giving a flying frick about this. Shelter in place just won’t be obeyed that long; even in a war zone. Kinky stuff still goes on in Afghanistan. Clubs/bars exist in Iran. Life...uh, finds a way. Safety is a relative, self-serving illusion. The human psyche won’t allow fear to be at the forefront of every day life for a prolonged amount of time. Yes, I go through the motions of the masking and the social distancing. Just saying.
I hope so. I'm ready to get back to normal and I'm certainly not wearing a mask every time I leave my house for the next 30 years. Doing 'kinky-stuff' and flying to Cabo are two different things though. I think people may find all sorts of fun diversions that don't involve paying a bunch of money to sit in a metal tube with a bunch of strangers.

The government cheese is about to run out. Let's see how this economy holds up with tens of millions no longer getting in many cases more money than they have ever made in their lives.

Quote: SARS and MERS, because their case fatality rate was so extremely high. Don’t think anyone got past phase 2 testing though. Also a number of veterinary coronaviruses. Those had vArious degrees of success or lack of same,
Absolutely. Tremendous effort to immunize livestock against coronaviruses and of course fewer ethical considerations regarding testing. The results have been more or less complete failure on any sort of long term basis. Long term not being quite as important with beef cattle than with human populations.

Now I've never seen a pharmaceutical money grab like this one so I suspect 'something' will come out. How well or how long it works is up for debate. I don't think it matters because herd immunity is coming anyway and we've wasted so much money on this thing what's another $500 billion to the vaccine maker? Most people will incorrectly attribute the herd immunity to the vaccine though.
Quote: Or you could use your brain and analyze the actual danger of this flu. Its there, it's just not dangerous to 99% of us.
But it hurts millions to hurt the guy you hate so...
Alinsky called, he commends your effort.
Keep in mind not dangerous and not dead are two different things. I personally know three people that have had the virus. One was in his 50’s, healthy, and ended up in the hospital for a week.

The other two were healthy, in their late 20’s/early 30’s, and were so sick for over 6 weeks each that their big challenge for the day was walking out to the curb to get the mail. Apparently that was almost impossible on several occasions. They were really concerned about just surviving, struggling to breathe, and on several occasions were seriously considering calling 911.

I assume these three people are part of the 99% this isn’t dangerous to, and you’re partially right - none of the three died.
Quote: Ridiculous. I’m all for an effective coronavirus vaccine. Just doubt we’ll have one any time soon. Not impossible, but if we get one it will be the first one.
Then why is every other post about us not being able to get one? Including a main thread? You’re pretty adamant that we won’t get one beyond just passive belief.
Either way, it doesn't matter what some idiots in America think about it. The rest of the world is taking it very seriously, and they are not allowing us to travel until further notice.

​​For our sakes I wish people would just **** about their crazy conspiracy theories and get with the program so what we can put this crap behind is.
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