Interview Calls & Hiring Predictions

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Work work work squadron! Work work work pointy nose! Work work work military acronym!
Quote: Work work work squadron! Work work work pointy nose! Work work work military acronym!
So do you like... stuff?

*sigh* So what do you think about the contract?
Quote: Work work work squadron! Work work work pointy nose! Work work work military acronym!
You strike the line chatter grunt! Maybe if you deployed a little recon you'd see that Charlie has us surrounded. Look, you take the point i'll take the rear. If you need air... call it in!
LOL! Fortunately I wasn't good enough to go to the academy or fly fighters! Now where's my coloring book?
Just curious if it would be worth to apply. 3300tt 1000tpic 200 121 at my regional. My father in law is a 25 year A&P there. I also have a couple buddies I could get recs from.
Quote: Just curious if it would be worth to apply. 3300tt 1000tpic 200 121 at my regional. My father in law is a 25 year A&P there. I also have a couple buddies I could get recs from.
Your chances of getting hired are zero if you don't apply. Get your app done!
Quote: Just curious if it would be worth to apply. 3300tt 1000tpic 200 121 at my regional. My father in law is a 25 year A&P there. I also have a couple buddies I could get recs from.
Guys with less experience than that have been hired.
The hiring process is an enigma. I have several personal friends...really great guys...who haven't made it past the Hogan. Meanwhile we have 10K+hr LCAs being bypassed for regional FOs. Put in your app. You never know.
Quote: Just curious if it would be worth to apply. 3300tt 1000tpic 200 121 at my regional. My father in law is a 25 year A&P there. I also have a couple buddies I could get recs from.
Not even gonna ask you, it's been proven true;

Bear **** in the woods?

CAN'T get hired if you DON'T apply......
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