Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: "Folks, going to be needing those puzzle pieces back"
It's like that scene in Apollo 13.

Guys I want you to put this 747 back together using nothing but this... (drops puzzle pieces)... where is Ferd's piece?
Quote: Whispers say another WB announcement in the next 2 month. Personally I'm hoping for some 350-10000
That's exactly the kind of rumor I expect to hear going into negotiations. We don't buy and sell airplanes, management does. The fleet plans are what they are, and will be what they will be. I seem to remeber a fleet of 717s, E190s, and 737s contigent upon PWA signing. NOT.
Quote: That's exactly the kind of rumor I expect to hear going into negotiations. We don't buy and sell airplanes, management does. The fleet plans are what they are, and will be what they will be. I seem to remeber a fleet of 717s, E190s, and 737s contigent upon PWA signing. NOT.
Just curious. The rollout of the 717 was predicated on remapping our regional airlines. That required Delta to renegotiate numerous long term contracts. Do you think the regionals would have agreed to simply slash their fleets absent a agreement to allow them to bring on bigger equipment?
Quote: Just curious. The rollout of the 717 was predicated on remapping our regional airlines. That required Delta to renegotiate numerous long term contracts. Do you think the regionals would have agreed to simply slash their fleets absent a agreement to allow them to bring on bigger equipment?
I can't imagine the negotiating levers Delta would have pulled to get what they wanted but I can imagine them getting it done regardless. Interesting how you don't address the other fleets. I think those reading the thread understand my point.
Quote: Just curious. The rollout of the 717 was predicated on remapping our regional airlines. That required Delta to renegotiate numerous long term contracts. Do you think the regionals would have agreed to simply slash their fleets absent a agreement to allow them to bring on bigger equipment?
This statement is pretty ignorant, you won't get any support from former or current regional guys with that line. Delta has been reducing all kinds of regional feed without giving said regionals bigger equipment. It's not like the larger aircraft were going to the regionals planes were going away from reliably. While they did use larger aircraft for some companies as a carrot, they also took a lot away without doing so. ExpressJet got to be on both sides of that.

Delta wanted to remove 50 seat a/c anyway. That contract was a scope give, plane and simple. In exchange for reducing the number of planes which they already wanted gone, they got to add more of the planes they wanted.
Quote: Whispers say another WB announcement in the next 2 month. Personally I'm hoping for some 350-10000
How about the 5 ex Ethiad B777LRs?
Quote: We don't buy and sell airplanes, management does.
Yet we base our pay on the size speed capacity of those that management does buy. LOL
Quote: That's exactly the kind of rumor I expect to hear going into negotiations. We don't buy and sell airplanes, management does. The fleet plans are what they are, and will be what they will be. I seem to remeber a fleet of 717s, E190s, and 737s contigent upon PWA signing. NOT.

Exactly. This is a non-issue, why are you even bringing it up? We have seen the folly of taking aircraft orders into account when voting on a contract

Management will buy whatever fleets they deem most beneficial to DAL when and where they want - we have zero influence, and now hopefully even the "appearance" of the Pilot group having influence is a thing of the past.

Quote: How about the 5 ex Ethiad B777LRs?
Richard says they don't make money (from Amtrak)...
Quote: That's exactly the kind of rumor I expect to hear going into negotiations. We don't buy and sell airplanes, management does. The fleet plans are what they are, and will be what they will be. I seem to remeber a fleet of 717s, E190s, and 737s contigent upon PWA signing. NOT.

No kidding. I remember a negotiating committee member responding to my comment at the DTW TA2012 roadshow that management wants the 717 regardless if the TA passed. His response, "If we vote down the TA, management will heavy check the CRJ200's, retrofit new interiors, and fly them past 2025." Yes, that was his actual response. I couldn't believe his answer; I felt as if I were talking to someone from Mars.
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