Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: I don’t think you need to pull the Whiteslip. It won’t award anything that conflicts. Highly recommend Widgets works trip alerts. Getting immediate notice when trips came into open time made me at least 6 figures in income over the years and allowed me to work fewer days. It does cost 7.95 a month and I found many pilots unwilling to pay that.
Do you have to have a PC with Windows to run Widget Works? Doesn’t look like they have any Android or Mac apps.
Sorry on the numbers, guys. I forgot that pilots know better than station managers who run ramper staffing
Quote: Sorry on the numbers, guys. I forgot that pilots know better than station managers who run ramper staffing
Pilots on APC know better than everyone about everything.
Quote: Pilots on APC know better than everyone about everything.
Can’t argue with that, who else would know better than the pilots of APC? That statement confirms itself. I’m gonna tell my wife there is proof of my intelligence as soon as she gets back from whatever street corner tailhookah said she works on.
Quote: so he will be sticking around
don’t forget Ds get 2 for 1 ballots (mail and in person) might be closer than ya think
Quote: don’t forget Ds get 2 for 1 ballots (mail and in person) might be closer than ya think
more politics huh? Maybe let’s keep this out of the “latest and greatest”?

I liked when we had a politics thread. It can be the dumpster fire of apc. Scoop, make it so
Quote: more politics huh? Maybe let’s keep this out of the “latest and greatest”?

I liked when we had a politics thread. It can be the dumpster fire of apc. Scoop, make it so
sorry you had to read that, it was a joke not a serious statement

i thought the big grin emoji gave it away, but no

i tried to delete it but too late
Quote: sorry you had to read that, it was a joke not a serious statement

i thought the big grin emoji gave it away, but no

i tried to delete it but too late
I wasn’t kidding about a political thread. One thread the mods never go to. Why not? It’ll be like saruman and the lord of the rings

One Thread to rule them all, One Thread to find them, One Thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Quote: I wasn’t kidding about a political thread. One thread the mods never go to. Why not? It’ll be like saruman and the lord of the rings

One Thread to rule them all, One Thread to find them, One Thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Lets hit 20k by election day! We can all get behind that.
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