Delta Hiring News

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Quote: He didn't call them "superiorly qualified." Those are your words. Somebody sounds like a DB...and it ain't his friend.
Yes he did, however, as you'll notice, big guy, he edited his post.
I always look forward to reading new posts that are often filled with great information. And then there are the OTHERS.

Maybe instead of trying to pick apart posts that were most likely meant to add value, some of you could take a deep breath and STOP CRITICIZING others for what is most likely YOUR misunderstanding.
To all DAL candidates. Read Indy's post interview gouge. The knowledge required to successfully navigate the interview appears similar to the previous two rounds of hiring. The first 10000 posts, yes 10000 posts, of the latest and greatest thread has valuable info as well. Study hard and good luck. I've really enjoyed my time here. We have a good group of pilots. I can't believe how few beers I've bought for myself. Heck, my last captain did a walk around in the rain! Lol.
For all the military guys, let me please add some recommendations.
1) military flying is awesome and offers opportunities that most civilian guys can't imagine. For example, in my 20 years flying heavies (with a few staff jobs in between), I took off and landed in 69 countries and all 7 continents. And I'm damn proud to fly for Delta.
2) NOTHING will prepare you for that first push back in the ATL with catering trucks and baggage carts whizzing behind your jet and the ramp asking you for your RNAV departure. Nothing. You think you know, you don't.

Prepare yourself to be immediately humbled and challenged. You won't be in Kansas anymore. It'll rock your military mind.

With all that said, we welcome you and are so thrilled that you are joining our ranks. If anybody has questions, please PM me.

Quote: 1) military flying is awesome and offers opportunities that most civilian guys can't imagine. For example, in my 20 years flying heavies (with a few staff jobs in between), I took off and landed in 69 countries and all 7 continents.
An Atlas, Kalitta, or any other ACMI pilot can do that in less than 20 months

And gasp, they even hire civilians

And if it's NOT all 7 yet, they say it's just a matter of time.
Quote: An Atlas, Kalitta, or any other ACMI pilot can do that in less than 20 months
Doubtful. If they're flying for Atlas or Kalitta, there are some issues.
Quote: Doubtful. If they're flying for Atlas or Kalitta, there are some issues.
No emoticons, clarify?
the far parts of the earth are our bailiwick, from the Kush,to Kennedy,its all good.
buzzpat do tell,are you slamming my freight dog brothers,many who are furloughed major guys, what are their issues ?,I am curious.
Quote: buzzpat do tell,are you slamming my freight dog brothers,many who are furloughed major guys, what are their issues ?,I am curious.
Hence my question.
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