Kalitta Air (K4) Information

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Quote: It is a proving run. If it goes well they will do one in the Pacific next.
Why won’t it pass? We all know 76 can do Long hauls.. is it more proving the operations? Srry ETOPS newb
Quote: 🙁 Who is up for a night of drinks on me in exchange for a internal recommendation?
Hey drop me your email and I'll let you know when I'm on a Hong Kong or Amsterdam with a good crew. You can jumpseat along and buy drinks there. Perfect job interview if you ask me!

but they don't ask me.......
Quote: Anyone hired below 3000 TT?

I’m around 2700TT and 600PIC 121.
I hired on at 3300 with an internal rec and and 135 Check Airman experience, but was definitely on the low end. Most people in my interview pool had 4500-8000 hours
Quote: Why won’t it pass? We all know 76 can do Long hauls.. is it more proving the operations? Srry ETOPS newb
It’s a procedures thing. Everyone knows the 76 can fly long legs, but can the company mx comply with the rules, and can ops follow the prescribed procedures while the feds critique?

It shouldn’t be a problem, but stuff can happen
Quote: It’s a procedures thing. Everyone knows the 76 can fly long legs, but can the company mx comply with the rules, and can ops follow the prescribed procedures while the feds critique?

It shouldn’t be a problem, but stuff can happen
It becomes a bit more complicated when the 76s in question are broken more often than not. Several delays throughout the process because the aircraft went AOG multiple times.
Quote: They are filling in for those who did not make it through I’ve heard.
Street Captains about to be downgraded to FO per the contract and the end of the 270 day new fleet grace period for direct entry.
Quote: Bids have been out 2 days and no complaints about the 76 schedules? Man someone’s slipping...
Quote: exactly,,,,,,
How dare two people senior to me bid line #19 on the 747-400 >:[

Will that suffice?
What would be the best interview Prep/Gauge out there?
Quote: It’s a procedures thing. Everyone knows the 76 can fly long legs, but can the company mx comply with the rules, and can ops follow the prescribed procedures while the feds critique?

It shouldn’t be a problem, but stuff can happen
Ahh makes sense! Someone mentioned no crew rest areas on the 76? You guys think they will add some bunks maybe? 😬
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