Pilot shortage... Again!

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I am waiting for my dream to measure up to my expectations. If aviation can not provide it then I will make it on my own.
Now I am confused. I thought you already did that!

You know dude, I agree with the top 3 paragraphs. But you always have to throw in some sappy soap opera bit about "at my school they made flase promises and my innocent little self believed them" or "a legacy captain in my neighborhood did some unbelievable act of ignorance now I don't have a job" and the final SH passive aggressive schist that comes out eventually in every thread "The ignorant, arrogant pilots at the top who ruined my life".

If you'd use APC as your mouth piece and state your opinions about the ills of the industry that would be great.

But your incessant need to try and get even with the aviation world through sly little comments and your childish attacks on anybody and everybody who "made it" does nothing to bolster your story. In fact it only explains why you never had a chance. You are held back by your personality flaws.

Are we now going to hear from a "mysterious" poster who supports your cause 100% and sees everything you write and agrees with it, with 100% clarity and fervent indignation to the wrongs that have been perpetrated on you, the poor downtrodden skyhigh?

That was a pretty lame attempt to support your argument my friend!
I'm going to throw my 2 cents in from the eyes of a newbie in this industry. Just 2 weeks ago I was hired at an aerial survey company that puts you on the road for 7 months with basically no time off besides a few holidays and when the weather is too crappy to fly. I though to myself omg this is my break I'm going to fly 600 hours or so and be on my way to the airlines or where ever! Something inside just didn't feel right though.... and the more and more I thought about I got uneasy. I couldn't sleep at night I was getting a tad bit sick. I have a great paying job now aviation related, but non flying making around $65k a year. Well I took the offer and put my 2 weeks notice in. Now sure enough I get an interview for a regional here in the US (my true goal) and to make matters worse my current job is giving me a raise to keep me around. My emotions are all over the place and I realized I shouldn't have so much heart ache over my first break into the flying world. I plan on taking the raise and going to the interview and we can go from there. Flying just isn't worth the crap pay and constant on the road for 7 months. The though of being on the street with 135 mins was too much of a scare. There is thousands of guys like myself that cant find work and to leave a good paying job with just 600 or so more hours in the book just isnt worth it.

Edit: That is probably the worst run contraption of terrible grammar, but my head has just been all over the place lately with the crap this industry is bringing on me, so don't judge the grammar mistakes.
I also know that I will regret this decision for a long time.

In the end the there is only one right answer. You man up you make a descion and you live with the consequences. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't so don't do it.
Quote: Cruz,

In the end the there is only one right answer. You man up you make a descion and you live with the consequences. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't so don't do it.
As soon as I was offered the job it just didn't feel right I should have been happy to get the job but I wasn't so I'll take that as my sign.
You should definitely take that as a sign. I had a similar situation about 10 years ago. It can be a nice fantasy or daydream but when it comes down to it, it's difficult to walk away from a decent salary and its various benefits which come from a good job. You can build 600 hours of flight time on your own (CFI). It'll just take you a little longer but you'll always have that emergency exit in case you need it (and you can have the ability to enjoy yourself with some money in your pocket).
Quote: I also know that I will regret this decision for a long time.
Well, maybe you will, maybe you won't. And just because you decide TODAY not to take that flying job, it doesn't mean that you are locked out of flying FOREVER. If the decision rubs at you a couple of years from now, you can always change course and try to start flying again.
Somewhere in the world, there is a guy who has the perfect job. Even he probably wonders, from time to time, if he should have chosen a different career. Maybe we have a deep, primitive fear that it's bad luck to be satisfied -- angering the gods or something.
Quote: As soon as I was offered the job it just didn't feel right I should have been happy to get the job but I wasn't so I'll take that as my sign.
Wow, I'm surprised to read you didn't take the job. It's interesting to read your point of view on it now because I had been reading your comments in the NSA thread since you first started asking about the job. When some of the other guys started talking about how crappy the hotels and towns were that you had to stay in it started looking a little less appealing to me too. If I were in your shoes I don't think I would have been able to leave a steady 65k job either. Of course, right now I'm only making $10hr piloting a chevy delivery truck so I would probably take it if I was healthy (I'm in an arm cast up to my shoulder) and offered the job.
Are we now going to hear from a "mysterious" poster who supports your cause 100% and sees everything you write and agrees with it, with 100% clarity and fervent indignation to the wrongs that have been perpetrated on you, the poor downtrodden skyhigh?

That was a pretty lame attempt to support your argument my friend!
Hah, I'm amused that you think I'm Sky's alter ego; I assure you I am a real person. I'm glad you think I write with "100% clarity." Thanks for the compliment!

I hope I didn't **** you off too much in that smoke jumper thread 'cause I was really hoping to get a letter of rec. from you for UAL . Seriously though, it just seems to me like Sky gets a lot of unnecessary flack on here. The man is just stating his opinions. If you don't like what he has to say then stop reading his posts.
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