Why DAL's proposed ratio is inequitable

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as of today, may 1 2008, the nwa mec, is opposed to this merger. i support the decision, up to and including a strike. nwa pilots need to focus our energies on setting up strike centers and getting prepared for walking picket lines. i do not want to bet a career on a delta loa number xxxx, with their assurance that it is really for the best interest of all involved.
Quote: as of today, may 1 2008, the nwa mec, is opposed to this merger. i support the decision, up to and including a strike. nwa pilots need to focus our energies on setting up strike centers and getting prepared for walking picket lines. i do not want to bet a career on a delta loa number xxxx, with their assurance that it is really for the best interest of all involved.

To be accurate, the NWA MEC opposes the merger AS IT STANDS. That means they oppose a merger that doesn't include a single contract and single seniority list that is fair to ALL pilots, both NWA and DAL. The reason they want to negotiate the contract 1st and SLI 2nd, is to avoid another AWA/UsAir scenario. The arbitrator made a ruling on seniority integration which was contingent upon a single contract. Now with UsAir no longer belonging to ALPA, they are no longer binded by the arbitrator's ruling. They don't want a repeat of that, and I hope that DAL(pilot's and management), Moak, and Prater don't want it either. I know I don't.
Quote: as of today, may 1 2008, the nwa mec, is opposed to this merger. i support the decision, up to and including a strike. nwa pilots need to focus our energies on setting up strike centers and getting prepared for walking picket lines. i do not want to bet a career on a delta loa number xxxx, with their assurance that it is really for the best interest of all involved.
Gonna strike over the merger? Better dust up on the Railway Labor Act my friend. This will get resolved and never get to that point.
Quote: as of today, may 1 2008, the nwa mec, is opposed to this merger. i support the decision, up to and including a strike. nwa pilots need to focus our energies on setting up strike centers and getting prepared for walking picket lines. i do not want to bet a career on a delta loa number xxxx, with their assurance that it is really for the best interest of all involved.
Lots fo pent up hostility here. Maybe you need to focus your energies on cage fighting or bomb making. The process is in the first stages and your already looking for a fight.
Oh, the caps key is the third from the bottom on the left side of the key board.
Quote: as of today, may 1 2008, the nwa mec, is opposed to this merger. i support the decision, up to and including a strike. nwa pilots need to focus our energies on setting up strike centers and getting prepared for walking picket lines. i do not want to bet a career on a delta loa number xxxx, with their assurance that it is really for the best interest of all involved.
There we go, I figured we'd see the stereotypical NWA attitude here at some point. So much for working together...?

News flash: The merger's going to happen, you're not going to strike, and no amount of ****ing and moaning is going to change it.

If you want to make a statement...quit.
...and that MEC language is important. They are opposed to the merger AS IT STANDS. That is how I've read it most every time. They use that language for a reason and the reason is they want to use their leverage and negotiate.... Our DAL MEC has historically put out many similar tough-sounding statements that allowed them to portray and image of strength while simultaneously allowing wiggle room for negotiations.

So 757dtw, don't be so shocked when your MEC negotiates a transition agreement this fall, shuts down the strike centers, and poses for the group handshake photo shoot with Moak, Anderson, and Bastian. Or you can continue to be the angry mashmallow trying to stop the steamroller.

Successful species adapt to change...
Quote: the angry mashmallow trying to stop the steamroller
That's a great metaphor...mind if I steal it from you?
Quote: ...and that MEC language is important. They are opposed to the merger AS IT STANDS. That is how I've read it most every time. They use that language for a reason and the reason is they want to use their leverage and negotiate.... Our DAL MEC has historically put out many similar tough-sounding statements that allowed them to portray and image of strength while simultaneously allowing wiggle room for negotiations.

So 757dtw, don't be so shocked when your MEC negotiates a transition agreement this fall, shuts down the strike centers, and poses for the group handshake photo shoot with Moak, Anderson, and Bastian. Or you can continue to be the angry mashmallow trying to stop the steamroller.

Successful species adapt to change...

DAL guys, please, understand that NWA MEC opposes the merger as it stands ONLY because there is NO joint contract AND NO SLI. They do NOT want another AWA/UsAir debacle. That is WHY they oppose it. They are very willing to go back to the table and negotiate another single contract and SLI. They feel that w/o this, the merger will be a disaster. I personally hope to see something very soon.
Quote: DAL guys, please, understand that NWA MEC opposes the merger as it stands ONLY because there is NO joint contract AND NO SLI. They do NOT want another AWA/UsAir debacle. That is WHY they oppose it. They are very willing to go back to the table and negotiate another single contract and SLI. They feel that w/o this, the merger will be a disaster. I personally hope to see something very soon.
This sounds like "the chicken or the egg" paradox.

Does NWA's MEC oppose the merger because there is no joint contract/SLI?

Or....is there no joint contract/SLI because the NWA MEC opposes the merger and won't negotiate them?

I've heard it both ways on this forum...which is it?
NWA alpa is not very opposed to the merger. They had their representitive on the BOD vote for the merger as they were releasing the statement they were oppposed to the merger.
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