Internal Fedex Union.

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It's not ALPA or FPA..we could call ourselves the girl scouts. It's about unity and leadership. Loyalty is a two way street. DW and his good old boy network has failed us miserably. He's out there nordo somewhere. Did you read tonights pathetic message line? I've got $50 dollars that says he wouldn't show his face in a hub turn meeting now. ALPA is not the problem, our leadership is. Albie, TC and Vic are a good start. VT is supposed to be leaving my block...good. It's time for new leadership that may not win every fight, but are willing to fight the good fight, and represent our members.
Quote: While I agree that ALPA is evil, I do not think it, nor any evil, is "necessary."
Where were those 40,000 strong during the ComAir strike a few years back? They were all ALPA members, but, Oh yea, they were RJ drivers, and even though ALPA gladly took their money, they certainly had no intention of actually helping out a bunch of RJ Drivers.

If we want to have effective negotiations wihtout the INTERFERENCE of ALPA national, we need to go strictly IN HOUSE. NO ALPA, NO TEAMSTERS!!

This crew force drank the ALPA KoolAide, and now is sufferring the consequences. Some of us have been around the airline business longer than the typical FedEx "straight from the military" crowd. We've seen ALPA's work before.

ALPA: "We can do X, Y, and Z for your pilots because we have all this money, and all these lawyers."

Smart Pilots: "No thank you. We've seen what you "did" for FedEx, Alaska, ComAir, United, NorthWest, And Delta."

Don't drink the KoolAide! Prater is just another Jim Jones.
Let's see what internal got us....

1) lead negotiator was on union trip removal with pay and then drafting.

2) lead negotiator is now VP of ops.

3) Founder of FPA said it could be run with 1 (I SAY AGAIN ONE!) full time
person (the president) and a secretary.

4) Oh and the big one... A Midnight Parking lot contract!

5) feel free to add more...

As stated earlier... It's not the name on the door it's the people inside.

Quote: ............If we want to have effective negotiations wihtout the INTERFERENCE of ALPA national, we need to go strictly IN HOUSE. NO ALPA, NO TEAMSTERS!!

This crew force drank the ALPA KoolAide, and now is sufferring the consequences. Some of us have been around the airline business longer than the typical FedEx "straight from the military" crowd. We've seen ALPA's work before.

Don't drink the KoolAide! Prater is just another Jim Jones.
Why don't you do yourself and us a favor and quit ALPA. You can than sit on the sidelines and ***** with FO Bob L.

Of yea, also learn to use a spell check.
Quote: What makes anyone think we'd have different leadership, if we changed the name of our union?

The best armed military is no good, if the leaders aren't capable. Nor, is that military effective, if the soldiers won't fight.

Do you think that army would be more effective, with less weapons...But, a different name?
OK, sign me up for change...I don't care what we call it; I just want fair representation; a Union that represents the majority, not a select minority.

As far as your military analogy goes, I think it's safe to say that our MEC would have been relieved of command long of the first rules that you learn as a "butter bar" is to take care of your troops. They have failed miserably. I'm ready to fight. SG
Quote: Why don't you do yourself and us a favor and quit ALPA. You can than sit on the sidelines and ***** with FO Bob L.

Of yea, also learn to use a spell check.
Quote: Why don't you do yourself and us a favor and quit ALPA. You can "than" sit on the sidelines and ***** with FO Bob L.

"Of" yea, also learn to use a spell check.
Something about glass houses...

I can't spell for sh@##@T! So I try never to pass judgement....this time it was too much fun!
Well, he did spell the words correctly.
[quote=dckozak;292425]Why don't you do yourself and us a favor and quit ALPA. You can than sit on the sidelines and ***** with FO Bob L.

I have a better idea: Why don't we all quit ALPA, then Albie, TC, and Vic can actually represent our interests without the interference of the Herndon Mafia? Or are you taking the current leadeship's stance: Shut up and get out of our way? BTW, thanks to DW and the boys, we're Agency Shop now, or haven't you read the new contract?

P.S. Which is worse, misspelling a few words while typing, or using the wrong words all together. Hmm!
Of yea, also learn to use a spell check.[/quote]

Oh yeah! Sailing with Captain Morgan when we wrote this Don?
Quote: "...IF....IF by any chanceyouthink you can take any one of us alive.......
LOVE's THE ONLY WEAPON! Martin Luther King died TALKIN' about love....."
"...I've got my GUNs, I've got my CLAWS, I've got DYNAMITE....I'll fight...I'll fight...I'll fight...."

Group called Concrete Blonde actually sampled some of his death diatribe a while back on a tune called "Jonestown", and that got me interested enough to listen to more of the real tapes later on. Funny how quickly "kool aid" became part of the lexicon.

Strange music--but still liked it better than any of Lennon's crap (so there Eggman...)
Concrete Blonde is also the best of the Harry Bosch novels.
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