PSP 2.0; is it gonna happen?

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most recent Pelosi bill proposed with 1 minute left on the game clock is a political move. Either the republicans quick read it and sign it, OR they decline it and all the layoffs etc will be pinned on them.
Quote: We always fight the last war.

Applies to more than military matters.
Well the good news about coronaviruses is that they are not consciously evolving to be better than the last one... so a better response should produce better results.

In military matters, the enemy will most definitely and deliberately evolve beyond the last war.

The PRC's current RMA, for example, was a direct result of their observations of gulf-war-I. A very large, very experienced national military force using the exactly the same soviet hardware and doctrine which PRC subscribed to was utterly crushed by US (and some allied) forces in a matter of hours. PRC expected to learn some valuable lessons from Gulf-I... what they learned was that their emperor had no clothes. I give them credit for learning from the misfortune of others.
SECTREAS asks airlines to delay furloughs, house and senate still far apart on airline relief...
Quote: SECTREAS asks airlines to delay furloughs, house and senate still far apart on airline relief...

To clarify. He asked them to delay earlier in the day when it looked like there was a glimmer of hope. Now it looks like tomorrow will be a bloodbath

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game clock is up in 6 hours
Quote: SECTREAS asks airlines to delay furloughs, house and senate still far apart on airline relief...
As of a couple of hours ago it seems that there may have been some movement since that article was published. In the fourth paragraph down it looks like the airline support, as well as some other items, have been agreed upon. Hang ups are in other areas.
American Airlines will move ahead with 19,000 furloughs:
good luck everyone
Take care every one. Hope for something good in a few days. But be prepared for the F word.
Quote: Take care every one. Hope for something good in a few days. But be prepared for the F word.
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