PNCL CH11 = 9L pilots are FO forever?

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Quote: Anyone heard anything on when they will start giving the FO's ATP's? They better get rolling if the deadline is next year.
I'll bet they will wait and see how many downgrades there will be. Why train FOs who will be on the street soon?
I don't see how we can afford the amount of training necessary to move everyone over. I honestly feel like 11-09 was a big reason we went bankrupt. The amount of training proposed will make 11-09 look like childs play. Aren't we looking at 10x the training events?
Join the party boys!
No doubt management will plead the training cost case to the bankruptcy court to reduce the cost of realignment. Does anyone know the past precedent set concerning (out of) inverse seniority furloughs? I suppose I should try googling that for myself.
Quote: If I remember the Bloch award right, the totals are based on a certain number of captains per airplane. The quotas will be reduced as planes are parked. And lucky for the Colgan pilots, the Pinnacle numbers were artificially low. There will always be a handful of left seat spots available for the old Colgan pilots.

This is going to stir the pot a bit, but I feel a need to point out the irony. In the months since the Bloch award was published, I have not heard many Colgan pilots complain about the quotas. Rarely did I read how it was unfair that Colgan pilots were upgrading before the more senior pilots from Pinnacle and Mesaba. We got to hear a lot about how the Q400s were the future of the airline though. Now the tables are turned and suddenly the complaining starts. Is it unfair, of course it is. But it was also unfair for the last 9 months. This industry sucks, that's all there is to it.
No complaints from me. It's not the end of the world. I got two type ratings and almost two thousand hours of turbine PIC and now I'll be a jet FO but at least my QOL will skyrocket. I would have never imagined I would have the opportunity to hold 16 to 18 days off and it looks like I'm about to based on current PBS awards I've been looking at. I'm thankful to have a job and most importantly I'm thankful to have my health. Life's a roller coaster.
Quote: I'll bet they will wait and see how many downgrades there will be. Why train FOs who will be on the street soon?
I agree. I think they'd rather pay people to sit at home for a few months and see how things shake out rather than train someone displaced upwards of 2 or 3 times before eventually being furloughed anyway. It's sadly the cheapest option.
If I remember correctly when Mesaba went Bankrupt in 2005' the Union and the company negotiated a huge multi class bid in return for credit on the savings in training going to the pilots. Saved on cost and also you knew right from the start what your fate was. Correct me if I'm wrong on the XJ sham bankruptcy. I would imagine the same will happen here. To maximize the savings on training in a MCB Pinnacle needs Delta to show their cards on the CRJ200. Probably the only missing piece. So maybe sooner then later we will know how many planes we're actually losing?? ://
amazing how for decades when airlines parked airplanes, they must have included the cost of training events.

now with "regionals", they wait full authority to park airplanes and furlough out of seniority to "save money". I really hope this doesn't happen.
9L FOs (and everyone else at that airline) would be on the street and without a job if it weren't for the Pinnacle (and Mesaba) pilots.

So they might be FOs forever, but they have a job. And that job is on the backs of many many Mesaba and Pinnacle pilots who will be losing theirs because of Colgan.
The current "Seniority" list is a damn scam anyways. I really hope they throw it out.

Unless you think seniority means a guy 2 years your junior who took the job at a bottom-feeder prop outfit should be able to take your seat and kick you to the street while getting a pay raise in the process.
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