PDT News and Rumors

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Quote: No, they're not.... I lost a JS on American because the gate agent didn't know how to work their computer system, and they wouldn't listen to me.
Try the AA non-rev number.

Thanks, I do call that number every time to meal list before I try to get on an AA flight.
New occurence policy question:

Pilot dependability FIL states:
"Occurence: Any accountable absence, including but not limited to a missed flight/trip/assignment or late check-in."
SO, are they now once again counting late-check ins the same as just calling out sick?

I wasn't here when that was going on a few years ago, but I've heard that many people just called sick right before checking in, under the assumption that they might as well if you get an occurence either way.

Curious if any of you have heard discussion on this topic?
I heard this too. Guys who were running behind would call in sick and get a few days off vs. going to work and getting the same punishment. They changed it to make it a minor offense. Lately, I've seen that as long as the flight leaves on time they don't even notice a late check-in.
Quote: Guys who were running behind would call in sick and get a few days off vs. going to work and getting the same punishment.
Yep, that's how it was. I had a late check-in once. It was a lot of fun to deal with.
Last month there were a total of 40 positions at LGA, or 40 schedules for the month. (February)

Now for March they're at 37, with only 7 reserve lines, as opposed to the usual 10. Do they already have the furlough numbers and just forgot to tell us or something?
No exact numbers have been stated but the latest update letter more or less says furlough is now a certainty.
Total positions to be had, both reserve and lines.

40 down to 37 at LGA

40 down to 38 at SBY

26 down to 25 at CHO

23 down to 22 at EWN

44 down to 41 at MDT

49 down to 46 at ROA

That equals a total of 13 less positions or schedules to be had, system wide, for the month of March, in contrast to February. Then just looked at it again, and didnt take into account any LOA or medical leaves or anything.

Wierd as nothing has been announced yet, and they have to give 30 days notice for furlough via the contract I believe? What a crap-shoot.
Last plane does not go back til May...I'd say furloughs won't come until at least then...maybe not til June.
Quote: and they have to give 30 days notice for furlough via the contract I believe?
23-1 C) Pilots to be furloughed will be notified in writing at the last filed address. Pilots will be given 30 days notice or pay in lieu thereof ... Upon request a furloughed pilot will be paid for any unused vacation days.

If you are facing a furlough, might want to cash in those vacation days too - not being a doomsayer but who knows how long this company (or any) will last right now.
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