Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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I don't think this bid is going to be as big as many think. Biggest plus 35 DTW 744A.

Quote: FtB is truly a genius that has way to much time on his hands.
Because I have too much time on my hands, comes from sitting reserve with weekends off, I've decided I might need to get a side job as the Guard Nazi / ACARS In-Range guy, you know, the guy who passes your messages along.

or continue my job as a handsome trophy husband and dad. No picture necessary.
I don't see it being huge. Although, if one crew planner farts it becomes a 30 page award with the size airline we are now.

Progress update on 80's model railroad... came up with an initial track layout tonight:

I've got some nice bridges on there for you to really wreck those trains, ftb.

Mrs. 80 was tickled at the idea of a tunnel. I swear we're all 10 years old inside.
Quote: Because I have too much time on my hands, comes from sitting reserve with weekends off, I've decided I might need to get a side job as the Guard Nazi / ACARS In-Range guy, you know, the guy who passes your messages along.

or continue my job as a handsome trophy husband and dad. No picture necessary.

I got a guy GOOD on guard the other day.

He called "ops" and asked the status of their gate. Before the guard nazis could jump in, I got on and said "yeahh.. it be occupied fo at least 30 minutes."

This dejected "oh.." came over the freq. Then he transmitted another question about getting another gate and the nazis jumped in. Party poopers.
Quote: I got a guy GOOD on guard the other day.

He called "ops" and asked the status of their gate. Before the guard nazis could jump in, I got on and said "yeahh.. it be occupied fo at least 30 minutes."

This dejected "oh.." came over the freq. Then he transmitted another question about getting another gate and the nazis jumped in. Party poopers.
I was over the Ohio Valley once and some Pinnacle or someone called in range and somebody responded so freaking fast "go ahead..." and the guy just starts blabbing about wheel chairs and UMs and can you call the hotel and so on and dude responded "you got it, they're called." Oh it was great. But just about that fast someone said "YOU'RE ON GUARD!! CHECK YOUR MIC!!" and ruined it.

Guard police, you're the Matt Leinart of VHF, nobody wants you, nobody's impressed, nobody cares, nobody wants to hear from you. Just go away so the big boys can do their job.
80 you have your model trains and I'm going to have my model tire yard fire.
Quote: Sorry but it only held 9 waypoints but you may have had the super premium widebody version.
The LTN 92 in the 747-200's held 99 waypoints. You could enter the entire flight plan before leaving the gate.
This is off-topic (as if that's even possible here), but I'm not seeing the ad at the bottom of each page anymore. Was that done by the site administrator, or is it because I downloaded an adblocker for Firefox? Are the ads still there?
Quote: This is off-topic (as if that's even possible here), but I'm not seeing the ad at the bottom of each page anymore. Was that done by the site administrator, or is it because I downloaded an adblocker for Firefox? Are the ads still there?
Yes they are... and it is quite annoying.
Call the Close
Any ideas on what the psychotic DAL stock is gonna do today?

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