London Loads

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Quote: Wow, so there is a whole sub-category of FA's that are trained for Mint/seats that only they know how to operate and/or do the service? First airline I've heard of that does it that way.
So a FA must have specialized training how to cross seatbelts for Mint? To know how to adjust the seats and set the tray tables? Seems like an extra few hours would do that.
How long is the training course for a customer to be authorized to operate the Minty seats? Is there a simulator evaluation?
Quote: Wow, so there is a whole sub-category of FA's that are trained for Mint/seats that only they know how to operate and/or do the service? First airline I've heard of that does it that way.
they are getting rid of that this next recurrent is what I have heard.
Quote: Wow, so there is a whole sub-category of FA's that are trained for Mint/seats that only they know how to operate and/or do the service? First airline I've heard of that does it that way.
Yea and if you didn’t know that when you meet them, don’t worry they’ll tell you. They certainly think they’re something lol.
Quote: Yea and if you didn’t know that when you meet them, don’t worry they’ll tell you. They certainly think they’re something lol.
They are good in comparison to the ones who do London flying.
Quote: Yea and if you didn’t know that when you meet them, don’t worry they’ll tell you. They certainly think they’re something lol.
That’s funny. When I worked at a ritz Carlton a lot of the employees thought they were something special. Many never understood they were “the help”
Quote: So first, I took my family over last month…ZED on Virgin Atlantic out of LAX was an awesome experience. Full flight but the agents made sure we had good seats and the FAs were VERY attentive (the croissants we gave them were a hit). Coming back on JB no upgrade to a mostly empty MINT because we are not eligible as NK non-revvers. It was a bummer, and a bit befuddling at the time since I didn’t know the policy and even one of the FA’s asked me about the merger and said “we love you guys.” My thought was “Well, then why aren’t you upgrading us!?” Lol. Oh well, it is a dumb policy and I’m glad you guys are trying to get it fixed. Funny how that stuff matters, but it does. The back of the bus seats were plenty comfortable, however.

We booked our ZED on MyID and paid the fees then….
Not a dumb policy from a revenue-maximization/game theory perspective—if they start allowing even one free upgrade based on FF status or being a crewmember, people will stop paying for it in advance, rolling the dice hoping to get a complimentary upgrade.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen ppl purchase an upgrade at the gate/on-board the airplane. It’s all a big game and the game falls apart the second you start giving seats out for anything other than hard cash.

Hopefully they’ll fix it for DHDing pilots and space-A non-revs in that order in the JCBA, but the way our “culture” works, if you start giving comp upgrades to pilots but not literally everyone else, madness will ensue. There were FAs at this place who were upset when we got snack boxes/sandwiches on long flights as our crew meals.

Hoping the pilot + FA relationship/dynamic I’ve seen at Spirit helps to fix this, because we definitely have a few toxic ones out there who do not show any respect for Captains and seem to think they own the whole airplane. Your all’s FAs seem a lot more traditional and have a lot better attitudes towards pilots. And I’d hope most of your CAs are not gonna put up with this cleaning stuff like some of our 190 pilots still do
Quote: You think DAL is making medallions ride in the back with an empty F class cabin?!
Correct. DAL does not offer complimentary upgrades to any level of status on international segments. The product is too valuable.

JetBlue shouldn’t either. As was said before, the second you offer status upgrades, the quicker people will book a Y fare in the hopes that Mint has availability on departure day.
Quote: Yea and if you didn’t know that when you meet them, don’t worry they’ll tell you. They certainly think they’re something lol.
This is something intentionally cultivated by the company. Classic case of paying in culture and feels instead of paying in cold hard cash. They pay so little and are so desperate to hire anyone that they would not dare letting just anyone work the mint flights. Only those that will willingly work harder for gallons of blue juice only. Recent problem though is they are having a harder time finding warm bodies to apply for and join the mint FA cadre, its currently severely understaffed.
Quote: This is something intentionally cultivated by the company. Classic case of paying in culture and feels instead of paying in cold hard cash. They pay so little and are so desperate to hire anyone that they would not dare letting just anyone work the mint flights. Only those that will willingly work harder for gallons of blue juice only. Recent problem though is they are having a harder time finding warm bodies to apply for and join the mint FA cadre, its currently severely understaffed.
the company did it to themselves because they took away the higher min daily credit.
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