Colgan Changes Rules again to SUIT THEM

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Quote: Anyone who even cares about that list is a tool. That is the liars list. Who cares about an ontime performance list when we do not have ACARS.
Thats my point, its retarded.
Quote: The only thing you will gain is turboprop PIC (which, IMO, will not get you far). Get hired at a larger regional. Second year FO pay is better than what you will make as a captain! Then upgrade, get jet PIC and go from there!
Obviously you don't know all that much about this industry. Turbine PIC time is pretty good in most people's books. There are some carriers that might prefer JET time but for you to say you will not get far is not very intelligent.
Quote: The only thing you will gain is turboprop PIC (which, IMO, will not get you far). Get hired at a larger regional. Second year FO pay is better than what you will make as a captain! Then upgrade, get jet PIC and go from there!
Wow, get a clue. Maybe all of us prop guys (1900, Saab, Bro, Dash) can get on at a real airline one day. We are just putting around in these prop planes bulding time for an RJ FO position.

So Pitts, how do you explain all these prop guys moving on to fly mainline metal if the prop (turbine) PIC will not get you far, in your opinion of course?
Quote: Obviously you don't know all that much about this industry. Turbine PIC time is pretty good in most people's books. There are some carriers that might prefer JET time but for you to say you will not get far is not very intelligent.

He does have a point. The last round of hiring they were taking people with Jet SIC time over folks with PIC in smaller turbine planes. Others were specifying that the time had to be in something over 45,000 pounds.
Quote: He does have a point. The last round of hiring they were taking people with Jet SIC time over folks with PIC in smaller turbine planes. Others were specifying that the time had to be in something over 45,000 pounds.

The only airline that I recall where this was the policy was/is Cathay Pacific. Other than that, can you name another one? PIC time is much more valuable than any type of SIC time, unless maybe you're talking about space shuttle time.

The boatload of jet SIC time that I acquired at Eagle didn't do me, nor any of my buddies, any good in getting interviews at the majors. I'd say that aside from personal contacts, networking, and internal recommendations, PIC time is where it's at.
Quote: The only airline that I recall where this was the policy was/is Cathay Pacific. Other than that, can you name another one? PIC time is much more valuable than any type of SIC time, unless maybe you're talking about space shuttle time.
Delta was hiring this past year with SIC time, as was USAir and JB. One of them had the over 45,000 pound requirement; don't remember which one. Their SIC required time was significantly higher than those with PIC time in over 45,000 pound AC... So, I would agree; PIC is better, but not always.

Quote: The boatload of jet SIC time that I acquired at Eagle didn't do me, nor any of my buddies, any good in getting interviews at the majors. I'd say that aside from personal contacts, networking, and internal recommendations, PIC time is where it's at.
Many Eaglets at JB with SIC time only, a few at USAir that I know of... but you are correct, networking plays a much larger role than people think.
guys TPIC is TPIC, go ask SouthWest Recruiters and you'll see they seem to have a preference for Turbo-Prop guys.

Its more important who walks your resume in, not whats on it
Quote: I know we r going to have a apla vote but what about teamsters. Someone told me that they had enough cards but I havnt heard about a vote
they have until 11/4 (I believe) to file their cards. if they do, they will be included in the ballot, and people can vote for either one and the union with the majority votes will win.

if they dont file their cards, only ALPA will be on the ballot. this may dissuade some of those diehard IBT guys from voting, and thus if the vote fails AGAIN, any union who wants to try again has to wait ANOTHER year. what I'm saying is if IBT doesnt file this time, they're gonna have to wait another year. that is another 12 months without a contract. 1 more year of BS like street captains being allowed to transition ahead of guys senior to them. I hope those IBT guys think about this before they decide not to vote, if they are truly for representation.
Quote: The only thing you will gain is turboprop PIC (which, IMO, will not get you far). Get hired at a larger regional. Second year FO pay is better than what you will make as a captain! Then upgrade, get jet PIC and go from there!
uhm, LOL. what "larger regional" am I going to get hired at right now?

Quote: Delta was hiring this past year with SIC time, as was USAir and JB. One of them had the over 45,000 pound requirement; don't remember which one. Their SIC required time was significantly higher than those with PIC time in over 45,000 pound AC... So, I would agree; PIC is better, but not always.
I think you're right that DAL didnt have a PIC requirement, but that doesnt mean they dont value it. Also, DAL is definitely not the one with the 45k lb requirement... there were 2 or 3 CAs from colgan who went over there this past spring and they had only saab time.
I heard it was Jetblue that had the weight requirement but did not specify whether it was jet or prop. A few guys that had interview came to the 400 because they said the saab did not meet the requirement. I do not know the weight they were looking for.

Thats my plan though, get 1000 TPIC in the Q400 so I can get on with Comair or someone and start building some SIC jet time.
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