I feel bad for Mesa

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Quote: Even so, it was pretty funny how you ripped that guy to shreds. I haven't laughed like that in a while.
You're morbid, SharkAir
This guy sounds like gojet material. I heard they are hiring...

For SkyWest's defense, my friend from TSA interviewed at SkyWest and didn't get the job. Within his six month waiting period to reapply, I got on and sent his resume in. He was called right away and they set up another interview right at the six month point. Again, he didn't get the job. He also was denied at Air Wisconsin. He now works for Republic. I have heard a lot of people being denied twice by SkyWest.

Does anyone else know of a ramper from LAX who was hired as a pilot and then was fired within two months? I vaguely remember hearing something about that when I was flying the bro out there. That could have played some part in your story too. The race card is just annoying and we'll never come together as a societ as long as people keep brining it up.
Quote: Why would someone pulling the race card because he could only get hired by Mesa fear a backlash?
I hate the term "race card" What does that mean exactly? You mean to tell me that everytime someone brings up race,its pulling the "race" card? So, there are no legitimate cases of racism out there? It doesnt exist anymore? Is that what you are telling us? I realize tha a lot of people on this board are young, but come on, Racism and sexism are alive and well today. YOU may not see it, but it does exist and go on just not blatantly.
Quote: I hate the term "race card" What does that mean exactly? You mean to tell me that everytime someone brings up race,its pulling the "race" card? So, there are no legitimate cases of racism out there? It doesnt exist anymore? Is that what you are telling us? I realize tha a lot of people on this board are young, but come on, Racism and sexism are alive and well today. YOU may not see it, but it does exist and go on just not blatantly.
I agree with you that racism is alive and well in the US. What I contend though is that through the actions of relatively radical members of our minority population, you put those of us who reside in the majority in a defensive posture immediately when such allegations are claimed. If that is your goal, then you succeeded, but don't expect a civil discussion to follow. The vocal fringes of each group create these tensions. I do not believe that the majority of Americans are racist (especially not the younger generations who grew up post civil rights). We have a major problem with entitlement though on both sides of the fence right now. Remember we are all in this mess to do a job. The vast majority of people could care less about anything excpet that you can fly the airplane and you aren't a tool on a four day trip. Ok, I'm off my soapbox.
Quote: I agree with you that racism is alive and well in the US. What I contend though is that through the actions of relatively radical members of our minority population, you put those of us who reside in the majority in a defensive posture immediately when such allegations are claimed. If that is your goal, then you succeeded, but don't expect a civil discussion to follow. The vocal fringes of each group create these tensions. I do not believe that the majority of Americans are racist (especially not the younger generations who grew up post civil rights). We have a major problem with entitlement though on both sides of the fence right now. Remember we are all in this mess to do a job. The vast majority of people could care less about anything excpet that you can fly the airplane and you aren't a tool on a four day trip. Ok, I'm off my soapbox.
Great point cbire
Quote: I hate the term "race card" What does that mean exactly? You mean to tell me that everytime someone brings up race,its pulling the "race" card? So, there are no legitimate cases of racism out there? It doesnt exist anymore? Is that what you are telling us? I realize tha a lot of people on this board are young, but come on, Racism and sexism are alive and well today. YOU may not see it, but it does exist and go on just not blatantly.
The "Race Card" means that no one else can argue with you...no one can debate you. Guys like this can give a sketchy example on how he was discriminated against...and since its a personal account, no one can challenge it, nor can he really defend it. It just brings discussion and debate to a screeching halt. The Race Card has less to do with race issues as it does with being anti-social and anti-competitive. "I have nothing to interesting add to this debate...so let me pull out my race card."
Ok you say guys like this give sketchy examples and no one can challenge or debate them. Well let me ask you something blastoff. When is it no longer sketchy? When the act is just blantanly put out there for all to see such as you? As long as the person experiencing it does not have a witness, it just doesent happen? and need not be talked about. IM not looking for a challenge nor defend what I Experienced. But I will warn those of color that some folks in management at some airlines have a racist attitude and will use it to weed out there idea of the wrong type of pilot. It does exist, and unless you have been there you dont know what the heck your talking about.
As for my attitude, I did not throw a pity me party over it, I moved on. The comments I made was for those who have been in similar situations, you have not, so consider yourself fortunate.
Quote: I agree with you that racism is alive and well in the US. What I contend though is that through the actions of relatively radical members of our minority population, you put those of us who reside in the majority in a defensive posture immediately when such allegations are claimed. If that is your goal, then you succeeded, but don't expect a civil discussion to follow. The vocal fringes of each group create these tensions. I do not believe that the majority of Americans are racist (especially not the younger generations who grew up post civil rights). We have a major problem with entitlement though on both sides of the fence right now. Remember we are all in this mess to do a job. The vast majority of people could care less about anything excpet that you can fly the airplane and you aren't a tool on a four day trip. Ok, I'm off my soapbox.
I agree with you to a certain extent cbire,

But You have to understand what racism means. its deosn't neccessarily mean one race hating or discriminating another race. There is unconcious racism. Thats means people natuarlly act one way towrd one race and another way towad another race. I agree that most people in this country are not racist on purpose, but let me give you an example from this board of what I am talking about.

Have you guys read the thrads about people going to work for ASA or Delta and they go to Atlanta to train. What are the comments they make about living in Atlanta? I have read things on this board like "be careful around ASA's GO" or "you dont want to live near the airport. you may get mugged" now lets be honest. We all know that the area around KATL is a majority low income majority black area. People can get mugged there. But guess what? People can get mugged in Roswell, Sandy Springs and other suburban areas as well. But you dont read comments about staying away from the suburbs.

Thats an example of racism. I dont think the poster has anythiong against black people. Its a lot more complex that that. There are stereotypes that are at work here. Its an assumption that in the poor black areas you will get mugged. But that same assumption is not there for the subrubian white areas.

Heres another example. Two guys a black guy and a white guy go in for a job interview. The interviewer is a senior Captain ERAU grad. The white applicant graduted from UND. they get to talking, they have a great repore with each other, they both like the same type of music and have had similar backgrounds. The black applicant goes in. he graduated from SC State Univ. The interviewer never heard of that college. They have nothing in common except flight time which all applicants have., so it becomes the standard formal interview. Who do you think will get the job?

A lot of times,its not about the qualifications. Its about the interaction between the interviewer and the interviewe.

I know thats kind of down and dirty but I hope the intelligent folks on here can kind of see what I am getting at.

I'm not trying to start a race discussion. I just wanted to take the opportunity to expound on a very interesting subject. I love all Americans. I find race a very interesting subject. One day I am going to write a book on it. Anyway. take care.
So mach......if you drop this on a pilot site annonymously, did you have the cohones to file a discrimination suit against this chief pilot? No? Well then you can understand your credibility is low with us since this does certainly seem sketchy. If it affected you so much why did you not do anything except throw this out on a message board?
Quote: I agree with you to a certain extent cbire,

But You have to understand what racism means. its deosn't neccessarily mean one race hating or discriminating another race. There is unconcious racism. Thats means people natuarlly act one way towrd one race and another way towad another race. I agree that most people in this country are not racist on purpose, but let me give you an example from this board of what I am talking about.

Have you guys read the thrads about people going to work for ASA or Delta and they go to Atlanta to train. What are the comments they make about living in Atlanta? I have read things on this board like "be careful around ASA's GO" or "you dont want to live near the airport. you may get mugged" now lets be honest. We all know that the area around KATL is a majority low income majority black area. People can get mugged there. But guess what? People can get mugged in Roswell, Sandy Springs and other suburban areas as well. But you dont read comments about staying away from the suburbs.

Thats an example of racism. I dont think the poster has anythiong against black people. Its a lot more complex that that. There are stereotypes that are at work here. Its an assumption that in the poor black areas you will get mugged. But that same assumption is not there for the subrubian white areas.

Heres another example. Two guys a black guy and a white guy go in for a job interview. The interviewer is a senior Captain ERAU grad. The white applicant graduted from UND. they get to talking, they have a great repore with each other, they both like the same type of music and have had similar backgrounds. The black applicant goes in. he graduated from SC State Univ. The interviewer never heard of that college. They have nothing in common except flight time which all applicants have., so it becomes the standard formal interview. Who do you think will get the job?

A lot of times,its not about the qualifications. Its about the interaction between the interviewer and the interviewe.

I know thats kind of down and dirty but I hope the intelligent folks on here can kind of see what I am getting at.

I'm not trying to start a race discussion. I just wanted to take the opportunity to expound on a very interesting subject. I love all Americans. I find race a very interesting subject. One day I am going to write a book on it. Anyway. take care.
I think your example of the two guys in for a job interview is a tad skewed. Lets take the same exact scenario with two white guys, same guy who graduated from the same school as said interviewer, likes same music etc... The other candidate doesn't have a chance either, black or white. To say its because the guy was black is a wrong assumption. No matter what the color of your skin, if you go up against a candidate that strikes that kind of report with an interviewer, its called nepotism, not racism.
As far as the low income area's having a higher incidence of muggings, there are plenty of low income white areas where muggings are just as prevalent. Again, to say its strictly a black thing is skewed.
I agree, no need for a major race debate on here.
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