UPS to hire 40 pilots

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The other thread has been closed (??) so here it goes...

Quote: I can understand some of the negative attitudes some of these guys have. But I think we are beginning to deal with the younger generation who were given trophys for coming in last place. Some of these posts reveal an entitleed mentality and a coddled past thats unable to deal with any adversity. Thats the last I'll say about this.

Vito, I understand what you're trying to say and agree with you to a certain degree. However, there's no such thing as a "younger generation" here. The average new-hire age from '04 to '07 was in his or her mid 40s or maybe even older. In the 90s the average age was in the mid 30s. Also, I've heard some very senior guys complain just as much or even more than what you've seen here so this has nothing to do with someone being a "younger" or a "more junior" generation.

It has to do with people's personalities and perceptions and it's not something you'll ever be able to change.

Their gripes are very legit and we do have problems that need to be dealt with. I disagree with their doom & gloom advice for the prospective new-hires but I guess it's their right to vent their frustrations.

Hopefully people reading message boards looking for advice and help with their applications/interviews will realize that the vast majority of our junior guys/gals are like Pilot7576 and FIT59. They refuse the kool-aid but also the passive-aggressive "burn it down" mentality.

...and if the hopefuls do get hired they'll quickly realize that no matter how much venom some of the more negative guys might be spewing out here, they too are actually good people and fun to hang out with on layovers. We really do have an incredible group of people working here.
Thanks for the information. Good to know.
Quote: UPS will provide you with luggage, flight case, and uniforms. We switched to an iPad EFK last year, which you will also be provided with (it's company property, not yours to do as you please). The company is still evaluating a flight bag replacement, but it's been over a year and they have not come up with a solution. Most guys have ditched the classic flight case in favor of either a back pack or smaller, lightweight briefcase. We are still carrying a small amount of paper enroute charts, waiting on the next major revision of the JeppFD app before yanking them completely.
Thanks for the information. I look forward to learning more in the coming weeks.
Give the banana a break....there are a whole lot of guys who would like a better paying job and there are some of us who need A job. While I am right there with you in regards to supporting our military members for the sacrifices they sometimes gets frustrating knowing that an ex military flyer will always get more "points" in the computer that sorts us all out.

I've got 19000 TT 14000 TPIC check airman, all wide body heavy international time w 3 wide body Types and I'm not getting called for any of the majors. A good amount of that time was flying in and out of actual war zones as a civilian contractor for the US....but I still can't check that box.

Some of us didn't have the opportunity to join the military....doesn't mean we didn't support our country any less . I'm not saying that the military time should add some weight ...but please don't let it completely eclipse the rest of us.

Thanks for listening......I just need a job......
Quote: Give the banana a break....there are a whole lot of guys who would like a better paying job and there are some of us who need A job. While I am right there with you in regards to supporting our military members for the sacrifices they sometimes gets frustrating knowing that an ex military flyer will always get more "points" in the computer that sorts us all out.

I've got 19000 TT 14000 TPIC check airman, all wide body heavy international time w 3 wide body Types and I'm not getting called for any of the majors. A good amount of that time was flying in and out of actual war zones as a civilian contractor for the US....but I still can't check that box.

Some of us didn't have the opportunity to join the military....doesn't mean we didn't support our country any less . I'm not saying that the military time should add some weight ...but please don't let it completely eclipse the rest of us.

Thanks for listening......I just need a job......
Fully understand and I hope you get a call someday. It's not fair to overlook guys like yourself just because you didn't learn to fly for free.

There are plenty of civilian guys at UPS. There has always been a good mix 50/50 in every class since I've been here. Not sure (shocking) why the current class is all military.

Civilian guys are tax-paying Americans, too!

good luck!
no leather jacket for You!
UPS pays for almost everything when you get hired, but NOT the leather jacket. It's an optional item, so you get to buy it. You also have to buy your own plain black shoes.

Why they still issue hats us beyond me.
Quote: Give the banana a break....there are a whole lot of guys who would like a better paying job and there are some of us who need A job. While I am right there with you in regards to supporting our military members for the sacrifices they sometimes gets frustrating knowing that an ex military flyer will always get more "points" in the computer that sorts us all out.

I've got 19000 TT 14000 TPIC check airman, all wide body heavy international time w 3 wide body Types and I'm not getting called for any of the majors. A good amount of that time was flying in and out of actual war zones as a civilian contractor for the US....but I still can't check that box.

Some of us didn't have the opportunity to join the military....doesn't mean we didn't support our country any less . I'm not saying that the military time should add some weight ...but please don't let it completely eclipse the rest of us.

Thanks for listening......I just need a job......
I understand your frustration and hope the next few classes have more civilian background pilots in them. UPS was very good during the last hiring phase to have a good mix of different backgrounds in new hire classes. Also kind of shocked by the lack of women and minorities in the first class. I think that will change though in the next few classes.
Quote: ...Also kind of shocked by the lack of women and minorities in the first class. I think that will change though in the next few classes.
Several women have interviewed and have been hired. They'll probably be in training soon.
Early Retirements

In 2014 UPS has 28 mandatory retirements.

The IPA just released the names of the 34 pilots who retired already, at the mid point of 2014.
MACHONE… a well presented point.
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